I'm leaving...

Eyes with pain

Past 2012~

"MINYOUNG!!!, GET OVER HERE AND WASH THE DISHES!!!"  Echoed through the hallways of the 1 story house, "Yes, Mom" was heard, Minyoung had just came back from walking over to her uncles family to cook for them, she rushed towards the kitchen, and started to wash the mountain of dishes, once she was done, she looked around to see if there were any other chores, but she had done them all since dawn, if she didn't  she would get punished, she never had anyone to depend on, even her bestfriends betrayed her, she figured that there was no point on depending on friends, or trust anyone, but he was the only person she still had faith in, the only reason she hadn't run away from home is that, he might not be able to find her, she had packed her luggage many times but everytime she zipped it up ready to leave, her brain would remind her that she had to wait for him, so she put up with it for 3 years, but today, was the day she broke, she couldn't take it anymore, her family didn't care, once she leaves her room words like 'disgrace, , hopeless, nuisance' would all escape from their mouths, today was the day she would leave this death trap, the day that she won't get hit just because of the tinyest mistakes, she wouldn't need to wake up at 4 am to do chores, the day she would stop feeling like a nuisance and how her parents say they regretted having her, the day her family wouldn't see her again, the day she ran away...she packed everything that was important to her into a black luggage, she put clothes, pictures and memorys she had with him, she knew that no one was awake at this time, it was 2 am in the morning, she wrote on a piece of paper, 'Im leaving' she wore her coat and walked out from her room, she looked around, taking the last glimpse of the place she hated the most, she wore her black converses and just like that, she ran away. she didn't know where she was going to go,  she was hoping to get a job that would cover sleeping place, she was walking down the streets of gangnam, she could feel alot of eyes on her, i mean who wouldn't look at a girl who was carrying her luggage around at this time, she turned her head to the side, thats when it caught her eyes, it was a noodle shop that was hiring, and they cover a single bedroom, Minyoung walked in, she smelt ramen and when she walked towards the counter and was greeted by a halmeoni in her 50s~ "Annyeonghaeseyo, How may I help you?" he asked with a warm smile, "Annyeonghaeseyo jeoneun Lee Minyoung imnida, I was wondering about the job offer" "Aren't you too young? don't you have to go to school?" she asked with a worried look, "Ani, even if im young, i promise to try my best, and the reason is i've had family troubles"
Minyoung's P.O.V
I said trying to hold back the tears, she took me through a door at the back of the restaurant, which connected to a small cozy home with 2 bedrooms, she sat me down on the couch, and brought me a cup of milk, i thanked her, once i finished drinking, i told her how i ran away, during that i started crying, she pulled me into her embrace, after that, she told me that, i could have the job and stay, i started wroking there, and still went to school normally, it's the last week of school before i graduate, Halmeoni, treats me like her own grandaughter, she opened up the store alone, and her son moved to america, so she has no one, but i promised to always be by her side and look after, she looks after me alot and loves me, im so glad that i met her, we do everything together. I got my results, i made it in one of the highest universitys Woolim University. I stayed in the room that Halmeoni's grandson use to sleep in when he came over, but since he is in america i can take his room, Halmeoni said that me and him would be really great friends if we were to meet, i decorated the room with pictures of us, and some things me and myungsoo did together, i also had pictures of me and halmeoni in the room, once she came in and saw the pictures, she had a really big grin, i asked her why, and all she said was '"One day you will know".



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Chapter 1: Update soon ~~~~