
Best Friend and Boyfriend -HIATUS-

aw i just realized i lost one subscriber ; -;

well aint that sad

actually not really i sort of deserved that for not updating this at all (^ v ^;;;;;)


"Good morning, L.Joe hyung," Ricky says to me as he takes his usual seat next to mine on the bus.  "Ah, you're reading that book again.  You're the only person I know who reads a book more than five times."  When I open my mouth to argue, he cuts me off by adding, "And reading manga doesn't count."

"How do you know what I'm trying to say?" I groan, and then put my eyes back on the book.  The bus is my favorite place besides my apartment, because it's the only place where I can stop pretending that I'm the cool guy everyone thinks I am.  The only person who knows about my real, awkward self is my parents, Ricky, and two students in uni, one named Chunji, and the other named Niel.  Oh.  Chunji.  Speaking of him, I need to return a few books to that hyper boy.

"Ew, stop thinking about Chunji hyung," Ricky suddenly cut in, nudging my side.  "You look gross.  I think you need some botox in your face to keep it nice and tight."

"Says the guy who suddenly turns into pudding the moment he sees CAP," I bite back, and Ricky pouts, glaring at me.  I grin triumphantly, and shrug.  "Well, it's true."  Huffing, the kid sitting next to me crosses his arms across his chest.  If he was quiet, he'd be an adorable person.  No, actually, if he was around someone other than me and Niel (and sometimes Chunji), he would be a really adorable kid.

As the bus pulled away from the stop that was before ours, I pressed the "stop" button and pat Ricky's hair.  "Come on, kiddo.  We're almost there.  You need to get your cutesy act on."  Then I pulled my reading glasses off, and put them in my bag along with my book.  

Ricky giggles, already in his cute act.  "And you need to get into your cool one."

"It's not an act," I reply, snorting.  "I am cool."

Ricky snickers this time, his cute persona disappearing into his usual, sort of hateful self.  "Yeah, right."

The bus pulls over to a stop, and I sort of shove Ricky out of the seat so I can get out.  The kid glares at me, but I just give him another light push on the shoulder and step off the bus.  Then we begin walking toward campus, and I realize that Ricky had began to walk slowly, staring intently at something ahead of us.  I stop as well, and then follow his gaze to find two familiar figures ahead.  It was Chunji and his best friend, Niel.  The thing was, Chunji was hugging Niel's arm as they walked, and he was smiling brightly - the smile which, I know, that he only showed to Niel and his brother, Changjo.  It's a pretty unusual sight, since Niel pretty much hated skinship from Chunji.

"Looks like someone's missed their chance," I hear Ricky mumble.  It takes me a moment to realize that he was talking about me, and I frown.

"Maybe they're not together," I reply, and then begin jogging towards them, calling out their names.

Niel turns to me first, his expression clearly annoyed.  Then Chunji turns to me, and another smile graces his face.  It's not the bright smile that he shows to Niel and Changjo, but it was the shy yet happy one that he only showed to me.

"Way to leave Ricky behind," Niel comments as soon as I caught up to them.

"Niellie, be nice," Chunji says, tugging the taller's shirt lightly.  Niel only rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything else.

"Don't you have anything to announce?"

All three of us jump at the sudden voice, and find Ricky at Chunji's other side, smiling mischeivously.  Chunji's face flushes a deep red and Niel snorts, shaking his head.

"Oh, Ricky, always so sharp...when it comes to others," Niel says sarcastically, and then draws Chunji into his arms.  "But yes, we do have something to say.  I'm no longer single, and neither is Channie."  I frown as I look at the blushing boy, and then at Niel.  And then at Ricky, who shook his head, laughing dryly.  "We're dating."

I feel as if time stops in my world.

Holy mother of Pearl,

You have got to be kidding me.

NOTHING GOOD HERE so if you don't like reading a/n's then go byebye ok ; -;

a/n: 本日二度目の更新!  Second update of the day!
これ、マジで奇跡っすよ!?  This is probably a miracle, you know?
こんなこと2度とないかもwww  It probably won't happen again though lol ;w;

あ、ここで雑談入ります。  Oh, and some small talk.
私、只今絶賛アラシックになっておりまs((しかしぃ!‼‼‼  At the moment, I'm a hardcore ArashicHOWEVER
まだちんたぷも大好きなんですよ。  I still love Teen Top as well
てことでぇ、たぶん流れでわかると思うんですけどぉ、  So, as you may have figured out from the flow...

合体小説書きたいと思います!  I want to write a fic that includes both of them >w>
いつになるかはわかりませんw  Idk when I'll write it though oops
たぶん、能力者パロか、学パロになると思います。  Probably will be some sort of au paranormal fic or a normal au school fic
結構年の差あるけど(笑)、無理やり高校生設定ぐらいにすると思います。  Even though there's an actual , I'll make them 17 or something ._.

あ!でも、クロスはしません。  BUT not crossover couples.
確実にちんたぷはちょんじょカップルか、ちゃんじカップルになりますね。  Teen Top couples will definitely be ChunJoe or ChangJi
嵐はー・・・Nさん受けならどんなペアでm((殴  Arashi long as Nino bottoms (what)
いやでもがちでよ。あいにのとか、末ズとかー・・・  No but seriously.  Aimiya and Matsumiya and.... (what)

山夫婦もいれたいしー←  But I also NEED to put in OhnoxSho (i forgot their english couple name oops)

ま、こちらの小説が終わってから考えますわww  I'll think more deeply into it after I finish this fic though lol

てなわけで、あんにょん♪  So...yeah.  Bai-oh<33


asdfghjkl i translated what i wrote in japanese for no reason ok i can delete this part but uh yes

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Marionetti #1
This sounds so amazing, but I don't dare to read it, because I'll be all sad when it ends in the middle. But I know the feeling of getting an amazing idea, writing some of it and then losing all sight of where the story it going. Or knowing the ending result, but not having any idea of how to get it there. What I'm trying to say is; I feel your pain. I hope you find your inspiration to write this story :) And now I'll go and get acquainted with your other stories! Lots of love and positive brain-vibes to you!
changjoe15 #2
Chapter 3: Aigoo update >< ! I hate L.Joe being jelly of Niel and Chunji ! Go to Changjo's arm pabo shorty ><
Chapter 3: OMG awww yay you updated! I feel bad for Ljoe but I am excited. Update soon as well as it other stories!
Chapter 3: Aw I'm sad about the hiatus :( But at least isn't not abandoned yet, right?

Anyway, L.Joe looks jealous of Chuniel and it's fun :P Niel and Chunji are really good actors! They even fooled Ricky. I wonder if they will fall in love with each other for real or not..
Chapter 2: finally you updated!! XD
and lmao changji are so cutee
Chapter 1: I really like where this story is going! I hope you haven't abandoned it ><
cap's description lmao
cant wait to read the next chapter, i'll wait it;;
kk i will wait... like i am with ur others!
Mllapin10 #9
The description is just excellent ! Perfect !! Love it ! It really makes me want to read the fanfic ! Good job, seriously, it's just so fun ! <3
And the funiest is that... The only part you didn't revealed is just written in capital letters just after "CHUNIEL" XD
Anyway, fighting !!! I can't wait to read this... Thought I'll wait since it's better this way Hahaha