Kidnapped By TEEN TOP!!

Unrequited Love

This story tells in different point of views. The colors indicate each character.

Pink - You Blue - Niel

Purple - Chunji Gold - L.Joe

Turqoise - Ricky Red - Changjo

Black - C.A.P


"Riiiiiiiiing!!!!" the school bell had finally rung. I quickly gathered up my books and headed to my locker. I put everything neatly in my bag and began exiting the building. As I was walking, I hadn't noticed, but I had bumped into someone. I completely fell down, dropping my bag and knocking my books everywhere.

"Oh I'm so sorry miss! I was looking around for someone and wasn't paying attention..." the boy with purple hair said. I just stared at him from the ground, as he stared back at me.

"It's okay." I said attempting to get up, but instead he helped me up. He grabbed all of my books off the floor and gave them to me.

"Sorry again, miss..."

"It's alright...I gotta go! See ya around!" I said, while waving and leaving the school.

I had no luck finding this girl in the supposed school that she attended. I asked everyone, but everyone said that was not there. I pulled out my phone and texted C.A.P.

'No luck, I couldn't find her...'

I sent the message and got an instant reply.

'Alright. I have a plan B, don't worry.'

Plan B? I wonder what that will be....Oh well, I'm going home. This rain is ruining my hair.
I walked home alone, and had a sudden flash back. I remembered that pretty girl I bumped into earlier.

"She was so cute....." I accidently said aloud. Luckily, no one was around to hear. As so I thought. Niel popped up outta no where!

"Who's so cute, hyung? hehe" Niel asked. I blushed and covered my face.

"No one! I don't know what you're talking about.."

"I heard you!!! You must have saw a cute girl at that school while looking for ____, huh? Did you find ____?"

"SHUT UP!!!!!!! No, I didn't find her....everyone said she was gone."

"Gone, as in attends a new school?"

"I guess......but C.A.P says he has another plan to find her."

"Yay!!!! I can't wait!"

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate. It was a new text from C.A.P.

'I found her number. I'm going to call her, so get back to the dorm and get your stuff ready.'

"Is that C.A.P??" Niel asked, while scanning my phone.

"Yeah, he said that he got her number and for us to get home and get our stuff packed."

"Woooooohoooo! Let's go then!!!!" Niel dashed further ahead of me. What a dork....
I texted C.A.P back.

'Okay, me and Niel are on our way back.'

As I was walking home, I suddenly heard my phone start ringing. I looked through my bag trying to find it and grabbed it out. 

"Hello?" an unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Who is this??"

"Is this ____?"

"Umm....yeah, and who are you?"

"My name Min Soo, but you can call me C.A.P. Our manager has requested that you come stay with me and the rest of TEEN TOP in Jeju Island."


"My manager has-"

"No I mean, you honestly think I will just come and live with some random people I don't even know? And what the hell is a TEEN TOP? Are you some kinda ert or something? You can forget it!!!!!!"

"Calm down miss.....please. At least come and meet us please. We're not aloud to go to Jeju Island without you..."

I sighed and thougt for a moment.
This is so weird!! But what should I do? Should I trust him and go and meet him?

"Alright.......where can we meet..?" Ughh why am I doing this.....

"I'll send my friend Chunji to come meet you at ramyun shop."

So he's not going? Even more suspicious....


And with that, I hung up.

"My head is spinning. What just happened here??? I have to meet someone named Chunji??" I stopped for a bit and looked up at the sky.

God, please don't let anything bad come of this.......

I had just gotten a text from C.A.P telling me to go back out, after just arriving back home......but I'm going to meet this girl ____ finally, so I hope she's nice!^^
"Ok, time to stop to the ramyun shop~"

I started walking to the ramyun shop that was about a block away from our house. Before I could get far, I heard Niel's loud voice from behind me.

"Hyung!!!!!!! Wait!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna meet _____ too!!!!!!!!!"

I sighed and waited for him to catch up.

"You know C.A.P suggested that ONLY I go so we don't scare this girl, right?"

"It will be okay. I'm not scary!"

"But your loud...."

"And your adams apple is scary, so who cares?"
I smacked Niel on the back of the head.

"I didn't ask for your rude comment."

"I didn't ask for you to make fun of the way I talk, but you did."

"Forgot it, Niel. Let's just go before it gets dark."

Me and Niel were singing a random duet as we walked to the ramyun shop. I could hear the squeals of girls as we passed by. Once arriving at the ramyun, there was only one lonely girl sitting there. 

"That must be her." I said and Niel nodded. We walked over to her and bowed respectfully. Once I looked up, my eyes widened.

"Hi, I'm Niel!" Niel said to her, but she just looked at me.

"Do you two know each other?"

"We met earlier. So, you're Chunji?" She asked.

"Yes. It's nice to meet you.....again, _____."

"Yes. Niel, it's nice to meet you too." She bowed to Niel.

"So come on _____!" Niel grabbed her hand.

"Hey wait!!!!!!!"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What are guys gonna do to me???"

"HUH?!?!" Me and Niel said in unison.

"Do to you???????" I said.

"What do you mean? We're not like that....." Niel explained.

"We just need you to come stay with us for a few months."

"But, isn't that kinda weird?" As she said that, I realized that this wasn't gonna be easy. I happen to notice L.Joe walk into the shop.
I know what to do.....

"I'll be right back.." I said and left Niel alone with her. I quickly ran over to L.Joe.

