best friend

Best Friend and Boyfriend -HIATUS-

A/N: So, I decided that I'll change POVs in this story.  I just thought that it would be a lot easier to write and understand the fic this way.... Idunno.


I sometimes wonder why I'm friends with a dork.  This dork always makes these unbelievably stupid mistakes, has this dorky (but adorable) laugh, and is just overall dorky.  And stupid.  Yes, he's very, very stupid, and he really doesn't act like a hyung.  He gets angry easily and he's always clinging to me like his life depends on it - which it might at times, because he's probably on the black lists of some of the worst gangs in town.  How he got there is another, much complicated story that I'll probably talk about later.  But still.  Lee Chanhee, or Chunji, as everyone knows him, is a dork.  A stupid, adorable, childish dork.

Yes.  I said adorable.

Anyways, so this dork and I - we're best friends.  Possibly more than that.  We're like the closest as friends can ever get without going into a lovey-dovey relationship.  He and I have known each other since we were in diapers - or, well, Chunji knew me (possibly) before I was born, since I'm one year younger than him.  Aish, the point is, we're close, we've never been seperated, we don't love each other, and we don't feel like we're family, but we're still best friends (for life and death and other things too).  Probably because Chunji has always makes it a point that we aren't related - we don't act, look, sound or think the same either, anyways.  We're just friends.  Friends.

Why did I repeat that so many times?

Oh, yeah, to say that Chunji and I aren't dating.  Like, we have these fangirls in uni.  They just follow us around, saying that we're the ChunNiel couple or something while they just...cheer us on.  I mean, what the actual hell?  Chunji doesn't really seem to mind it, but I do mind.  I'm gay and stuff, sure, and so it shouldn't really bother me, but being paired up with Chunji almost feels like a pain in the .

To make this a bit more understandable, let me give you an example.  Imagine the dumbest (or ugliest) person that you have ever known.  Or a donkey.  Either one works.

Now, imagine having fangirls start making banners saying that the dumb (or ugly) person (or the donkey) and you are dating.  D-A-T-I-N-G.  How would you feel?  TERRIBLE, RIGHT?  (the author has a crush on the dumbest person she'd ever met though...she's not normal)

Man, that was a terrible example.

Still though.  You understand, don't you?




I'll go and eat ramen.

Still Niel...

I'm still wondering why I'm friends with Chunji, especially now.

I mean, he just barges into my room in the middle of the night, seeming all energetic and hyper.  And then he pops this question.

Actually, let me just explain what happened.

So, I was sleeping peacefully, probably dreaming about a gigantic bear that was cuddling with other animals or something.  Since I hadn't gotten much sleep lately, I was actually pretty deep in sleep.  Hey, that rhymes...anyways, I was sleeping rather soundly, and if I hadn't known better, I would've thought that I could sleep all through the night.  However, Chunji soon barged into my room, practically kicking the door open as he jumped on my bed and shook me awake - by bouncing on my bed, that is.  Then he climbed off, smiling that stupid smile of his, not even the smallest hint of fatigue showing on his pretty face.

Then he asked, "Niel-ah, can you do me a favor?"  Still half asleep, I just waited for him to go on.  "You can refuse if you don't want to do it.  And I promise that I won't use my puppy dog sad face thing to lure you into doing it, alright?"  At that comment, I nodded.  I was fairly conscious now, and I could comprehend what he was saying.

And then he asked another question that made me fall out of the bed.  Literally.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"



Niel seems surprised.  I don't blame him, though.  I guess I was a bit too sudden.  I had asked him that question a few minutes ago, and yet he's still spaced out, seeming insanely adorable weird.  I bite my lip, looking down at my feet, and then look back up.  I should probably explain why I just asked that, shouldn't I?  Right? it goes.

"N-Niel, don't take it so seriously," I start, smiling apologetically.  "I said you can refuse.  The only reason I'm asking you to do this is because I want to try making...that guy jealous.  It's only pretending."  I purse my lips once I finish my sentence, waiting for his reaction.  Niel only blinks before his expression suddenly changes.  I could tell that he's really thinking about it now, and I wait anxiously for his answer.

It's not really like I need to have him pretend to be my boyfriend.  I just thought that it would be a good way to make L.Joe, my crush, jealous.  Plus, I wanted Niel and I to be a bit closer, now that we've been rather apart since university started.

And then he answers.


I blink.





A smile splits my face, and a smile splits his face at that sight, and I tackle him on to the bed and tell him thank you about a million times.  I get too emotional, in fact, that I land a smooch on his forehead, giggling like a school girl while he made a face and wiped at the spot.  He then poked my nose before telling me to get off of the bed - he was so desrespectful to me, this kid....

Still, I'm happy.

If everything goes according to plan, things should fall into place perfectly.

If.  Should.

Thise two words have never meant much to me before, but now, suddenly, it feels like a dead weight in the sentence.

And you'll see why.

Just you wait.

A/N: PHEW~ finished w/ the chapter...and the ending is awkward >.< I'm exhausted *Q* I had to do a short speech in front of the whole entire school...and wear my school uniform, and then clean up afterwards and then get hit in the head with a basketball and fail a test and--

Okay I just listed all of the bad things that had happened to me so far in the whole semester LOL.  So life's not that bad~ c: <

I hope you guys enjoyed the update ^_^ Buh-bye~<33

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Marionetti #1
This sounds so amazing, but I don't dare to read it, because I'll be all sad when it ends in the middle. But I know the feeling of getting an amazing idea, writing some of it and then losing all sight of where the story it going. Or knowing the ending result, but not having any idea of how to get it there. What I'm trying to say is; I feel your pain. I hope you find your inspiration to write this story :) And now I'll go and get acquainted with your other stories! Lots of love and positive brain-vibes to you!
changjoe15 #2
Chapter 3: Aigoo update >< ! I hate L.Joe being jelly of Niel and Chunji ! Go to Changjo's arm pabo shorty ><
Chapter 3: OMG awww yay you updated! I feel bad for Ljoe but I am excited. Update soon as well as it other stories!
Chapter 3: Aw I'm sad about the hiatus :( But at least isn't not abandoned yet, right?

Anyway, L.Joe looks jealous of Chuniel and it's fun :P Niel and Chunji are really good actors! They even fooled Ricky. I wonder if they will fall in love with each other for real or not..
Chapter 2: finally you updated!! XD
and lmao changji are so cutee
Chapter 1: I really like where this story is going! I hope you haven't abandoned it ><
cap's description lmao
cant wait to read the next chapter, i'll wait it;;
kk i will wait... like i am with ur others!
Mllapin10 #9
The description is just excellent ! Perfect !! Love it ! It really makes me want to read the fanfic ! Good job, seriously, it's just so fun ! <3
And the funiest is that... The only part you didn't revealed is just written in capital letters just after "CHUNIEL" XD
Anyway, fighting !!! I can't wait to read this... Thought I'll wait since it's better this way Hahaha