Of Lust, Lies, and Love





Jongin was bored. He has nothing to do but to stay beside Kyungsoo who’s still sleeping. He’s asleep for almost nine hours already and Jongin was bound at home for what it seems like forever.


He tried to sleep but he couldn’t complete at least three hours of it due to Kyungsoo’s frequent nightmares and Jongin, being the guardian of his hyung for the mean time because his mother’s gone to buy groceries and stuffs, was forced to child labor—though he volunteered to check on the boy and be left at home.


Then the doorbell ring. He carefully left Kyungsoo in his bed and went to see who that is.


It’s Sehun.


And LuHan, Lay, Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Tao, Kris, Minseok and Jongdae. The gang’s in front of his house. Wow. What a great timing.


He opened their frontdoor and was immediately crushed into a bear hug, courtesy of Sehun and Lay who’re if not with the help of Luhan and Suho would kill Jongin. The others then took their seats even without Jongin’s approval. Just, wow.


“So, what brought you all here?”


Nobody answered directly why but the domino of pointing ended on Sehun who was about to point Jongin but then remembered he’s on Jongin’s house so he just smiled his sheepish smile.


“But you are abthsent Kai. We got worried.” Sometimes Jongin thinks twice if Sehun really is a Junior or a first-grader but it’s too tiring to think, so he always end up brushing away the thought.


“Why are you absent though? Well, you know what? Ms. Kwon’s like really spacing out earlier. She’s like daydreaming and her period was cut off early because, ahm… because of what again? Argh! I forgot!”


Then he remembered what happened yesterday. The drama, his bestfriend—rather, ex-bestfriend, the park, the boy whose name is Do Kyungsoo—


“Kyungsoo Hyung!” He shouted his hyung’s name and immediately went upstairs to see Kyungsoo lying peacefully on his bed. Then he heard footsteps approaching and as he’s about to close his bedroom door, he’s too late; they’ve seen Kyungsoo.


Then he heard gasps and cries—fake, and not; and










Jongin rolled his eyes at them.


“Okay, guys, stop overreacting. And could you please lower down your voice? I’ll explain everything downstairs, c’mon.” He then ushered his guests back to their living room and closed the bedroom door.


What he didn’t know is that Kyungsoo’s actually awake at that time. Thanks to the noise his friends made.


Kyungsoo opened his eyes by the time the door closes. He quickly got up from bed and opened his bag to get some BB Cream. He’ll conceal some of his cuts and bruises.


He knows that maybe Jongin would tell what exactly he looked like when he found him, but what’s the help of letting them be seen by others? None right.


Once contented with the concealing he made, he placed back the BB Cream in his bag and went down.



“So you didn’t kill him?” He heard Tao’s question to Jongin. And he could only imagine Jongin rolling his eyes at them—and yes he’s right, Jongin just rolled his eyes at them.


“But what actually happened to Kyungsoo when you found him last night?” It is Suho who asked. And Kyungsoo almost laughed—if not because of his aching facial muscles, at the detective-like attempt of Suho to interrogate Jongin.


And as he’s about to answer, Jongin saw Kyungsoo walking down the stairs.


“I think you could ask him that.” He then smiled at Kyungsoo who quickly shook his head but to no avail as everyone’s eyes were fixed to him.


“Ah—Ahm, He—Hello?”


“OHMYGOODNESS! HE SPEAKS! HE’S ALIVE!” It’s Luhan, followed by Tao and Lay. They’re about to hug Kyungsoo when a pair of strong arms pulled him from the trio. It’s Jongin.


“Calm down Hyungs, I told you already he’s alive. Now, just sit down and don’t do anything much to him because you see, he’s still, ahm… injured?”


Jongin explained to them while hiding Kyungsoo protectively at his back.


“He has a point Peach. Now will you please all sit down and let the boyfriend to his job.” Kris’ remark didn’t go unnoticed by the two which quickly move at least a foot from each other, before saying,


“I’m not gay.” They said in unison. But it seemed like none of them cared. They went suddenly busy as the two tried their best to explain their sides.


When they got tired, they eventually sat at the couch, still a foot away from each other. Then Jongin’s mother came.


They all stood up and bowed to her as she bowed back but she hurriedly ran to Kyungsoo who got a little embarrassed with the attention he’s getting, especially from Jongin.


“Mom, he’s alright okay? He got down here and he’s safe and sound. Now please, will you cook us dinner?” Jongin helped her mother with the groceries as she kissed Kyungsoo one more time before leaving them.


Jongin felt that again. Jealousy. But no, he must not feel it because his hyung deserves it. He’s in his mother’s custody anyways.


So to avoid that selfishness of him, he got back to the living room only to see that his friends are much more concerned to a guy they just knew than a guy they befriended a long time ago. Then he felt it again, but it’s more evident now as he narrowed his eyes at the sight before him.


Kyungsoo, who felt rather clouded with questions caught Jongin staring at them. He then felt guilt rush to him, so he politely excused himself from his friends and proceeded to Jongin.


“Jongin-ah.” He hold the younger’s arm ashe tried to talk to him.


