LOL!™ GIMP Tutorials // BBL


*owned by yourfaceday, co-owned by pizzaluhan
*if you have any problems or want to co-own, please comment or pm any of us ^_^


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Lucy404 #1
Chapter 1: what kind off apps u using??
Thx for resources
This may be the dumbest question but.... HOW CAN I PUT A PICTURE IN THE BACKGROUND?? TT__TT idont know what to dooo
Chapter 5: Idek if you will understand me or not but I see that you can have different projects (?) on the same tab. Like for this chapter, above the thing you are doing it shows other things you are doing. Also your tool options and layers thingy is also attached to it. How do you do that? (did I even make sense OTL)
Chapter 5: For the animation, if we finish ; do we have to upload it to something to work or well it just work in your PC..?
Chapter 9: thanks a lot! like finally i know how to add patterns thank to you guys. like srsly, thanks! o/
Randomess_Is_Here #7
Chapter 8: When I did this following the steps you told me to do, it never worked. I worked on this for about an hour and yet it still didn't work. I tried new and different things... And only one worked. When you press the shrink button, you told us to 'invert' it. But, when I did it, there was no need for inverting.. So, idk if it was just me or....... But thanks anyway!
Chapter 10: I'm a beginner to gimp so I really dont know a lot of things. but is there something in gimp similar to photoshop's quick selection tool where it is easier to select the characters? Could you do a tutorial on that? Thanks a lot ツ
itstraac #9
Chapter 3: Sorry. But Im confused on to do xcf? Can you like write it for me(: Thanks