My Hot Transfer Student


Nam Jiwon’s your typical crazy fangirl.

She randomly bursts out into fangirl rampages. She thinks of her idols all day and all night instead of doing her chores. And she doesn’t waste her time on guys in her school because they could never compare to her beloved idol husbands.

But what happens when the gorgeous new kid shows up at her school?


Main Characters

Name: Nam Jiwon

Age: 16

Student at Cheolnan High School. Crazy fangirl. Doesn't have a lot of friends. Doesn't care if she makes a total fool of herself. Would sacrifice anything for her idols.

She lives with her mother, step father and step sister, Krystal, who's her age. Mr. Jung married her mother while she was just a little child, and knew him since birth, so she always considered him and Krystal as family.


Name: Kim Myungsoo

Age: 16

New student at Cheolnan High School. Instantly becomes the schools most loved kingka. Pretty silly and dorky.




Jiwon's stinging red eyes overflowed with hot, salty tears. The more she tried to control, the more violent the rushing water became. The more time passed, the more difficult it became to breathe. To think that breathing, something that came so naturally, could become such a struggle. Her bottlom lip began to quiver as she tried to form a sentence.

“I won.” she mouthed.

“I WON THE FREE TICKETS TO THE YG FAMILY CONCERT!!” Jiwon jumped out of her chair, and ran around her room in circles screaming in excitement. Just when her feet were about to give out, she ran to my Big Bang poster located by the bed. “It won’t be long ‘til we meet, G-dragon, my sweet~”


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