
Let’s Learn the ABC

Cut verb

- an individual strip of film consisting of a single shot; the separation of two pieces of action as a "transition" (used when one says "cut from the shot of the boy to the shot of the girl"); a verb meaning to join shots together in the editing process; or an order to end a take ("cut!").


It is Woohyun’s third time in acting yet he was still nervous. Maybe because his other movies kept on flopping and is always a failure. Heck, he needed his girlfriend by his side this moment but because of an emergency she couldn’t even come and support him.

While looking at the busy set, Woohyun’s heartbeat, if even possible, became faster. His palms were sweaty and he felt his knees going jelly. What should he do to calm his anxious feeling? Should he drink water? Should he jump? Should he…


“Can you just sit down? You keep on going back and forth you know.” That was the cue for him to sit down. Well, it was his co-actor, the ever-so-moody Kim Sunggyu. He should have just declined this project instead of working with this… small-eyed guy.

“Yah, why are you looking at me like that?” Sunggyu’s eyes became even smaller if possible because of his irritation.

“You look stupid.” The brown-haired guy again commented and Woohyun just wanted to punch him at this instance.


If not only because of Sunggyu’s popularity, he wouldn’t even accept this. His manager forced him to do so because this can already be his break in this industry. Kim Sunggyu was one of the most influential actor in his generation and his manager thought that maybe, just maybe, he and Kim Sunggyu can be friends and he can also get the popularity the other got. Well, with the older’s attitude? Woohyun does not think so.


“Nam Woohyun-sshi? Your phone is ringing.” His make-up artist suddenly said, breaking Woohyun’s thoughts.

Woohyun looked at his phone and smiled all of a sudden. It was his girlfriend, Ara and she was at last calling him.

“Hello? Baby?”

“Woohyunnie, how are you my dear?” Woohyun winced because of the loudness of his girl.

“I’m okay babe. It’s just that, I’m so nervous and it is only you who can calm me down.” He heard someone snickering in his back and he can easily guess who that was.

“Sorry Hyun, you know I can’t. There’s an important meeting at my studio today. Let me make up the next time we meet okay?” Ara was full of excuses. She is always working and it is kind of pissing Woohyun off already because he can notice that everytime there’s an important event that will happen in his life, Ara is always at her studio or overseas for her work.

“Fine. You’re always like that.”

“Aww Hyun, pretty pleaseeeee? Oh and I got to go. Bye.” Ara hunged up the phone without saying the magic words.

“Why the long face? Your girlfriend dumped you?” Sunggyu smirked.

It was their first time meeting and he’s already hating the guy to the guts.


“Okay so I expect that you two will have a great chemistry together. Sunggyu, guide him okay? You’re more knowledgeable.” The director said to both of them.



Did Woohyun already say what this movie is all about? No? Well, it’s about gay relationship. Well, their director wants something new wherein most people will enjoy and other people will understand too thus this movie was created. Sunggyu doesn’t care because this is already his second time being paired up with a guy but Woohyun is a different case. He knew that this will be awkward. He only hopes that his girlfriend wouldn’t be jealous because of this.


Time surely flies fast. It was already their third week in filming yet it seems like there are no progress in their relationship. They were still ‘strangers’ and purely ‘co-workers’ but Woohyun finds Sunggyu cute when they are filming. His cute antics, his sweetness and his beautiful voice hooks Woohyun to the scene. But when the camera goes off, Sunggyu’s personality goes a 360 degree turn. He turns cold, he snaps and gets irritated easily only by Woohyun. The younger one doesn’t know why but Sunggyu is really warm towards the staffs and not to him.

When Woohyun saw what they were filming today, he got cold. It was already the kissing scene, damn kissing scene. He was not yet ready for this but Sunggyu looks like he doesn’t even care.


“Excited Woohyun-ah?” He saw his manager wiggling her eyebrows.

“Noona, I am not. Hmm, maybe I’ll think of Ara when I kiss him.” His manager frowned because she surely hated Ara.

“Hope you’ll see that she’s not the one for you.” His manager muttered.

“Huh? What did you say?”

“Nothing. Hyun-ah, want to make this more exciting?”

“Eventhough it’s creepy, you’re a fan of . Can’t a kiss satisfy you?” He scoffs.

“Aish, let’s just bet, please!” Woohyun swore that his manager is surely mental.