“Having fun there?” Jongin asked rather accusatory. Kyungsoo was aback with the question, but still kept his stand firm.


“Jongin, let’s talk this out. Please.” He intently looked at Jongin in his eyes as the latter sighed in defeat and lead them back to his room.


There was silence between them as they sat at the opposite sides of the bed. But it was Kyungsoo who’s determined to talk about their problem.


“Jongin, please answer me honestly. Are you jealous?”


It was rather too harsh for Kyungsoo to ask Jongin who has already bruised his ego with the sudden turn of the tables. But he asked anyway, he’s frank when he’s serious.


“No—Yes! I mean… yeah, a little bit.” Jongin answered, feeling a bit embarrassed with his childishness. But he’s the son right? He’s a friend for a longer time right?


“I’m sorry Jongin if I… I kind of take their attention away from you. Your mother’s, your friend’s and just recently, you know what? I heard some rumors about me snatching the spotlight from a guy who’s named Kai. Who, actually was you. I’m the new guy they’re talking about Jongin-ah.”


 Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip as he prevented himself from crying. He continued, “But just so you know, I… I didn’t mean to do that. I never wanted any of those.”


Jongin was out of words to use. He can’t voice it out that he’s sorry if that’s what Kyungsoo’s thinking because he knows, deep inside him, that he partly blames his hyung for that.


“You’re a good guy Jongin-ah. And you deserve attention. I’m… I’m sorry if I kind of take them away from you for quite a few time. But I promise you, you can have them all yours again in no time, Jongin.” Kyungsoo smiled a little. It will be for them that he said that. And will soon wash away the guilt that eats him everytime he sees those look in Jongin’s eyes. They want attention, because they lack of it.


“W—What do you mean Hyung?” Jongin’s quite confused with the words Kyungsoo said. His heartbeat’s getting faster as he feels something more than what his hyung said.


“Don’t worry Jongin. Just think of this, of everything that happened, as a dream. And you’ll be good. Everything will finally be back to the way they’re supposed to be. And, I’m once again sorry if… I ruined it.” Kyungsoo’s statements getting clearer and clearer but he doesn’t want to tell it to Jongin. Not now, not when they can still see him. So what he did is, he looked at the window.


The sunset’s beautiful, and it’s inviting him.


But before he drift off again, he stand up, with a smile on his face. He looked at Jongin who’s still looking confused and all, and hugged him.


“Thank you, Jongin.” Then he went outside the room and walked absent-mindedly to the kitchen.


Jongin, on the other hand, was left in the room still trying to think what those words mean. But was interrupted as Sehun got into his bedroom and ask him if he’s alright. He lied saying he’s okay, when the truth is, those words of his hyung are replaying in his mind. But he followed Sehun downstairs anyway.


He tried to look for Kyungsoo in the living room but he’s not there. He excused himself saying that he needs to use the comfort room, then he saw Kyungsoo. He’s happily chatting with his(Jongin’s) mother but it seems like, it’s rather forced. Jongin didn’t really know, but it feels nothing.


Basically, the happiness of the person will radiate on his/her smile, but he can’t feel it with Kyungsoo’s. Neither the feeling of jealousy wasn’t there. But he doesn’t really know.


Maybe he’s been standing there for a long time already that if not because of Kyungsoo snapping in front of him with a smile similar to the earlier, he wouldn’t know.


“Hey, are you okay Jongin?” Kyungsoo asked him. Eyebrows furrowed cutely—no! Not cute! I was saying, he’s furrowing his eyebrows at me.


“Y—yeah. I’m fine.” But his statement came more as if he’s assuring himself more that he’s okay rather than actually answering his hyung’s question.


“Oh, c’mon. Don’t be silly Jongin. Just don’t mind what I told you earlier—wait! You didn’t listen to me, did you?” I listened to every word you said Hyung! That’s why I’m really confused! But he can’t say those, he’s really awkward. Like, really awkward.


“I’ll repeat. Just forget everything that happened okay? Just forget, and everything will be okay. Now, you got that Jongin-ah?” He could only nod curtly when the truth is, it bugs him.


“Good, now let’s go to the kitchen because we’re going to eat. And oh! You’ll all be able to taste one of Do Kyungsoo’s specials… even, once.” The last part came as a whisper, but Jongin heard it.


Kyungsoo then turned around, still keeping his forced smile, as he told everyone, they’ll be tasting a food prepared by himself.




The dinner went good. It was noisy, with the thirteen of them all sitting at the dining area. It’s the first time, and unfortunately the last time for Kyungsoo to experience this that’s why as much as possible, he engaged himself into it.


He even encouraged Jongin, who’s all silent, to join the fun. And not too long, he’s already riding the jokes they tell. He laughs at them as well.


And that’s all Kyungsoo needs to be 100% sure of his decision. To see that everyone and everything will be okay.



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Chapter 16: I'm crying.. ~~ oh my >_<
Hi, this was really well written, though truthfully, the ending was disappointing. I really did like this story and I believe you did a good job with it ^^