New Neighbors!!!

The Flower Boy Next Door (Hiatus:Re-Write)

Mi Young's P.O.V.

I woke up to a loud crash, outside my bed room door. I shot up from my laying position. I yawned, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I looked around the room i was in, forget where i was. Another loud crash, then a honking noise came from outside. There was a sound of people shouting. I looked at the time.... 9:45 am... wait! what?!

'Isnt it a sunday?' I thought,scratching my head. 'Aish! Who in their right mind wouled wake up at 9:00 in the morning and make a whole bunch of noise!? On a sunday too!' I got out bed and walking to the window, grumbling curse words under my breathe. I look out and down and see about ten dudes moving furniture into the house right next to mine.

Its been empty since that nice elderly women moved in with daughter after her husband past. I was eleven at the time so that was about... five years ago. Looks like someone is getting a new neighbor. great another rich, fake family, who are super rude. And like to brag about how much money they have.

'But why would they move this early?' I thought. I frowned and closed my eyes and sighed. I'll just go back to bed and ignore it.

                                                                         45 minutes later.........

'They are so loud! How is it that MY family isnt up! Its not fair! I wanna sleep too!' I thought. Ive been staring at the ceiling ever since i got back into bed. I looked at the time again. 10:50. I threw the blankets off slid out of bed. (Like i literally slid out.) I was still lazy even though ive been up for almost an our. i put on my monkey slippers on and headed to my bed room door and left. i raced down the steps as fast as i could with making anymore noise, and went out the front door.

'Aish, i should've brought my sweater. its cold out here.' I complained in my head. I looked around the front yard of the other house, looking for someone to talk to. I got some weird looks from some of the men picking stuff and heading inside the house. ' what are they looking, never seen a girl before?' i decided to ignore it. I walked some more till i was leaning over the fence that seperated the two houses, and saw a young man, maybe in his twentys wearing a baseball cap. I lifted the latch to the gate of the fence and made my way towards him. I tapped him on the shoulder and put my hands on my hips and tapped my foot, glaring. He turned, and i have to say, he was pretty good looking. I quickly erased that thought and continued to try and be fierce and firm.

"Ne?'' He said in an awkward, deep voice. "Can I help you with something?''

I glared at him some more. "Why, yes you can. I was just wondering why i can some much noise from my room. You do realise that you being ridiculoisly loud, early ing the morning! Not to mention that its a sunday! Who the hell wakes up this early anyway!?" My right twitched. " Cant you tell your little worker friends to keep it down a bit? other people live in this neighborhood,  ya know? Or maybe you ca  come back later, like when its not so freaking early!" I said through clenched teeth.

" Jwesonghaeyo!" He said in a really apologetic vioce, with wide eyes and bowed.

" Damn right your sorry!" I sighed through my nose and rolled my eyes. " Just keep it down. Arasso?"

"Ne. But miss?" he lookd at me up and down.

'Was he checking me out? Aish, this byungtae.' I wrappped my arm around myself. ' Aish, im cold.

"Wae?" I looked at him in suspesion.

"Are you cold? He asked in a amused voice. I just nodded. " I thought so. Maybe I should warm you up?" He raised a brow. My eyes widened.

' W- what? Is he suggesting...'

"Bwah!? Yah! You stupid byungtae! Im only sixteen you nasty pedo!" I bursted out while hitting him multiple times on the head. Then aimed for his crotch area. He cried out and dropped to the floor holding his private area. I continued to kick him while he laid helplees on the floor. I could here some amle voice yelling in our direction, but i payed no attention to them.

All of a sudden, firm arms wrapped aroung me and picked me up, a foot of the group. I started flailing around to get them off. Though this person was way stronger than I.

" Woah woah, chill out man.'' A different voice from the hat said close to my face. I turned my head slighty, mostly because was were already really close to each other's faces and i couldnt move much in this position. He was also a good looking guy, younger than the guy groaning on the floor, rolloing around, hloding his crotch with a pained expression. I glared hard and growled.

"Yah! Let me go you, bastard! Before I rip yours off!" I yelled in his face. He just scoffed and rolled his eyes. Letting me down and unwrapping his arms, but only to quickly held on to my elbows so i wouldnt move. I was shivering again. 'Damn he was actually warm' I thought.

"Ummm... Miss?" i turned my attention to a boy who looked like a 12 years old and short, and had chubby cheeks. 'Omo! He's so cute!' I squealed in my head.


' Damn it! Did i just stutter!?'

"Why did you hit my hyung?" All of the boys who came to help hat guy looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Because your hyung is a ert, little one." I said with a knowing look.

"How is he a ert?" He frowned and tilted his haed, cutely. ' Kyaa! So cute!'

" He said something inappropriate and it made me uncomfortable.''

"Im not a twelve year old you know. You dont have to talk to me like that."

"Oh, chincha? Mianhae!" I smiled sheepishly. ' This kid is so small, I bet he hasnt even hit puberty yet.' All of the boys were trying not to look at me for some reason, looking nervous and avoiding eye contact. Except for one, He was looking at me dead in the eye, smirking. I frowned a little. " Wae?" I looked around. " Why do you guys look so uncomfortable for?"