“Fine fine, what do you want?”

“I will bet that you will like that kiss.” Woohyun spat out the water he was drinking then laugh loudly.

“Nam, you’re gross.” Kim Sunggyu said from the other side of the set.

“That’s just impossible noona. Me? Like that kiss?  In your dreams. As far as I know I have a girlfriend and I love her.” Woohyun smiled towards her.

“Just accept the bet!”

“You’re pushy. Okay then, I bet that I will not like that kiss and if I win, you will not sign me up again in any gay dramas or movies okay?”

“And if I win, you will go on a date with Kim Sunggyu. Deal?”

“Date with Kim Sunggyu. Impossible, really.”

“Hyun just say deal!”


“You’ll surely fall for Gyu’s charms!” His manager evil-laughed.

“Charms my and… wait what? Gyu? Who even gave you the permission to call him Gyu, noona?”

“Oh I smell some jealousy and duh, he was the one who offered us to call him Gyu. Isn’t he a nice ball of sunshine? That cutie.” Woohyun glared at Sunggyu who was memorizing his lines.

“He isn’t even nice towards me.” Right then Sunggyu looked up and they stared at each other before Sunggyu broke the contact. Did he saw it right? Sunggyu, the Kim Sunggyu, blushed?

“Hey, you’re ignoring me you wimp!” Oh he’s just imagining things. Right?

“Woohyun and Sunggyu are you ready?”

“Let’s just finish this.”


It was raining and it was a part of their scene. Sunggyu was running away from Woohyun because he was afraid, afraid that his feelings would not be returned. He just confessed a while ago and he was embarrassed, embarrassed to the point that he ran away from the restaurant and got soaked in the rain.

Woohyun getting back to his senses ran after him and because of being a fast runner, he caught up and grabbed Sunggyu.


“Don’t run away while it’s raining.” Woohyun calmly said.

“No. I… . Why did I even said that?” The older looked at the ground, not wanting to meet the younger’s eyes.

“Please, you’ll be sick if you don’t follow me.”

“Damn! I just confessed and… you have no reactions at all? How heartless can you be?” Sunggyu looked at Woohyun and the black haired was mesmerized by Sunggyu’s beauty.


Even if it is raining, Sunggyu truly looks stunning. With those water droplets dripping down his clear skin… and…


CUT!” Woohyun only woke up from his reverie when the director shouted.

“Nam! This is not easy, we both can get sick so can you just be serious?” Sunggyu ruffled his hair.

“So… sorry Sunggyu, I just…  forget it. Let’s go again.”


They both finished the lines until the last one from the first cut.


“I am not heartless! If I am heartless, I wouldn’t even be at your side, comforting you, looking at you, loving you! I hid these things from you so that our friendship wouldn’t be ruined.” Woohyun’s heart was beating rapidly. Maybe because the kissing scene is getting nearer and he is becoming more nervous.

“You… what?” Sunggyu whispered while tears were beginning to fall from his eyes.

“I love you, more than you’ll ever know.” The younger hugged him tightly.

“I love you too.” Sunggyu hugged him too.


Woohyun let go and he touched Sunggyu’s cheeks and – his eyes are so beautiful, his cheeks are so fluffy, his lips are irresistible, his nose is really perk – Woohyun is, again, captivated by the older’s beauty.

Their lips were slowly inching, closer and closer, inch by inch. They both felt each other’s breathe and when their lips touched, no one dared to move and they just stayed as it is.


CUT! Hey, you two were supposed to kiss lovingly! Not just stand there like statues. Aish, show your chemistry you two.”


Fireworks were errupting in both of their hearts. All Woohyun could think of was – Oh my gosh, his lips are so soft I just want to bite it and oh my gosh, can I like taste him already oh oh oh – Yes, that’s him. But he suddenly remembered his deal with his manager and slowly looked towards her direction. His manager only smirked and flipped her hair.


“Yah, you want to prolong our kiss eh?” Sunggyu tsk-ed.

“Oh so it’s my fault now? It’s yours, you stiff!”

“Who are you calling a stiff you unsuccesful failure?!” Sunggyu already hit below the belt and he could see the deadly glint in Woohyun’s eyes.

“What did you just call me?”

“I said you are a…”


They were glaring intensely at each other.

“Let’s get this over with.” They both said in unison.


Woohyun grabbed Sunggyu’s cheeks a little bit harshly and his eyes softened when he saw Sunggyu winced a little. He caressed his cheeks and looked at the brown-haired guy lovingly before diving down and kissing him slowly but passionately.

Sunggyu’s eyes widened when Woohyun moved his lips but he closed it and kissed the latter back. He was enjoying it. The younger tastes like vanilla and he couldn’t help but moan a little. The younger chuckled a little and bit the older’s closed lips. Sunggyu was a little bit reluctant to open his mouth but let the younger enter his mouth. Their tongues danced with each other and Sunggyu once again moaned. They already forgot that they were still on the set.


“CUT!” But they still were kissing.

“CUTTTTTTTT!” The whole staff shouted.


They both opened their eyes because of shock and got away with each other with cheeks that are red. Woohyun was massaging his neck while Sunggyu was touching his lips.


“Uh, do they still need to do another one?” Woohyun’s manager suggested and the whole crew laughed.


They didn’t notice Sunggyu running and entering the building. Woohyun, though, noticed it and followed the other.


Sunggyu went to the rest room and banged his head on the mirror.

“Did you just enjoyed that Kim Sunggyu? What would they think? What would Woohyun think?” He kept on banging his head.

“You should avoid letting your feelings go out.”

“What feelings?” He jumped because of the familiar voice.

“Oh… Woohyun. Why are you here?” Stupid Kim Sunggyu, of course he went here to use the rest room.

“What do you think?” The black-haired man chuckled.

“Whatever.” Sunggyu decided to go to one of the sink when Woohyun touched his arms.

“What did you felt when we… kissed?” Woohyun lowly said.

“Uh… Nothing! What would I feel? Ha, don’t be so full of yourself!” Sunggyu wriggled his arms but the younger wouldn’t let him go.

“Do you want to know what I felt… Sunggyu?” Sunggyu can feel the heat of the other, he can feel his breathing near his ear and he shuddered.

“What… did you felt?” He whispered.

“I felt warm, hot… I felt good.” The black-haired guy bit the earlobe of the older who gasped in shock.

“Woo… Woohyun!”

“I don’t know what you did to me Kim Sunggyu, but I am sure that I want to know you more… and get things to the next level.” Sunggyu can only blink and look at Woohyun through the mirror.

“Are you stupid? You have a girlfriend… you can’t just…” But Sunggyu got cut out when Woohyun brought out his cellphone. He seemed to be finding someone’s name and when he did, he called and put it on a loudspeaker.


“Hello Woohyunnie?” They both heard a whiny voice.

“Hey, let’s break up.” Sunggyu can just blink while staring at the handsome creature who is smirking from behind him.


The girl on the other line was obviously just as surprised as him because of her stuttering but Woohyun didn’t even wait for the other to talk and just ended the call.


“So there.” Woohyun was still smirking.

“You’re really something.” Sunggyu chuckled and then faced him.

“Do you know that I already had my eyes on you when I saw your first movie?” At that, Sunggyu crashed their lips together.

“And I’m just hiding my liking on you by being a jerk.” Sunggyu finished when he pulled away from the kiss.

“Oh, I know I’m that charming! So that’s why you kept on doing bad a while back just to get those cuts and kiss me again and again?” Woohyun winced when he felt the older punching him hard. 


Oh my god I am so sorry! /ugly sobbing/ I kind of forgot this story because of school works and when I went online, I just realized that damn, I have a story in Asianfanfics. But oh well, I kind of rushed this for my subscribers, are you still there? :) So yes, long-live WooGyu?


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Hope your happy with the latest. I'm so sorry for the late update :((


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Chapter 4: Hahah so cute XD and dongwoo is so annoying at thr end XD
Chapter 4: Awww this is so hot
exoticshawol125 #3
oh my gosh this was a great story!
Chapter 4: hey i just found this ^^
all the stories are great, me likey...

the abc's not enough for woogyu love tho xD we need morreee
Chapter 3: I love this. You should update more!! ^^
Woogyu jjang!
Chapter 3: OMG,, i really love your oneshots. please update soon ^^
ananano #7
I just read 3 chapters in one night and I feel so good!!! these stories are good.... woogyu is just so cute!!!
straybangfinite877 #8
Chapter 2: I love this please update soon!!