Chapter 1 : From USA, Japan, Australia to South Korea !

Insanely in Love



~ The blue sentences are spoken in english ~


The States, Japan and Australia were only meaningless places among many others. It was more like random places, in my journey. Since my parents passed away, eight years ago. My uncle and his wife took care of me and had sent me studying abroad. They used to say that I can't study in Seoul, there weren't any school that worth it. Thinking about it I'm very thanful but I never had the guts to thank them properly. I'm thankful because I was able to learn at least five different language like French, English, Japanese, Mandarin and Spainish including Korean my native language. But I don't talk korean often that's why I begun to forget it.
I'm Seo Jae Hyeong son of the former Seoul's Mayor, I'm only sixteen but I wish I can grow into a mature and kind young man, and be able to fulfill my dreams, like my aunt wanted me to do. But first of all, I've to go to school. School. The place I like the most, aside the fact that we learn a lit of things there but also the fact that we can meet a lot of people and have very good friends in there. And spend an unforegtable school year, by traveling abroad with your classmate and do a lot if things, like holding school events, like sports  meetings or arts contests and many orhers.
Grasping my schoolbag's straps I walked past the main gate to the main entrance. As soon as i walked past the doorframe, the corridor fell silent and all the students gathered there were silently staring at me. I didn't even dared to stare back at them. I get shu around people I don't know. My foot were dragging me to what I assume was the main office. Smiling, I bowed politely to the old lady who was sitting there, with her glasses on reading some files.
I cleared my throat, hoping that she'll notice me, and I introduced myself. " Good Morning, miss. I'm Seo Jae Hyeong the new student from Australia " I said in english as I bowed once again. The lady laid her pen down and stood up, walking towards me. " Omo .... " Finally, she seemed to remember me " You're Jae Hyeong, Seo Woo Shik's son ? " I nodded slightly blinking away the tears that threatned to fall. " You've grew up, the last time I saw you, you were as tall as three apples " She said ruffling my hair and pinching my cheeks.
" I hope that you'll feel at ease here and I wish you to keep up the good work. " She picked up a paper and lookes at it then, she lifted her gace, with a conforting smile sticked on. " I know that it's really hard for you, but you've to understand that your uncle was thinking about your education, by sending you studying abroad " I nodded, understanding that they'd no other choice than to send me abroad. 
" Anyway you should hurry because your first lesson is about to start. Later or mayve during luch I'll send someone to show you around the school. Until then don't get lost " I laughed a bit taking the timetable she was handing me and exited her office. I leaned against the nearest wall taking derp breaths. There were a lit of students walking down the hall, It wasn't like I was scared or something, it's just that I needed to get somme fresh air, this school is intoxicing me.
Driiiiiiiiiiing ~ 
And here we go, as soon as the bell rang every students hurried yo ther classroom. The even bumped into some students who where going up stairs. It took me less than a minute to find my classroom, I peeked in to make sure that's where  I'm supposed to be and walked in. Dodging the Chalks and the crumpled paper that were thrown towards the teacher's desk, I shearched for a vacant desk. I noticed that there was a desk at the far end of the class on th right corner, near the window. Perfect. I made my way to that desk and sat down, looking around me, I pouted slightly remebering that I don't have any friends yet. Ten minutes since the bell had rung and the teacher hasn't come yet. When the boredom took over me, I decide to take a quick nap until the teacher walks in.
Moments Later ~ 
I heard rustling, whispers and gasps, which stears me off my sleep. I opened an eye and noticed a shadow hovering my desk, glancing up I shot my eyes wide open. I was speechless. Standing there, in front of my desk was the most  beautiful sight I saw in my life. The tall blond haired guy, was very handsome and well dressed. It was just mindblowing how I still stuned by such tiny things. I'm a guy and so he's. It was wrong, way too wrong but I an't bring myself to stop drooling over him.
I showed my genuine smile and asked " Are you lost or do you want something ? " I said in english, hoping he'd get that I can't speak korean properly. The handsome guy raised an eyebrow and chuckled. His lips drawing a breathtaking grin. To mty dismay he replied in english.
" It's seems that you're the one who is lost, and I want you to have your off of my chair " He replied dryly, this smirk of his never leaving his face. I furrowed my eyebrows and clenched my fists under the desk until my knuckles turned white.
" Look if you want me to get up, you should ask nicely and there is no need to be picky " I snapped back, earning another bucnh of gasps and whispers. I caught a few glimpse of some students sending me daggers, if only looks can kill, I would already be dead since I laid a foot in this school. I darted back my eyes to the duche standing in front of me. " I'm not going to get so go look for another seat " I crossed my arms and puffed my cheeks.
