

Having a one-sided love for your bestfriend and having that love rejected could be the start of an end.


It's going to be a short story about realizations and relationships developing.


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 3: Simple and sweet. I like.

I like chansung. But i like jake too. Hahaha
arashiryuuki #2
Chapter 3: Awwwwww.l sweeet!!
Ryne79 #3
Chapter 3: Sigh.....melting here! N thanks for the awesome story luv it much
gelliii512 #4
Chapter 3: "Do I have to you to prove otherwise?" Ahahaha hilarious
pbjelly #5
Chapter 3: too ing cute
hottest1158 #6
Chapter 3: ok writer-nim, u got me! im in love with ur stories, gonna read all ur fics now~ *poof!
Chapter 3: Oooh gosh, so cute <33333
Thanks :3
Nichkhunieee #8
Chapter 3: I love your stories!! Will there be more?
Chapter 3: Seriously.. I really loved this story..
SooJung #10
Chapter 3: Awww~ *sniff* I actually shed a tear. >< *sheepish smile*
I LOVE this... SO... Chansung. xD WRITE MORE! *bribes you with cookies*