Forgive me

Forgive me

I am rushing to the hospital after I heard the bad news of Seunghyun hyung. Sitting beside me in the cab is Jiyong hyung, my lover for 2 years, holding on to my hand and I know he’s trying to assure me that everything will be fine. I don’t let my tears drop, I won’t allow it. I keep telling myself that Seunghyun hyung will be just fine after his operation so there is no reason for me to start crying at all.

‘Please Seunghyun, be strong, be okay and wait for me…’ I prayed silently.


2 years ago.

‘Let’s break up.’ Seunghyun said after our wonderful date together.

‘That’s a-a joke right, hyung? We-we just had the most romantic date and you’re dumping me right after?’ I replied choking on my words as the tears fought to come out.

‘I don’t love you, Seungri. Do you hear me? I never loved you.’ Seunghyun repeats coldly. ‘Leave, we are never supposed to be together. Go with Jiyong, I know he loves you and you feel something for him too.’

‘Is this about Jiyong hyung? I’m sorry if my feelings have ever wavered towards Jiyong hyung, okay? Please, don’t leave me.’ I begged as my tears started to drop because I couldn’t fight it anymore.

Seunghyun takes one step towards me and at that very moment, I don’t recognise him at all. He has transformed entirely to a stranger. ‘It’s about us. I’m helping you make your decision, because I don’t love you and he does. I don’t want to waste your time anymore.’

I don’t know how to stay on my feet, I’ve become completely weak from his words. ‘Please… don’t do this. I need you to stay.’ And I just keep repeating as I watch him walk away from me.



I run to the operation room as fast as my legs can take. I reach the outside of the room and saw that the signal for operation is still on so I let myself fall to a seat near me. I can sense Jiyong hyung approaching the seat beside me but I didn’t talk to him, I didn’t talk to him ever since I heard the news. I know I am hurting him like this but I just can’t speak, I have no strength, I am hardly breathing already.

Jiyong has always loved me and I am thankful for that. I love him too. But when it comes to Seunghyun hyung, I’m torn. Seunghyun hyung is my first love, I can never forget him because I have loved him. Jiyong hyung understands though, he accepted me and has been my pillar of support ever since Seunghyun hyung left me.

After what seems like forever, the signal is turned off and the surgeon walks out. I get up on my feet immediately and rushed towards him. The surgeon looks at me and shook his head and he doesn’t have to say anything, I know what it meant. I crumble to the floor as I feel my heart sank. Suddenly all the energy I have within me is gone. Jiyong hyung falls to my side and tried to get me up, hugging me to give me the warmth and comfort I need. I cried into his shoulder, all the tears that has been fighting to come out, rushes out.

‘You are Mr Seungri, right?’ a nurse approaches and asked me. I nodded in return and she handed me a letter. ‘Mr Seunghyun has instructed me to pass this to you in case… in case he couldn’t make it.’

I took the letter and started reading.


I’m sorry I lied to you. The story called Judgement of Solomon that I shared with you, that’s the only way I can explain it. I hope our wonderful date on our last day is still on your mind because that’s how I want you to remember me by.

I love you Seungri, always had and always will. No one can take my love away from you, not even this damn cancer.

Forgive me.

Love always, Seunghyun.”

I cried harder as I read through the letter. I recalled the night that Seunghyun hyung has shared the story with me and how beautiful I think the story is. The story is about how two women has claimed that they are the mother of a baby and asked the King to decide for them. After some deliberation, the king decided that the only fair solution is to cut the baby in half. One of the woman gave up on the custody upon hearing it, she doesn’t want the child injured and that’s how the king identifies the real mother. The woman is willing to sacrifice her own happiness for her baby to be safe.

This is why Seunghyun hyung has asked me to leave, he must have found out about his sickness and doesn’t want me to see him in pain. He wants me to be happy by sacrificing himself.

Jiyong hugs me tight again to soothe me. Jiyong has become my pillar of strength and support when Seunghyun hyung is gone, again, and forever. 

'I love you' I whispered, to both Jiyong and Seunghyun hyung who I believe is up in heaven now.


How is this? I have never tried a Topri story before so I hope this story is okay! Do comment and let me know! Thank you ^^

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 1: Very heartwrenching, but, Great Job!
HelgaVIP #2
Chapter 1: it's really sad... reeeeaaaallllyyyy sad... /sobs/
Chapter 1: Sad! Really, a sad one! :'(

I never a fan of TOPRi. But since i saw GRi tag in it, i gave a go. And it sad!
I thought the story will be the other way round, but thank God he is with Ji. :')

Nevertheless,its beautifully written. I love it. >_<
Akuropanda #4
Chapter 1: the story is so sad but at the same time i think its really sweet? i being weird to think it like that?
Chapter 1: im crying and its sad. thanks seunghyun and jiyong that always beside riri but still sad .:(
Chapter 1: So sad T^T....
tarepandasan #7
Chapter 1: Loved it! Sad as it was :(