chapter 3 (Dongwoos POV)

yadong couple fanfic dongwoos POV


Chapter Three (Dongwo’s POV):

            Sitting in my bed I turned to the clock, 4:53am I couldn’t get any sleep since the camp, it was Monday morning I needed the sleep but I just couldn’t get my eyes to stay shut. I kept questioning myself; why Eunji out of all the girls at our school did I really have to pick her? Was she really the only girl that popped up in my head, why didn’t I think of ummm.. Bora, she sits next to me. Why couldn’t I think of her? I sat there for what seemed like 5 minutes and then my alarm went off, it was lighter in the room and I didn’t even notice. I looked at my clock once more 7:00am I needed to get ready but my body wouldn’t let me move. It was planted to my bed afraid to see Hoya and the rest of the guys at school. I sat there for 10 more minutes until my mom rushed into the room, “Dongwoo!! Wake u….. oh you were awake?” “Huh? Oh ya ill get ready now” I told her, she was satisfied and left. I tried my best to get ready as slow as possible but by the time I was done it was 7:45 and the bell rang. Hoya. I hadn’t talked to him since that night. I peeked out my bedroom door and Hoya was standing there he looked hesitant. He then noticed that the door was open and looked in my direction. “Dongwoo, oh um hi, I was just about to knock..” before he could finish I opened the door and walked past him, well tried, I stumbled and he had to catch me. “Oh yes look at the time, we should really go” and I should really think of other lines, I thought to myself. I had to tell the truth.

            We walked out the door and I turned to him “ Hoya you know on Saturday ya what I said wasn’t real I don’t really li” “ya, I know, you looked nervous, anyways if you liked her, I know that you would have told me” I felt relieved that he understood me. We walked in the classroom and everyone was staring, on Hoya’s desk sat a box, probably from his girlfriend. He placed it down and just sat there not even looking at it. Math went by and it was passing period, I went over, “Hoya don’t you wanna open that? Isn’t it from Eunji?” “I don’t know” he sounded really monotone, Myungsoo came over, “you’re not opening that are you?” “I’ll do it later” and with that the conversation ended. The day went by, and by the time of lunch I knew something was wrong, Eunji walked into our classroom “Hoya I need to talk to you” he got up and walked towards her, they took the whole lunch break together, and everyone was wondering what was going on. 5 minutes before the bell he came back into our classroom, he sat down and didn’t say a word. The day ended and everyone came into our classroom so we could go hang out later, Hoya got up “sorry guys I need to go with Eunji somewhere, I don’t think that I’ll be able to make it today” he left and we sat there with a bit of shock. We got over it though, as we were getting our things ready, we discovered the gift that was left for Hoya in the same spot. “He really didn’t touch it.” I thought out loud, Mungsoo replied “ya I wonder what’s inside?” Sunggyu grabbed it “should we open it?” “NO!” I said kinda yelling. Sunggyu jumped, “okay?! Geez, but aren’t you curious of what’s inside?” I was in fact curious, beyond curious if you ask me, but something in me said not to open it. We left it there and walked out of the classroom.

            The next day I walked into the classroom Hoya wasn’t here yet, he didn’t come to my house, which he usually does and so I was worried. As I was walking to my seat I saw that the present that we had left the other day was still here, untouched. I walked over and put it in his desk so no one else could get to it. I walked back and took a seat as the teacher came in the classroom. In followed Myungsoo, he looked at me giving me a look and sat down. “Dongwoo?” I turned and it was Bora, “sorry Bora umm what is it?” “Oh someone told me to give this to you” she handed me an envelope. “What is this?” “A letter I think Eunji told me to give it to you.” Without hesitating I ripped it open. Inside there was a piece of paper with writing on it,

            Dear Dongwoo,

Hoya and I are on our way to Seoul, I would love to tell you the details but for now I can only say that. I asked Hoya to keep this a secret from all of you. Last night I caught him trying to text you and I took his phone away so don’t bother calling him. He and I are moving schools for now, we have a reason for this so don’t be too worried, we will come for the weekend and leave the following day. I would love for you to come visit us this Saturday at the train station, if that’s alright with you. Anyways keep the other guys informed and we’ll see you soon.

            ~Eunji and Hoya

I put the paper down. “Bora is this a joke?” “What? What does the letter say?” she took it from me and I snatched it back. “Sorry I can’t show this to anyone, I’ll tell you about it soon.” At lunch I grabbed Myungsoo’s shirt and pulled him to the classroom next door. Songyeol was sitting in a circle of girls and Woohyun was studying. I told them to come to the lunchroom and to call or text Sunggyu and Sungjong, they did as I asked. We got to the lunch table where Sunggyu and Sungjong were waiting. I sat down, opened the letter and told them to read. “Look at it, is this for real?” after reading Woohyun looked at me “is she crazy? I think she’s psycho! Who would take someone’s phone away from trying to tell his friends that he’s moving!” Sunggyu got out his phone, “I’m calling him” he dialed in the numbers and it started to ring. All anticipating for his voice to answer we waited, it stopped ringing, someone picked up the phone, “Hoya?” Sunggyu started talking “Hoya are you there?” he kept repeating himself “Hoy…” he was cut off by a girls voice, “hello” “who is this?” Sunggyu asked, “put it on speaker” Songyeol pointed at the phone. “This is Eunji” there was a pause and then Sunggyu spoke again. “Where’s Hoya, can we talk to him?” “He’s not here right now I think he’s in class.” “Then where are you?” “I’m on break, I told you not to call or text Hoya” he paused again collecting his thoughts. “Okay then, just tell me why you took him to Seoul.” Before she could give us an answer she hung up. “The call ended” Sunggyu said turning towards us. “Call him again” Myungsoo commanding Sunggyu, he did but she had turned off his phone. The only thing we could do was wait.    

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Chapter 8: Please!!!!!! Update. I loved your book.
Chapter 8: Please!!!!!! Update. I loved your book.
rugpiweir2 #3
Oh wow this story is very sweet. I love it. I feel bad for Dongwoo, he has feelings for Hoya, but Hoya just keeps getting girlfriends and make Dongwoo sad.
I hope Hoya will come and find Dongwoo in the motel/hotel. I don't want Dongwoo to leave Hoya, because he won't have any chances in getting near Hoya if he leaves! :) Can't wait for updates!! :)
Chapter 2: Oh no Dongwoo made a big mistake xD