I do love him !

After Marriage




I figured out that before married our partner will always try to show how much they love us and always give undivided attention to us. But, after got married … the conversation became lesser, the love seemed to fade away. Even though a lot of time is spent together, the distance became farther.

I am watching the TV in the living room while Jonghyun is writing a new lyric – I think. Did I tell you that my Jonghyun is a famous composer at the well-known SM Entertainment? He also had great voice and can sing well. He used to sing me to sleep.

-          “Welcome to ‘Super Lover’! This week we are having ten pair of love birds here in our studio. Tonight we will test them on how much they understand their partner”

The voice from the TV attracted my attention. My hand digs into the plastic and take another piece of potato chips. I took a short glance at Jonghyun. He seemed so absorbed in his writing.

-          “The lovers will be asked question about their partner. The pair who get the highest marks will won….”

“ Key.” Jonghyun called me.

I turned my head to him and replied, “Hurmm.”

“Why didn’t you wear your favourite jacket? You always wear them.”

“Huh? Today is not that cold” I answered. Since when he cared whether I wear jacket or not?

“o-okay”, he shrugged.

The love and the romantic feeling I used to get before our marriage now, I had to find them myself.

-          “Let’s get started now! Okay, this first question is, what is your lover favourite colour?”

“White”, unconsciously I answered the question too.

Jonghyun turned his head to me.

I smirk and “who answer wrongly has to cook tonight” I challenged him.

-          “Next question is, what animal do your lover afraid of?”

-          “She is afraid of frog”


I heard Jonghyun’s answer and smiled. Looked like he accepted my challenge.

No one POV

-          “Okay. That’s right! Third question is, where did you go for your first date?”

“Han River”

“Han River”

Jonghyun and Kibum answered at the same time!

-          “Your partner’s age and blood type?”

“25 years old. A”, Jonghyun answered calmly.

“26 years old. AB”, Kibum looked slightly annoyed.

-          “Hobby?”

“Shopping, dancing!” , Jonghyun started to raised his voice.

“Writing lyrics, listening to music, sing!”, Kibum don’t want to lose.

-          “Other’s bad side?”

“Stingy, can’t cook, lazy !!!” Kibum replied louder.

“Shopping mania, money-waster, at sports!!!” , Jonghyun feel the competitive side in him was showing.

-          “Okay. Next, where is your partner’s hometown”

“DAEGU!!!” Jonghyun literally yelled his answer.

“SEOUL!!!!” and Kibum really don’t want to lose.

Kibum and Jonghyun fell on the couch. They were panting and sweating. Both of them refused to lose.

-          “Congratulations! This pair succeed in answering all question. They are really know  each other well. Now, this is the final stage of our game.  If this lover can answer the last question they will bring back the main prize today! “

The air is full of tense. Jonghyun move closer towards the TV as well as Kibum. Kibum put his hands on Jonghyun’s shoulder. Their eyes is focusing to the MC.

-          “Oh, it is nerve wrecking situation. This is the last question, listen carefully…”

Jonghyun and Kibum looked like they want to enter the TV. They were listening.

-          “….tell me your partner’s birthday!!”


“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”, Kibum burst into laughter. “This show is ! The easy question like this can be the last question?! Haha! Let me answer first, your birthday is on 8th April.”

Jonghyun looked uneasy but Kibum was too busy laughing to notice the change of Jonghyun’s face.

“Hurry. Tell me you answer~” Kibum cooed.

“23rd…September” Jonghyun answer slowly.

Kibum bring his finger to his chin and make the thinking pose. “ 23rd November… it is near right? What date is today??”

Kibum quickly grabbed the calendar on the shelf.


“It’s TODAY?!! Oh My God!! I totally forgot.” I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday!

I looked at Jonghyun. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” obviously, I tried to hold my anger.

“OR YOU ALREADY FORGOT MY BITHDAY?!! YOU NEVER MISSED IT BEFORE!!” I grabbed his collar. I never good at hiding my emotions.

“ I-I” Jonghyun stuttered.

I looked sternly at him as I wait for him to finished his sentence.

He sighed and said “nothing.”

“HUH?! Nothing??” I released his collar and walked away. I can feel the tears in my eyes are threatened to flow out.

“Key, wait…”

“Don’t follow me!! I want to be alone!!” I yelled at him.

I am so disappointed and mad. Jonghyun never forgot my birthday before. We will always celebrate together. I entered our room and slammed the door at Jonghyun’s face and locked it.

I know he is surprised by my action but I can’t think straight now. My heart hurt as well as my head.

Knock! Knock!

“Key, don’t be mad. Let me explain. Open the door please”

“I want to be alone!!! Go!! I don’t want to hear your voice now!!”

I throw the pillow to the door as I imagined to throw it to Jonghyun’s face.


It went silent after that.

I buried my face into my pillow and sobbing. My heart is really hurt.

He didn’t love me anymore. If he loves me he will remember my birthday. He will put me in first place in his life.


“Urgh” my head hurts. I yawned and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

When did I fell asleep?? Ahh~ its cold.. and I’m hungry.

“What time is it?” I looked the wall clock. “It already 1 a.m?”

I shouldn’t get mad at Jonghyun. I shouldn’t blame Jonghyun alone because I also forgot my birthday.

I put on my jacket.

“Ah, its cold” I mumbled to myself. “I should make some food. Maybe Jonghyun is hungry too.”

I slipped my hand into the pocket as I walked out of the bed. My right hand felt something hard in the pocket.

“Eh?” I didn’t put anything there as I remember.


“Why didn’t you wear your favourite jacket? You always wear them.”

“Huh? Today is not that cold” I answered.

End of flashback

My eyes got bigger as I remember our conversation earlier.

It’s him.

“Jjongie!!” I ran outside to find him.

There is a bowl of instant noodle and a bottle of hot water outside of our room. There’s a note too.

I picked the paper and it wrote,


My Kibummie,

Don’t mad. You don’t look beautiful when you get mad. I didn’t forgot your birthday honey.




The tears are rolling down my cheek.

I was wrong. He didn’t forget my birthday. He just didn’t want to ruin my surprised. That’s why he didn’t say anything when I was scolding him earlier.

I make my way to the living room. I took out the small gift box from my pocket and I saw my Jjongie is sleeping on the couch.

I walked slowly to him, not wanting him to awake. I sit on the couch and kissed him on his cheek.

“Thank you Jjongie” I whispered to his ear.

After marriage, the partner will talk less. But, their actions already showed everything. And I just understand this theory.

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porkypanda48 #1
Chapter 1: Kyeoptaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ love your story. :)) author-nim hwaitiiiiiiiing!
Chapter 1: I hope they'll get married someday! Hehehehe~ but I know it was impossible in Korea.
Chapter 1: I just 'awwed' here. So cute! :)
Mrin_Jr #4
It's so cute ^^ I really like it >o<
Uhmm... my friends is Blinger and she has some bad trouble. I wanna give to her many gifts.
Can I translate your oneshot in order to give to her ?
I think she will be happy.
And I hope you agree :*:*
I will credit enough and give you link when I finish it. ;)
lydia1991 #5
Chapter 1: I love this <3
Chapter 1: Aww so cute. Silly Jjong though it's so romantic. Kyaaa. <3
Chapter 1: That was cute...but excuse me if i ask this, are you a Malaysian?
Chapter 1: that was so cute and sweet and really great :))
fadsyacharm #9
Chapter 1: kyaaahhh...
it siuper duper sweet authornim,,
Chapter 1: Ooooooo,,
so sweatttt,,,,,