I swear that I saw a hint of challenge in the blond haired boy's eyes and he went standing by my side. " So it's how it's going to be ? " I nodded vigorously, not plaining to move a finger. I shoted him a suprise dlook when I heard him cracking his knuckles and neck, he bent down and lift me off the chair.
" Yah ! Set me down now " I began to thrash around, hitting his chest with my knees in hope that he'll let me go " Yah, you bastard let me go " I screamed when I fell on my bottom in the middle of a semi crowded corridor and my bag followed seconds later.
" You told me to let you go, so what's what I did " He smirked and went back to class. I can hear the students laugh and gossip around, I got up and dusted my pants. Going back to my class, I knocked on the door, who was closed. I guess that the teacher had begun hos lesson. I truned the doorkno and bowed slightly glaring at the boy who had previously  kicked me out of the class.
" Oh you're the new student " I nodded " Annyong, I'm Julien Kang, your english teacher and also your room teacher " I bowed once again " I heard that you studied abroad, so I guess you can speak english ? "
" Yes I can, sir "
" Oh since we're in english lesson, you shloud introduce yourself in english, go ahead "
I stepped were the teacher was standing and look ed at all the students " Hi everyone, I'm Seo Jae Hyeong, I used to study in USA, Australia and Japan, that means tha I can speak, english, japanese, franch and a bit of korean but I understand a lot of things in korean. Please take care of me and nice to meet you " The teacher told me to take a seat beside who I assumed was Hyeong Kon, is sat down and glared at him. When the teacher start talking and teaching some grammar rules I felt a crumpled paper hitting my cheek, I turned to look at Hyeong Kon, who only stared back at me and then at the paper. I took as a sign to read the paper.
" Welcome to Kirin High School, it's what happens when you're being feisty, I won't spare you next time "
I ripped the paper in small piece and tossed it on his table smilling and mouthing a bastard.
The door shot open revealing a panting brown haired girl, she went to sit behind me and crossed his legs setting them on his desk.
" Jang Woo Na, mind telling me why and where were you ? You're fourty minutes late " Mister Kang asked not even ripping his eyes of the workbook he was holding, he kept writing on the blackboard
" I was with my mum ... " That was all she said, the teacher sighed and keep his lesson. Even if I didn't get what they're talking about I was able to understand that she was late and it has something to do with his
I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around " Hey I'm Jang Woo Na and you ? " She had her hand held out, I looked at it and then at her and shook her hand. I should introtuced myself, shouldn't I ? 
" Nice meeting you I'm Seo Jae Hyung " I said smiling to her, at least someone was being nice to meet
" Ah you're new, err .. why don't you speak korean ? " She asked raising an eyebrow
" He can't ... He used to study abroad, so I guess he forgot his native language, what's a shame " Hyeong said, I furrowe dmy brows, What was he saying ? 
" Aah I see, what's a pity, because I can't speak english ~ " Woo Na admitted " Hyung ! " he snapped attracting everyone attention, including me. Wait a minute. She had just called the douche bag hyung ?! Isn't she a girl ? Or is she transvestite or something.
" Yah ! I alreadyt old you that you're a girl, and girl calls older men, oppa but since I know yu won't do it, call me at least by my name " Hyeong gon stated, my eyes darted to Woo Na, waiting for answer, the latter was smirking like there is no tomorrow.
" Hyeong Gon hyung ~ " She began to sing song, I end up burst in laugh. This girl is really something, I bet that we'll get along pretty well.
Author's Note : So I  everyone, I'm a new author and reader here.
As you can see I didn't take me to much time to write my first story, 
And I'm done with this first chapter, I'm currently writing the 5 th chapter.
So how was it ? This chapter was supposed to introduce Jae to you, and where he is going to spend most of his time.
Since I'm a konjae or 2hyeong shipper, I decide to write this story. To be able to satisfy the other's A-Jax fans 
Anyway I hope that you had enjoyed reading this, since it's my first time writing a fanfic in english, I hope that you'll leave a lot of comments.
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Chapter 1: Update soon! :)
Ans the Jang Woona girl is kind of pretty
Hey ! i found out that you was the girl who have the same userbame as me on your twitter LMAO Anyway I came across this and I waq surprises to see that you followes my advice and begant to write this story, I bet that it'll be a very good story even better than mine. And for the request for belng your co author, I've to think about it because I'm having less time to update my own story so I won't answer yey. First of all, I'm goig to hake exams so after I pass, only If I pass the exam then I'll gladly be your co-authir :) Anyway upsate soon because I've subscribzd to this c: