
Kyuhyuk Drabble Collection

Prompt: Names




Kyuhyun has never in his miserable life been good with names. Sure, he could remember faces pretty easily and could recognize who you were but to go as far as to associate that face with an actual name? No, that wasn't for him. It wasn't because he didn't want to remember. He simply couldn't.


It was frustrating because that's how most his friendships failed. He never called them by their names.


Hey warlock guy!, How are you doing polka dot girl?, How's it going guy slightly going bald who sits in front of me in every class? Did you finish the assignment ponytails? Those types of situations were the ones to blame for his total anti social, almost depressing and completely isolated school years.


It was in college that things changed.


That's when Kyuhyun met him.


He first saw him down the hall on his way to Political Science, the guy had dyed his hair blue making him really stand out from the rest of the students. The boy had almond shaped small brown eyes, fair skin, specs and he smiled...


He smiled widely, full on teeth and gums with no inhibitions, with no worries in life and somehow it was like all this happiness the guy let flow came rushing towards him, through his body and he didn't know why but he found himself smiling like a fool.


Maybe that's why when he hears one of the guys in the small group say Hyukjae and seeing the blue haired answering happily he just knew no matter what he did he just couldn't forget this name. He wouldn't allow himself to forget this name.


He let his hand fish around his left pocket for a pen and when he found no paper to immortalize the words in, he lifted his dark blue wool sweater sleeve and without hesitation he wrote them on his forearm.


When he reaches his class room he sits on the last row, takes out his notebook and writes down Hyukjae's name for a second time and then a third and a fourth and he found himself doing so every single day.

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EunHaeShipper #1
Chapter 3: Why so meannnn, kyuhyun? =(
analee592 #2
Chapter 3: Aaiy...why do i keep reading angst story??? But still, I'm curious about this, is there going to be a sequel, authornim?
Chapter 3: did kyu passed away??huhu...ah its too heartbreaking...
Chapter 3: why so sad...but yeah its scary when you still have the same feeling to someone but that someone has lost his feeling...
need to know what happened,so...sequel,maybe?hehe...
analee592 #5
Chapter 2: Gosh..this was adorable..thank you for writing..^_^
EunHaeShipper #6
Chapter 2: OMG!! I just love it!!! Can't wait for more ^^
Chapter 1: awww kyu is so adorable!!
Sad that he has no friend just bcos he cant remember their names! But then, if it happen to me, i might also feel a lil ermmm... Yeah.

Thank you for sharing ^^
Chapter 2: waaa this is wonderful! i like the situation you put here...
my kyuhyuk shipper heart is full and warm after reading this chapter...
thank you!
Chapter 2: ah this is good reading kyuhyuk story always cheer me up kkk...for BOLD i wish it more longer though kkk..anyhow thank kyu for writing this drabbles..update soon ^^