"L.Joe!!!!!!! I need your help!!!"

"With what? I was just about to order some ramyun, can't it wait? I'm starving."

"It's important! For our vacation!"

"Okay, what?"

"I need you to kidnap ____."


Wow, he took that lighter than I thought.

"Where is she?" I pointed to her.

"Over there with Niel."

L.Joe got up and walked over to her. ____ looked at him and he quickly scooped her up. She screamed.

"AHHHHHH What are you doing you ert? Put me down!!!!!!!!"

"SHHHHHHH! Before someone hears. I'm not gonna hurt you and I am not a ert!"

We left following behind L.Joe and ____. Niel was completely silent, _____ was still kicking and screaming, L.joe looked annoyed and I......well, I guess I am just in deep thought.

"Where are you taking me, ert?"

"Stop calling me that!!!!!!"

"Let me down and I will, ert!"

"Your really annoying, you know."

"So are you!! Carrying me like this when I'm wearing a skirt!"

"I'm not worried about seeing anything on you, trust me."

She sighed.

After a while, she became silent. We finally arrived home and C.A.P and the others were waiting out front with all our luggage.

"We got her, hyung." I said. C.A.P sighed out of relief. He looked at her.

"You didn't hurt her, did you???"

"No, she fell asleep. She was screaming and kicking me almost the entire time, so I would image her to be tired." L.Joe said. C.A.P laughed.

"I figured she would play hard to get."

"Eww don't say that, you make it sound like I actually wanted her." L.Joe huffed.

"Well, let's get going now." I said. 

I woke up in a plane, laying on that erts shoulder. Ewwwwwwww!!!!!! I quickly jumped up, waking him up.

"What the hell are you doing?" He barked.

"Why are we in a plane??" I asked him.

"We're going to Jeju Island."

So, that's really what they wanted to do after all. But still, why do I have to live with them? I looked down.

"Don't tell me your gonna cry...."

"No...." he bent down and looked at my face.

"I'm not crying, get out my face, ert!!!"

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!"

I sat back in my seat and noticed someone staring at me. I looked and noticed it was Chunji staring from the seat to the left of us.

"Where's Niel?" I asked. No response.

"Hey, ert! I asked you a question!"

"Shut up."

"Where is Niel?"

"Shut up, go back to sleep."

"Chunji!" I shouted so that he could hear me.


"Can I sit with you?" I noticed he looked away.


"Move ert, so that I can get through."

"Stop ing calling me that you stupid girl."

"Move!" I pushed him a bit, but he was stronger than me so he pushed me back into my seat and leaned over top of me.


"SHUT UP!!!!!!" He got up and finally moved so I could go sit with Chunji.

"Arghh stupid whiny brat..."

I sat down next to Chunji, but he just stared out the window. I watched him for a bit.

"If your hungry, I have some candies in my bag." Chunji said and handed me his bag of candies. He just looked down so I couldn't see his face. I took the bag from him. Hmm...he's acting weird.

"What's wrong? Do you have a pimple or something?" I asked.


"It's okay if you do, we all get them!" I laughed. I started eating the candies and started getting comfortable.

I could finally rest peacefully now that ____ is over there with Chunji. I was just about to doze of to sleep, but for some reason decided to look over at _____. But, I happen to notice Chunji immensely close to her face.

"Yahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled so loud, everyone on the plan woke up. Chunji looked confused.

"What the hell are you yelling like that for ert? Couldn't you see I was trying to sleep?" ____ yelled back.

"Your friend Chunji over there was trying to kiss you!"

Her eyes widened and she looked at Chunji, who tried to avoid the situation. She got up and moved to the back somewhere, it was out of my sight.

"I didn't try to kiss her for you info, L.Joe. I was just trying to wipe something off her cheek. Thanks for making me look like an idiot!"

"Don't lie. I saw you, she should be calling you ert instead of me."

"I didn't.......argh!!!!!!!"

I layed my head back to try and sleep, this time, hopefully I can.

I heard yelling and then suddenly, ____ came back here and sat next to me. I just looked at her questionably.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just some erts up front of the plane."


"Chunji, and that other guy who kidnapped me earlier."

"Why? What happened?"

"Chunji tried to kiss me...."

"What?! That's crazy!"

"I know..."

"Well, your safe back here. I'll just be laying here listening to my iPod. So, feel free to do what you want."

"Ok, thanks Niel."

I noded and closed my eyes.

I relaxed and layed back, but before getting to comfortable, I heard foot steps. I looked up and saw ert.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah, ert."

"Yah! I saved you from being kissed, you could at least call me by my name!"

"I don't know your name."



"Yeah..." I noticed him smiling. Or maybe blushing..?

"Why are you smiling? Is there something on my face?"

"No, It's nothing." He said and walked away without a nother word.

Hmm....oh well. I finally dozed off to sleep.

Jeju Island, here I come!



Chapter one is up!!! ^_^

So, I guess I kinda changed L.Joe & ____'s relationship a bit >_< Sorry, I'm biased xD (I will update it on the forword)

Btw, Chunji was really not trying to kiss her, but L.Joe thought he was and now Chunji is embarrassed. Poor Chunji :(

Well, sorry I had to end here but it's getting late and I still have to exercise and shower!! Haha

Chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow.

Plus, Changjo, and Ricky will get to know ____ once they arrive in Jeju~~





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MayChunJoeChang_0429 #1
Chapter 1: Update soon author nim~~