Day 3

My panda...I'm sorry

Day 3

Tao’s Pov

“And 1…2…3”

I shouldn’t be here.

“1, 2, 3~”

I wish I could be with Luhan, but I have to practice for both our dreams. I can’t give up on him… I just can’t!

“1, 2, 3… Tao! You’re falling behind the class. Stop thinking and move your feet instead.”  The instructor yelled at me again today.

“Yes sir…”

 I wasn’t really into today’s practice because I already learned the dance steps and have been practicing them at home. But during class I normally think of Luhan more than what I’m doing at home. I mean… I’m not the best here, but I can keep up… But just not lately. I just want to spend more time with Luhan; he wants me to go to practice… But I-I only have so much time with him….

“1, 2, 3… That’s better Tao your keeping up~ Now for the flip!”  He clasped his hands together.

God…. Do I hate this teacher? That’s the only part that he would never complain about. Thank you wushu skills I guess.

“Great! Now get back into your formation!” He pointed to the mid back. I’m starting to really think he has it out for me! Why isn’t he complaining about anyone else? I mean Chen is just rocking in place while Xiumin is trying to keep up.

“Focus Tao! Focus!”  The things I deal with for you Luhan. And only you…

End of POV


“Luhan… Are you here?” Kris looked into his room and saw him sitting on his window.

“Hey, Kris” Luhan replied still looking out the window. Kris walked over to him and sat on the other side of the window.  All Luhan would ever do was look out the window or rest on the porch. He couldn’t go to practice at the school anymore cause of his treatments, plus he would have attacks. Kris stared at the sky again; gray as usually during this season.

“I love the rain… Do you know why Kris?” Luhan looked at Kris with a faint smile. He shook his head in response.

“Because then when I cry I’m not alone… The sky cries with me, but its tears are more useful than mine. Mine are just salty tears…” he laughed nervously while Kris stared at him with concern.

“Hyung, how are you feeling?” Kris wanted to change the subject to anything other than having the other cry. Luhan shrugged as usual.

“I no longer no how to feel anything other than pain Kris…” He turned his attention back to the window. Kris winced and continued to think of other topics.

“So...” He had nothing.

“Kris, did you see the newest letter I got from the doctor?” He nodded.

“Don’t tell the others.”


“I don’t want them to worry so much so, please” he smiled at Kris, but it didn’t last long. Luhan coughed and fell over.

“Luhan!” Kris caught him and noticed he was still breathing. He sighed in relief and placed him into his bed. ‘Please rest, if not for me then... For Tao at least’ He stood and silently left out the room closing the door behind him.  Not long after the front door flew open and the others started to come in.

“Were home~” Shouted Kai; who was hit in the back of the head by D.O for being so loud.

“Shut up…” Kai cussed under his breathe and walked towards the kitchen. Kris walked down the stairs to greet everyone else, but saw that they were missing one person.

“Where’s Tao?” He asked Suho.

“The instructor kept him after to make him practice more.” He sighed and shook his head.

“I don’t see the reason why through, Tao’s doing the best out of all of us honestly.” He scratched the back of his neck as Kris nodded in agreement. It was true everyone was falling apart in their own way. The only ones that weren’t were Suho and Kris.

Sehun had always stayed away from others more even during practice. D.O was coking a bit more than he needed and up at nights still preparing desserts. Kai; like Tao was zoning out more often during dance practice, normally he would be the main one focused on the lesson. Baekhyun and Chanyeol stuck to each other like glue; it was sicking to all. Lay and Chen were sometimes no were to be found, but would turn up at the most random places. Xiumin wasn’t eating much and just practiced he’s martial arts more often in the basement. Tao didn’t leave Luhan’s side whether he absolutely had to. It was sweet, but it bothered Kris.

Whenever anyone would get sick he would take care of them just as well. Kris remembered the concern in Tao’s eyes when he caught a small cold. It worsened because he still went to practice when he was supposed to be in bed resting. Tao made sure he stayed there an even stayed in his room all night. Seeing the pandas sleeping face made him instantly fall for him later on. But he never should any affection towards the other.

It took three of them to pull him out of the house when the news was first shared about Luhan. Now days it would take two or one depending on how he felt that day.

“Kris…Kris!” Suho snapped his fingers in front of Kris’ face.

“Huh? Uh… Yes?” He blinked and turned to Suho.

“Good then you’ll pick up Tao for me… I really need to rest” Suho sighed and walked up the stairs to his.

‘It’s even taking a toll on you...’ Kris grabbed a jacket, the keys, umbrella, and headed out the door.


“Good that’s a lot better Zitao” The instructor claps his hands at the young man who was breathing heavily.

