Dear Joon Myun,


You've been told that kind people are those with one-sided love. You weren't exactly the kind type of person but when it comes to having a one-sided love, you count yourself in.

Things weren't going smoothly for your senior year in high school. After your parents decided to legally separate, the recent entries in your mini diary were all about your problems dealing with your parents separated while the past entries were just simply about the common problems and rants you had as you reached high school. That diary became a friend you never had and the special thing about it? It was addressed to the person you silently loved from afar for 3 years.

Now, what happens when one day you lost it and the person who happened to find it was the person you're having a one-sided love with... Kim Joon Myun


I know it's sort of a 'cliche' plot but the idea of writing this fic is actually inspired from a real life experience. It's not my experience though haha! It was an experience from a friend :)




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joonmeow #1
Chapter 8: omg will you still continue this story? I miss it..............
Chapter 8: update pliss ...
Aikyung #3
Chapter 8: its nice, but why is nraring the end? it just started, hehehehehehe
joonmeow #4
Chapter 8: Im glad that u updated after so long!! I wish this fanfic is longer T_T i dont want it to end so fast ;;;
Chapter 8: Aww~ He doesn't her to go anywhere but waited for him.
joonmeow #6
Chapter 7: I love this story.i hope you will update soon.thank youuuu
Chapter 7: PENCIL GIRL omg that's so cute
iamasushiaddict #8
Chapter 7: omgggg cannot wait for the next update!
Chapter 7: omfg I lololove this. I regret ignoring this fic for so long. can't wait for moreeee