Bond pt. 2 ft. the butler Chanyeol

The Beast and the Beauty
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a/n Do any of you go shopping with your boyfriends? Because it might seem weird to some that Jinyonug is helping her pick out clothes, but a lot of couples do idk what I'm doing. I just thought it'd be cute.

Also...I don't know how old y'all are but I'm old. Soooo...the romance is gonna be awkward, for many reasons. There are going to be passes made at Sun. Yes, passes. I do not mean the kind you make in basketball. I mean romantically. Okay, and since I'm cheesy the passes are cheesy.

This was inspired by a guy I met at the mall. Lol, he works at Eddie Bauers and he's so weird, but funny.

OHHH and this chapter looks long doesn't it? Well it's not. A lot of it is gifs at the bottom lol...sorryzzzz (look how cool i am putting "z"s instead of "s"s!

Chapter 8: Bond pt. 2 ft. the butler Chanyeol

Author's POV:

"Hey, this is cute right?" Jinyonug asks, handing Sun a dress. "And, you could match it with this cute hat, right?" Sun takes the cute dress, and hat from Jinyoung. It's so cute..."So what do you think? Do you like it?" Jinyoung asks, smiling widely. "I-I...I don't know...I guess?" Sun stutters, unsure of herself. I've never been really good at fashion. But I can't just tell him that? Mum, told me that guys like ladies, someone who has  quiet, reserved, gentle, and lady-like qualities. I'm no where close to that... "You don't like it do you?" Jinyonug says, his smile faltering. "Aish, I knew it! You're not really the girly type are you?" Sun looked up at Jinyoung panic in her eyes. Oh no what do I do? I like it! Sun just tell him you like it! "Here, I'll just put them back the--" "No!" Sun shouts suddenly. Jinyoung looks at her surprised at hearing her voice rise. "I mean, I like it. It's nice." Sun says, holding the dress and hat tightly to her chest. "It's cute." Jinyoung's smile returns to his face. "A cute dress for a cute girl." He says winking at her, who then dips her head at the ground, blushing. "Thanks." she mumbles. "Well, I should go change." She says scurrying over to the bathroom. "Need any help?" Jinyoung asks, swiping his finger across his bottom lip seductively. Sun's cheeks turn a dark crimson, as she quickly shakes her head. "No, thanks. I think I can manage." she says as she shuts the door behind her. "Oh well if you any help just holler!" Jinyoung calls after her smirking at the closed bathroom door. "I'll be happy to help." He mumbles quietly to himself. This is gonna be fun.

OUTFIT>>> (And this is actually Sun, so it all works out perfectly!)

​While Jinyoung was snickering and having fun by himself outside of the bathroom door, inside the bathroom, Sun was haveing a mini heart attack. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh did he just ask me what I think he did?  Sun panicked. Is he just one of those guys? No, no. Of course not Sun. Focus here. Focus. Sun gave the sides of her face light taps to wake her up. Relax, I'm sure he just asks everyone that. Him asking you that, is nothing special. Just relax, and go have fun. Sun smoothed out the dress Jinyoung had handed to her on her lap. The dress was a simple and cute print. It light pink polka dots over a another light pink. And even though Sun wasn't the biggest fan of pink, she found the dress extrememly cute.  This is really cute. He knows more about fashion and looking good than I do.  The hat Jinyonug had picked out matched the dress perfectly. It was a light brown, with a black with pink polka dots ribbon tied around it. The outfit altogether was very nice. Sun carefully slipped the dress on, adding the hat, and some simple bunny slippers to the outfit.  She twirled infront of the bathroom mirror surveying herself. Wow, I look...different.  But my hair needs some work... Sun took a brush off the counter, one she hadn't used in years, and stared at it. Now what am I supposed to use this for? Sun tried to rack her brain for past memories of her mom using a brush. But those days were so long ago it was hard to remember. Was it like...this? Sun asked her self as she started petting her head witht the brush. I remember Chanyeol doing this once...Although I think it may have been a bit different... "You okay in there?" Jinyoung called, softly knocking on the door. "Uh, yeah. Just a second." Sun called, as she petted her head repeatedly with the brush. Why isn't my hair looking smoother? Why isn't this thing working? Do I have to plug it in somewhere? "You sure?" Jinyoung calls again. "Are you done? Can I come in?" "Uh, no not yet!" Sun says hurriedly, trying to make her hair look nicer. Sun looked once more into the mirror and sighed. Oh well, hair is not that important. I guess.

"Uhh...I'm coming out now..." Sun mumbled quietly as she slowly opened the bathroom door. He's going to hate it. But Jinyoung says nothing, he just stares at her. Sun dips her head in embarrassment, "I knew it didn't suit me. I'll go change." "Wait no, " Jinyoung says, grabbing her arm gently. "Sorry, I was just ...speechless. You look, amazing." Jinyoung says smiling widely.  Sun blushes, and digs her foot into the carpet. "I don't know..." "Ah, but there are some things..." Jinyoung says, "Your hair." "Yeah, sorry I was trying to do something with it, but I didn't exactly know what and the brush it broken, I think I need to plug it in or something but I just...I...Sorry." Sun said quickly, stumbling over her words. "I didn't know what to do with my hair." Jinyoung chuckles, "Yeah, it's a bit knotted, but we can put it in a bun or pigtails to cover that up. So bun or pigtails?" Jinyoung asks. Sun thinks about it for a seconds and then decides with the pigtails. "Okay, it'll just take a second." he says, taking her hair in his hands, and separating it into six parts.  "You know, for knotted hair, this is still really nice hair." Jinyoung observed as he was braiding the strands. Sun smiled, as she looked at the floor. He thinks my hair is nice? Sun couldn't help, but scream a little inside. It was one of the first times she had ever been complimented, minus the very loyal family friend and butler. 

"Okay and there we have

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Updated (beast and the beauty) sorry short and crappy;;


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Chapter 19: aww..well i'll just wait.-___-
Chapter 18: Please update!! xD
╚══`.¸.THIS STORY!
Chapter 16: :o I hope that her parents aren't that mean!
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!!!
Chapter 15: Awh, so cute! It was so adorable! Like starlight from a Nicholas Cage book! XD
hancheezemily #6
Chapter 12: Lol chanyeol. Idk which is the more stupid one; chanyeol or jinyoung.. haha
hancheezemily #7
Chapter 11: O.O at least he knows now xD
Chanyeol you pabo
Pleeeeaaaasee write about bangtan!! Hehe i love them much