“That’ll be all for today get some rest at home” As he left the room Tao fell onto the floor holding his knees close to his chest.

“It’s *huff* Always me that’s making mistakes Luhan… I’ll do my best … J-just you wait…” Tao continued to breathe heavily; until the door opened once again. He looked up and smiled slightly to see Kris come in.

Kris waved and went over to help the other up. He looked at the smaller male worried to see him extremely tired. The instructor had been taking advantage of Tao more than usual, but no one said anything. Kris would try and get the manager to stop now and then when he would watch the practice.

“Tao-ah, let’s get you home ok” He ruffled his hair and grabbed Tao’s bag. He only hummed in response then followed the other out the door.

As they walked in comfortable silence; now and then people would stop them to ask for a picture. They never could refuse their soon to be fans. Tao tried his best to smile in some, but in others he would just look emotionless. After they said goodbye to their fans, Kris looked over at the others sadden eyes. He sighed an looked around for a store. A small shop caught his eye; not to flashy so not many people would stop them if they went in. Kris grabbed the others hand and pulled him in the directions they needed to go.

“Gege?  Where are we going…?” Tao blinked at looked at the shop.

“You’ll see~” He opened the door and a bell rung.

“Welcome to our shop is there anything you’re looking for.” An old lady said from behind the counter. Kris had let go of Taos hand. He soon went off looking around the store. There was a ton of lucky items and cats, and other stuff you wouldn’t see in a 21st century store.

“I’m trying to cheer up my friend here do you have anything that promotes good health.” She nodded and pulled out a box.

“There is a charm that we use to help with health, but what kind of health problem is it..?’ She took out some items in the box.

“Our friend…” He looked over at Tao who was now looking playing with a cat’s paw.

“Well… His lover and my friend…” Kris sighed deeply; the old woman raised her eyebrow.

“Has…has cancer and he only has this month to live…” He fisted his hand. The woman only nodded and started to make the items from the box into 3 chains.

One hand a dragon’s tail, another had a panda’s head, and the last one had a gem in the middle that shined brightly. He stared at all three items hoping they wouldn’t cost but so much.

“This will only cost you 3 dollars son, since you’re true to your word.” She smiled faintly at him. Kris only looked at her confused.

“People usually come in her for themselves or cause of their own problems. But you…you are looking after another’s, so the price isn’t that high for you plus” She looked over at Tao.

“He will need this and your love the most in the future.” She spoke softly and placed the chain with the panda on his wrist. Kris blushed lightly, but then turned his attention to the chain. It was a bit of a tight fit, but it still was loose once around his wrist. She walked over to Tao and placed the dragon’s tail on his wrist. His eyes shined at the chain and started to jingle it; causing the older woman to laugh.

Kris smiled; he loved seeing Tao happy. He walked over to the woman and gave her a twenty dollar bill. She looked at him confused, but Kris shook his head and mentioned keep the change before leaving out the shop.


“Kris-gege~ did you get one for Lulu huh? Did you?” Tao tugged on Kris’s jacket. He chuckled and nodded.

“Thank you Kris…” Tao smiled and pulled up his scarf.


“Lulu! Lulu! We got you something~!” Tao ran into the house and straight up the stairs to Luhan. Kris watched sadly wishing the panda would spend more time with him instead. He sighed and walked through the house looking for everybody. No one was to be found; ‘That’s odd’ Kris thought to himself before thinking of the worse.

“KRIS” Tao yelled from the stairs and he ran to the panda boy who was near tears on the stairs.

“Th-they we-went…” Tao’s tears started to fall.

“Tao..?” Kris tried to wipe them away, but Tao pulled back.

“Luhan’s in the hospital… His condition got worse…” Tao spat out wiping his tears.

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Chapter 6: Naww poor luhan and tao! I hope it would be taohan till the end. This world needs more taohan! Lol
Great story! Keep up the great work!
EricaChu #2
Damn so many subs *updates
Chapter 5: So Luhan fake his death
Chapter 4: ;__________________;
Bliss_Destiny #5
Chapter 4: OMG this is so...
Poor everyone!! TT
slowbutsure #6
Chapter 4: too much angst.. Poor Luhan. poor Tao..
I can't T_T
what does sehun mean?
Palabra_viva #7
Chapter 4: Oh. My. Gosh...... what the heck just happened? What do you mean that you were going out with luhan sehun?
Chapter 4: I CAN'T WITH THE WAITING OKAY? i want to keep reading ; ; -loves the story.-
AzenZensation_0 #9
Chapter 4: cliff hangerrrrr!!! noooo!!! oh snap! hope you update soon :)
Chapter 4: Wait.. Sehun.. ANIYA!!!!!! TAO YOU POOR BABY!