Bathroom Talk

The Beast and the Beauty
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A/N this chapter is about what Jinyoung did in the bathroom...hohohoho get yo heads outta the gutter! OOO you so nastyyyy! (EYK reference? Any nastys out there? No? Okay well.../hides/ bye...)

Chapter 10: Bathroom Talk

Earlier that day 

Jinyoung's pov:

Everything was perfect, absolutely perfect. Jinyoung was out on a date--even if his date didn't know she was on a date--with a girl who he thought was perfect. She was stunningly beautiful, with smooth silk for hair, and diamonds for eyes. And everything was going extremely well, that is until someone idiot butler started waving at Chanyeol from the window, signaling for Jinyoung to head to the bathroom.

"Meet me in the bathroom." the butler Chanyeol mouths, pointing to the bathrooms. Jinyoung turned his head, trying to pretend that he didn't see Chanyeol standing outside the restaurant window waving his hands like a lunatic. Just ignore him Jinyoung....pretend he's not there. That butler is just jealous that you're here spending time with Gerda.

Avoiding Chanyeol's eyes he turns back to Gerda, "Can I have a taste?" he asks sweetly, leaning in close. He sees the blush reach her cheeks and smiles knowing that he has at least a little bit of influence on her. "Err...sure, just let me get you a sp--"

"No need," Jinyoung says reaching for hers. "I'll just use yours." As Jinyoung sips some of her gomguk stew he sees Gerda, who is trying to avoid his gaze, her cheeks growing redder and redder by the minute. Ha, I knew this would work! Girls always go crazy over the "indirect kiss" stuff.

Jinyoung opens his mouth to but stops when he sees Chanyeol behind Gerda. "Bathroom." he mouths again, and heads towards the stalls. Jinyoung sighs, not wanting to leave Gerda here alone, worrying that she might just get up and ditch him. It took me forever to get her to agree to don't ruin it for me. But Jinyoung decides he better leave now and tell Chanyeol to leave them alone so they can enjoy their date alone. Otherwise Chanyeol will be there all night, and three's a crowd.

"Oh well you stay here, I have to hit the mens' room. Don't you run away from me now." Jinyoung half jokes as he gets up from the table. Gerda replies with a quiet "I won't." and with that Jinyoung leaves the table heading to the bathrooms to give Chanyeol a piece of his mind. That guys just loves to get in the way doesn't he?

"What are you doing here?" Jinyoung demands, shoving Chanyeol against the wall angrily. "Can't you see I'm a little busy at the moment?" You ruined my whole plan! It was take her out to eat, then make-out . And now...well now I don't know! "No, I didn't see you doing anything, and you won't be doing anything with *Gerda, ever. Got that?" Chanyeol spits out. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" Jinyoung fires back angrily.

"You're not good for her." Cha

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Updated (beast and the beauty) sorry short and crappy;;


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Chapter 19: aww..well i'll just wait.-___-
Chapter 18: Please update!! xD
╚══`.¸.THIS STORY!
Chapter 16: :o I hope that her parents aren't that mean!
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!!!
Chapter 15: Awh, so cute! It was so adorable! Like starlight from a Nicholas Cage book! XD
hancheezemily #6
Chapter 12: Lol chanyeol. Idk which is the more stupid one; chanyeol or jinyoung.. haha
hancheezemily #7
Chapter 11: O.O at least he knows now xD
Chanyeol you pabo
Pleeeeaaaasee write about bangtan!! Hehe i love them much