You can't leave us like that


Angsty sequel to Let me In with Kai, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo :)

After they found a happy ever after, they realised nothing's that easy. Only when a sudden accident happens do they realise there's no one else but themselve to be there for eachother. Try to find love once again, and find their true identities, but be happy above everything.


poster coming soon


originally posted here






Many experts say there are several stages to grieving, although it’s just as arguable to say that you can never get over some things at all. The most accepted steps begin with the initial shock, then seeking comfort before you turn into a great being of angst or sadness to the point where you just want to grieve again once you’re able to get it all out. But everyone’s different. Everyone would handle this differently. I just wish we didn’t have to go through it.


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Chapter 14: The story is so nice..thanks for your hardwork
Chapter 14: Ok so I just spent my entire night reading the first story and this one and im literally scratching my head as to why these stories haven't popped up in my radar earlier. They're amazing and I loved it and omg I can't stop spazzing in awe of this wonderfully written story and ok I'll stop rambling now.
risinghyukjae #3
Chapter 6: pls update quickly authornim ;A;