If my heart was a house

If my heart was a house

Hyunseung hates to remember his past, those times when he lost his way and 
didn’t know where to go or where to turn. How he wishes he could erase those 
useless memories that only make his heart ache. He prefers to remember that time 
he first met that nagging witch called Yong Junhyung. He must admit he found the 
nagging very annoying at first, but as he got to know this tough looking boy he 
realized it was just one of those characteristics that made him fall in love. 

Soon his thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. His eyes 
move from the TV to see Junhyung taking off his shoes. They follow him until he’s 
finally sitting next to him on the couch. He feels his lover’s lips on his forehead, as 
his arm sneaks around his waist. He feels chills running down his spine, just like 
the first time they touched, he thinks. Later that night, as he lays his head on top of 
Junhyung’s chest, he starts to wonder how it is possible for them to fit so perfectly. 

He opens his eyes slowly the next morning, only to find the other boy staring 
lovingly at him. Muttering their usual ‘Morning’, Hyunseung steals a quick peck 
from Junhyung’s lips, getting a ‘Yah, wash your teeth first’ as a response. He can’t 
stop smiling as he changes his clothes, because they smell just like that nagging 
witch he loves so much. It’s time for both of them to go to work when Hyunseung 
whispers a breathy ‘Goodbye baby, I love you’ in between the kiss. He grins like an 
idiot when he hears his boyfriend say ‘I love you too babe’ because he’s sure those 
simple words sound the best when Junhyung says them.

Hyunseung has to walk back home alone later on because his partner still has 
loads of work. He calls his office, wanting to hear the other boy’s voice and because 
he feels colder when he walks alone. ‘Oh, but you’ll survive’, if Hyunseung could 
only see the smile at the other side of the line. 

Finally they’re both back, cuddling on the sofa while watching some random 
variety program. Hugging Junhyung more tightly, he smiles again to himself and 
doesn’t care when his boyfriend raises an eyebrow at him for being weird. 
Hyunseung’s just happy his compass has finally found north. He knows now he’ll 
be able to take risks again because Junhyung will always be there for him to catch 
him if he falls. The house in his heart has become a home at last.




hope you liked it (:

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Keyq1998 #1
Chapter 1: So sweetT.T
Chapter 1: It's cute :3
jurangirl0604 #3
Chapter 1: Simply beautiful <3

I like this :)
Chapter 1: omo this is soooooo sweet >_<
pinkhamsters #5
Chapter 1: i liked this, it was really sweet! :) and i liked the last line about the house becoming a home^^