Relationship Status: Constipated


Relationship Status: Constipated

Being unable to express affection to somewhat you like is similar on being constipated.

Yes, it's gross but that's how I feel.

I am so afraid to express my feelings, what if she has no tissue to wipe my off after? I mean, what if she doesn't like me back? I am afraid of expectation and heart break,

We have so many differences,

She loves novels
I prefer comics

She despise crowds
I love attention

She's quiet
I am vocal

I don't exist in her eyesight
She's the apple of my eye


Assuming and expecting, it hurts isn't it?





EXO-K and 2 OC










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please please please please please please please please updaaaaaaaaaaate.........whew *so much of shouting*
I am eagerly waiting for this fanfic!:D
anyone apdating this fic???? am soo waiting for this to be started
ManidiLira #4
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?