Now For Something Completely Different

Boys Day Out

(Place: Cnu's place)

Cnu paced in his living room a few times before the door rang. He raced to it which was quiet unusual for him. With out looking through the peep hole, he opened the door wide dramaticly and pulled in the shocked man.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice." He called back to Onew as he fasted walked back to the living room. 

Onew stayed by the door for a bit in shock and slowly followed bhind, slightly scared. This was the first time he was in Cnu's house so he took his time to take note of everything. It was a nice plain place, light brown walls with a picture frame here and there of his group. 

"Now to matters at hand, do you know where Sanduel is??" Cnu nearly screamed while gripping Onews shoulders tight.

Onew cooly shook him off and shaked his head no. "The most I know is that he called Taemin in the middle of the night."

"Is he gone too?"

"Ya, but that's normal."

"Yes, but Sanduel never goes out! He likes compainy, so I think they're together."

"Plausable, but so what?"

"He was sketchy this morning. He never brushes me off" Cnu pouted, hoping to Onew's help.

With a sigh, Onew threw his hands up into the arm and aggreed to go with him to find the two. Cnu clapped and got his coat, racing out the door. Onew sluggishly followed behind with his hands in his pockets. It's gonna be a looooooong day, he thought to himself.

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