Of White Sand and Blue Water

Take Care of My Wife (Sequel to Take Care of My Girlfriend)

In the midst of November, Soobin, who was due to get married in early January, had begun her wedding preparations. As her best friend, I tried my best to assist her while being heavily pregnant. While bringing the Juniors along, I followed her to choose the design of her invitation cards as well as the choosing of menu for her wedding ceremony. The last thing she had to do on her list was her wedding venue. As she had wanted a beach wedding, her ceremony had to be held at Sokcho Beach in Gangwondo, which was just a few hours away from Seoul by car. Hence, we decided to go for a short getaway to the beaches there with the wedding planner to talk about the setting up.

“How long is the drive there, mummy?”Jihyuk asked sleepily as I helped them onto the car.

“Two hours or so,”I replied.

“Then, why are we going so early?”Minhyuk mumbled as he grabbed his teddy bear, preparing to sleep in the car.

“To avoid traffic. Wear your seat belts properly, Juniors,”I smiled at their sleepy faces.

As I closed the door for them, I was met with Hyukjae oppa who had opened the door to my side of the car while yawning.

“Do you want me to drive instead? You came home a little late last night. You must be tired,”I asked.

“Nah, I’ll be fine. Thanks for offering though,”he gave me a lazy smile.

We were able to meet up with Soobin and Donghae near her apartment. With them following our car, we drove all the way to Gangwondo with a few stops in between. When we have finally arrived, we checked into our accommodation for the night and decided to rest a little before lunch. When lunch time struck, we headed downstairs for a meal before heading off to the beach which was what we came all the way here to do.

“WHOO WE ARE AT THE BEACH!”Jihyuk cheered as he ran around.

“Don’t go too far out into the water, understand?”I tried to shout as the Juniors ran further away.

“I’ll go with them,”Hyukjae oppa smiled as he patted my arm.

He ran after the Juniors and began playing with them, making sure that they stay close to shore.

“Do you like it here?”Donghae asked Soobin.

“It’s not too bad and the hotel is nearby too. It wouldn’t be too inconvenient for our guests, right?”Soobin asked.

“What do you think, Haemin?”Donghae asked me.

“Why are you guys asking me? Soobin is the bride so she should decide!”I chuckled.

“By then, baby Jimin will be popping out and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable during my wedding ceremony. If it gets too much, the hotel is nearby and you could go back for a quick rest,”Soobin explained.

“Oh god, why are you so sweet? This is your wedding so why are you taking me into consideration. Don’t make me tear…,”I looked away.

“Are you….about to cry…?”Donghae asked, shocked.

“Apparently, she cries even more easily now that she’s pregnant. Yah, stop being such a crybaby!”Soobin laughed.

“I’ll make sure that the tent is well-ventilated so it doesn’t get stuffy for your friend,”the planner said as she smiled at Soobin.

“That’ll be great. I’m just worried about her since she might suddenly give birth during my ceremony,”Soobin laughed.

“If it came true, you wouldn’t be laughing anymore. It’s your day and I would have stolen the spotlight,”I shook my head.

“Oh please, are we really going to talk about that? We’ve been friends for too long, Haemin. I would gladly postpone my ceremony if you needed to give birth that day,”Soobin patted my back.

“Stop it,”

“She’s really fun to tease when she’s pregnant. She cries over every small things,”Soobin giggled as she watched me walk away.

I left the couple to the planner and went towards my boys to see what they were up to. Hyukjae oppa turned around just in time to see me walking over and he held out his hand for me to hold.

“Hey, what’s with your face?”he asked softly, worried.

“Some things Soobin said that touched me,”I rubbed my nose, embarrassed.

“Your hormones acting up again?”Hyukjae oppa asked carefully as he put his arm round my waist, pulling me close.

“God, I felt so embarrassed letting the planner see me in this state,”I covered my face.

“Relax, baby girl. It’s just part and parcel of being pregnant,”Hyukjae oppa the back of my head.

“Daddy! Can we take a family photo here?”Jihyuk asked suddenly.

“Of course,”Hyukjae oppa smiled, gesturing for them to come over.

In a silly manner, they ran towards us and using Hyukjae oppa’s phone, we took a photo together.

“Let’s take another one during Aunty Soobin’s wedding! I’m hoping by then that Jimin would be out,”Jihyuk turned to look at my tummy.

“Jimin wouldn’t be out so soon, hyung,”Minhyuk frowned.

“Didn’t mummy say she’ll be out in January?”Jihyuk asked.

“January 22! But Aunty Soobin’s wedding is in early January,”Minhyuk answered.

“Oh….,”Jihyuk looked disappointed.

“It’s okay, Jihyuk. We can always come back again when Jimin is out,”Hyukjae oppa ruffled his hair.

“Really?”Jihyuk looked up with a gummy smile plastered on his face.

“Have I ever lied to you?”Hyukjae oppa raised his eyebrow.

“You just did a few weeks ago during Halloween. You lied about eating our candies,”Minhyuk folded his arms.

“I was just fooling around with you guys that time. Do you not believe your daddy?”Hyukjae oppa asked.

The Juniors looked at each other and they didn’t look too convinced by Hyukjae oppa’s promise, causing me to laugh.

“Yah, you two little ones, how dare you…,”

Before Hyukjae oppa could finish, the two of them took off with the speed of light.

“I’m going to tickle you if I ever catch you! LEE JIHYUK, LEE MINHYUK! YOU TWO BETTER WATCH OUT!”Hyukjae oppa shouted as he ran after them.

“What’s your husband doing?”Soobin asked as she came over with Donghae.

“Chasing the Juniors. So, how’s the set up discussion coming along?”I asked.

“Everything’s set. Thanks for coming along, Haemin. I needed your presence,”Soobin smiled.

“What’s there to thank? I get a chance to bring the Juniors to beach,”I smiled while looking at them from afar.

Hyukjae oppa had finally caught Minhyuk and had grabbed him to tickle him. Jihyuk had turned around to try and rescue Mihyuk but was unfortunately caught by Hyukjae oppa with his other arm. With his strong arms, he managed to carry both of them back to where we are.

“Uncle Iron Man, save us!!!!!”Minhyuk pleaded.

“Silence! Or I’ll kill Iron Man as well!”Hyukjae oppa played along.

“You evil monkey! Let go of my men!”Donghae quickly got into his role.

“Take this!”Jihyuk reached out to pinch Hyukjae oppa’s cheeks.

“Ah! This is a strong blow to Lee Hyukjae’s health. Lee Jihyuk and Lee Minhyuk have defeated Lee Hyukjae!”Hyukjae oppa slowly released them onto the sand.

“WE WON!”they cheered as they did various victory poses.

End of Chapter


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Chapter 36: This is so cute :3
careun #2
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update!!! Poor Hyuk Jae, but still it's hard work and I adore him for that!!!!! XD
Chapter 36: honestly i want Hyuk suffer with the babies more... XD
leeteukbaby #4
Chapter 36: Haha the ending where hyukjae told her choco stepped on her pillow.
thank you for the update! ^^
Chapter 35: You can do that Hyuk... be father of the year... :)
Chapter 34: Omg i missed thiisssss! I miss yoy author nim haha!
Chapter 34: can you make chapter with just Hyuk and the kids at home because Haemin have to go somewhere? something like this?
Chapter 33: omf i missed this :( nice update as always
Chapter 33: why you ask if its too perfect?
something gonna happen?
summertime #10
Chapter 33: Awwwwww! Thank you for the wish again~ ily:):)