Hat guy sighed and looked up at me, still on the floor. He looked like he was in less pain, but didnt want try to get up yet. "What was it that I  said erted?"

I rolled my eyes. " You were all like ' Maybe I should warm you up' when you asked me if i was cold." I tried to copy his voice. He looked at me weirdly. Then he had a look on his face like he just realised something.

"OH! You thought I meant that in THAT way. No, no, no. Im not like that, not at all. You should really not jump to conclusions. I was just being polite. You are cold right? I was going to get you something to warm you up. Even though I dont really understand why you would dress like that in this weather, let alone in public..."

I frowned and tilting my head to the side. ' What the hell is this guy talking about?'

"Or maybe you didnt realise that you were dressed that way... Miss, i think you should look down..."

I raised a brow, but then looked down. At first i thought it was my eyes playing with me. But then i realised I was really seeing this. Well actaully, I didnt see anything, that was the problem. My eyes widened and I gasped loudly. I could feel my cheeks heating up as i quickly looked back up to the surrounding boys. No pants. Im not wearing any pants... Not even shorts. My bottom half was only slightly covered by my oversized T- Shirt. But you could still visibly see my strawberry printed and pink boxer- briefs. (Yeah, yeah. I know. Im not the girly type, really. I like like alot of boyish things. Plus, theyre way more comfy. These are only pink because my mom wanted my to have SOMETHING girly. And I just pick any kind of underwear, im not going to be picky about it. Anyways, back to our problem at hand... well, its more of my problem.)

" Uh... Uh... Ummm... Eh... I... I..." I didnt know what to say at the moment. I was so embarrassed and ashamed and guilty. But I need to say what was needed to be said. "I... Im so sorry sir!" I said with my eyes closed, feeling tears coming up. I kept my head low and my arms wrapped myself really tight. Then i heard a chuckle. I looke up to see, the hat guy laughing and smiling at me. I crossed my legs and pulled my shirt down trying to cover up more. I bit my lip. "Dont laugh.. Its not funny...." I mumbled.

"Hey! Its okay! You didnt know! Your still a kid. Dont worry about it. Your forgiven." He smiled brightly. I Pouted.

"Thank you, but i still hit you and it hurt you also. So I must apologize for that." I bowed in a perfect 90 degree angle.

"No really, its alright. It's our fault also." He smiled. "Eh!? Hyung! She hit you in the balls!" The smirking boy yelled, pointing in my direction. But hat guy just ignored him. "We shouldnt have been so noisy, while making you come down here and tell us to shut up."

'Man! He's actually a nice guy! Why didIi have to kick him in the balls!?'

"Yeah, I was sleeping, my whole family too. I honestly dont know how theyre still alseep though, with all this racket. Well not really for my sister. She a pig, She even drools a river in her sleep." He laughed at my comment.

"Well I think you should go on inside and get warm before you catch a cold or something." He smiled politey.

"Oh, right! Actually, how about I go change then come back and help out! I want to meet my new neighbors also!" I smiled brightly. He looked like he was about to say something but I was already running across the lawn to my mine and in my house, running up the stairs to my room.



C.A.P.'s P.O.V.

"Funny girl." I chuckled to myself. "C.A.P. hyung!" I looked at one of our maknae's, Ricky. "Ne?" I answered him. "What'd she mean, she wanted to meet her new neighbors? She already did!" I chuckled. I swear this kid is too inoccent. "I dont think she knows that were her new neighbors, Ricky."
 He just nodded. "Are we going to wait for her?" I looked at L.Joe. He kept smirking and staring at her like he was going to eat her soon. I hope he doesnt do anything...

"Ne. She said she was coming back." I said. He just rolled his eyes. "She's kind of annoying." He shrugged. ' Yeah, right you ert.'

"Oh! She's back!" Ricky pointed. Well that was fast. I saw her running, she had changed her shirt to a tank top and but a sweater on and a pair of shorts that went just above her knees and batman converse. "Im here!" She panted. I chuckled and nodded. "I like you shorts." I teased and watch her cheeks turn rosy. She sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. " Well, let's get this show on a roll! Shall we!?" She yelled and ran past us to get started. "Hyung! I like her!" Ricky clapped, and ran after her. L.Joe and Changjo groaned, having to get back to work. Chunji just shrugged and followed after them. " Hey where's Neil?" He just shrugged. " I think he's still inside." I nodded and told him to get to work. I found my eyes wandering to that girl. " I think this move is going to be good for us." I nodded to myself and smiled. "Okay! Lets do this!" I yelled.















Heeey readers! Im back from the dead! I wanna thank those who waited so long! Ill update soon I promise! Well see you later!



ForeveraPlus Out~!^^



































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Chapter 2: update soon<3
Chapter 2: XD I LOVE THIS XD it's so funny!
Chapter 2: tell sierra unnie to read it too!
Chapter 2: really? when did you read it? that was fast.
Chapter 1: Arasoo!!!!!i meant by you saying 'Is this what i this it is?'
what a are you talking about trisha unnie?And ill try to update soon!!
Marciakslp #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
milesjai9 #8
Update soon, neh?