Love You Hate You

Hello venus - venus





You chewed on your chewing gum with bored while throwing your view to the outside. The lesson is too bored for you to hear  especially if the subject is MATH. A freaking math! You hate math, really really hate it and after all you doesn't need math in your life. You just need a money and fun. You obviously notice that every second your teacher will glancing at you, caught you for not paying attention to her lesson. You blow your chewing gum before it popped in your mouth. "Ms. Minhee."


No reaction from you. "Ms. Minhee." Still no reaction from you. A hand slammed on your table , startle everyone in your class except for you. "Ms.Minhee! I have called over you for tenth time! Do you hear me?" You rolled your eyes. *Liar. She just called me twice.* You scratched your ears, probably will deaf from hearing her annoying voice. "Ms. Minhee." "What?" you asked with bored. "Can you solve the problem at the front?" *Crazy, how am I suppose to solve it when I don't understand a single freaking problem.*


As the situation seems to understand your problem, the bell ring, indicating the school session is over. You are smiling with triumph, happy seeing your teacher's dejecting face. "You are save this time. If I ever caught you--" "Yeah, yeah, yeah I know it. Can I go now?" With a last glared from her, she let you out from the class, following by the rest of the students. You hold a strap tightly. Chaerin marched towards you with her happy and bubbly self. You avoid to another way, escape from her death attack, earning a pout from her. "Why you did that? I just want to hug you." "Yeah hug me by squeezing me. No thanks."


"So, Minhee. I heard that there is a new cafe open ne--" "Sorry Chaerin. I am busy." You heard her sigh. It wasn't liked you lied to her. You are really busy. Every day  after school, you need to the supermarket to work. You are living by your own, so think wisely. Where is the money come from if you didn't work . Unlike Chaerin, her family is rich. "You making an excuse." "I am not making any excuse. You do know that I have to work." "Oh come on. Can't you escape for a day?" she pleading you with her puppy eyes. Even if she rolling her body on the floor, you won't agree with her. Money is really important. Unless, if Chaerin give me a lot of money for going with her.


You glanced on your watch that placing neatly on your wrist. If you late, your boss will cut your allowance. Even if one minute late. "Later Chaerin. I need to go." As your foot are about to step out from the school hall, you saw a commotion in front of you. Who else if not your fans. You pinched the bridge of your nose. *Effect from being pretty. Aish.* You looked around the school, trying to find another escape route until your eyes stop at the high wall near to the garden.  Luckily that you are wearing a tight jeans today. With a deep breath, you sprint and jump on the wall. "Yeah! I made it. Now, let's go to work, shall we."


You skip to your work place happily. At the time you arrived, other workers busying doing their job except this one person. She casually leaning on the counter, checking on her nails. You scoffed at the sight of her. She seems to hear you. "Got a problem?" Instead of answering, you open your locker, insert all your things inside it. You scan on your workers card before headed to your counter and yes, you are working as a cashier. "Minhee, can you help me by putting this box at their place?" You lift your brow. "Why me?" "Because its seems like you don't have any work to do." "Doesn't mean that I don't work to do means that I am free."


One of the girl snorted. "Then why you work? Working means doing a work, not lounging in front of the counter." You blinked your eyes. One. Twice. Thrice before burst into a loud laughter. The girl staring at you with her ridiculous  face. You wiping your imaginary fake tears. * Man, does this girl talking about herself? She is funny, really funny until I felt like want to punch her face so badly. Working my .* "Why'd you laugh? Are you insane?" You pointing to yourself. "Who? Me? Do you even look yourself at the mirror? You said I was lounging in front of my counter, huh? Then what about you? Can you tell me what were you doing just now?" you challenge her.


"I'm working." "Yeah, right. Working by checking on your ugly nails. Y--" "Stop it both of you. Shin, you do your work and you, Minhee, put this on its place." You grunt in annoyance before snatch the box away from him. You have a hard time to bring the box to its place. Does the guy ever consider you as a girl ? He asked you to bring this damn heavy box to the store. That guy surely couldn't use his brain correctly.


As you headed back to your counter, there is a customer getting ready to pay for his things. You remove the dirt from your shirt, scanning the price. "Is that all sir?" As the customers turn his back to facing you, your eyes widening. *Why in many place, I met you here! *




» author's ramblings:   Short updates for my lovely subscribers..Hope you guys like it.


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Chapter 9: please update authornim
i'm waiting more MyungHee moment ^^
kellen_1825 #2
Chapter 8: hahhahaha i seriously love this fic please authornim update more soon cant wait. new reader here'kittt eyes' hihi
kellen_1825 #3
Chapter 4: Hahhaha i love this spin the bottle part hahahah its reallt funny hahahaha
naznew #4
Chapter 9: i can't copy he link..
naznew #5
Chapter 8: myunghee's moment..so funny..it look like L already like minhee..
Chapter 7: Hahaha I Lovee Myungsoo Aegyo XD
naznew #7
Chapter 7: so interesting...i can't wait to see he next chapter..i wonder if myungsoo going to ditch school too..
naznew #8
Chapter 3: this chapter so funny...
naznew #9
Chapter 2: i like minhee's attitude..