A collection of crackfic


I'm gonna keep my super cracky oneshots separate from my somewhat legit ones, so here we go.


Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. The usual deal.


Don’t tap on the glass, ever. Especially not by the peacocks, as there is a peacock named Rasa that will come get your if you so much as breathe on the glass.

“Remind me again why we’re in America,” Jun asked, dragging his feet. “That plane ride was so long we better be doing something awesome.”

Rasa ran over the checklist in his hand. Beach ball? Check. Sun block? Check. Cooler with sandwiches and drinks? Check, check, double check.


“J-hyo just make up your mind already. I’m tired of you spewing beta particles everywhere.” Rasa winces as he gets his by yet another positron.


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DoolyFics #1
OH. MY .GOD. This made my day. Seriously !
I just couldn't stop laughing while reading (I swear I had tears in my eyes !) Going to the US just to eat sandwiches was actuallt an awesome scenario x) And Rasa flying his kite like a little kid... Epic.
Also, Jun wondering if King would be more intimidading in France than in Korea... Why don't they come to find out ?? I'll be waiting for them ! *out*
Chapter 4: LOL... I have absolutely no idea of all these chem jokes because I didn't chose any science-y subjects~
but omg.. E.den and King~ Forever LOL-ing~
Chapter 4: ATOM!AU OMG ILU
(yeah i'm late so sue me)
asdfghjkl;' radioactive decay though
loling forever and j-hyo's identity crisis
also jun's
and rasa is a noble gas
so noble
i can't help imagining king with protons for cheeks though lol
Chapter 4: oh GoSH... this chaps xDDD
i can't even... xDDD so funny~~
Chapter 4: awww.. lol E.den and king.. so cute!! E.den seems more like a king now and King just seems.. like a kid trying to be king XP
Chapter 3: bahaha~ The ending of J-hyo whining when Eden gets too close XD
just reinforces the poor insecure guy who is on twitter being like 'I dont like guys." bahahaha~
Meeky-Meek #7
Chapter 3: Gosh I love these fics! Ah~ J-hyo must really love his Subway & trust Rasa to be the childish one with a love for kites. xD Too funny! & AO is just too cute singing his song~
Chapter 2: haha~ this was hilarious! XD

J-hyo just wanting to go eat subway in the US!
AND YES~ Why don't they come to Australia?? LOLLL~

I love your crack plot ideas~ Hope you don't ever run out of them! :)
forever_alone_lol #9
Chapter 2: This is so perfect omfg :(((
My stomach hurts from laughing good jesus