Little Incident

Two Different Twins


I pulled my body away from him, so that our lips would be apart. I went out from there. What was that? I kept questioning it all day.

I still wondering what was Kwangmin thinking this morning? Maybe he was drunk. Couldn’t that be? I was walking alone at the hallway when I was on a break to get to my next class. Some of my classmates were walking behind me. Each time a class ended, we were given ten minutes to move to the other class we supposed to enter. Sometimes, we added an extra ten, even fifteen minutes, to stopped by the cafeteria to buy some snacks or drinks. And the teacher would heard a very common excuse; “Come on, sir... Our school was so big. We need some extra time to walk.”

“Hanna-yah! Watch out!”

That was all I heard before someone pushed me, and the both of us stumbled on the ground.

“Are you okay?” He said.

There was a stray basketball that directed to me. If Sungjae hadn’t pushed me, maybe my head would got hit by the ball. It ended hit the glass window of the hall that I was passing on. The hall located across the outdoor fields. I felt some shattered glass were penetrating my left hand, and caused some blood out of it. I remembered that I tried to blocked my eyes from the broken glasses, with my hand earlier. Sungjae led me to the school’s clinic. His hands were fine because he wore the school’s blazer, and mine, was in my bag.

“Tell me, how did it happen again?”

Said Youngmin. He came to the clinic about five minutes after my arrival. And kept questioning the same thing, already seven times in twenty minutes.

“Sorry, I didn’t know who else I should tell about this. And I regret it now, because he’s being too noisy about the incident.” Said Sungjae. “I gotta inform Mr. Jang about you, do you want me to carry your bag to the class?”

Sungjae was the best lab partner I’ve ever had. Our next lesson’s Biology, and we’re lab partners. Where else you could find a handsome, yet kind partner like him? I tried to moved my half-covered bandage left hand. The sore wasn’t bad as it was thirty minutes ago.

“I’ll go with you.” I said.

“Can you walk?” Asked Youngmin.

“My legs are fine. Why don’t you go back to your class?”

“Yook Sungjae, please keep an eye for her.”

“You can count on me.” Sungjae said, before Youngmin left us.

I was walking out from the school’s clinic with Sungjae. I stopped because Kwangmin was standing on the hallway. He just stood, looked at me, without saying nothing. I did the same thing to him. I couldn’t say anything, because in my head, I kept asking about what happened to us this morning.

“Do you guys want me to go?” Said Sungjae.

I saw my bag was still being carried by him. “Please save a seat for me.”

I’m sorry, Sungjae-ah. I didn’t mean to made you as my bag messenger.

“Okay, I’ll see you there.” He said that before he went to the class.

“What do you want?” I asked the guy who stood in front of me.

“I just want to make sure that you’re okay.” He answered.

What?? I really didn’t know what to say to this guy. I didn’t know how he could be here. I didn’t know exactly what he wanted. I started to moved my feet off to my class.

“I’m sorry about this morning.”

I heard what he was saying, but I kept moving forward.


I spent the lunchtime with some of my friends. But, Sulli and Zelo left because they had something to do about the school’s magazine.

“That looks hurt.” I guess Minwoo was referring that to my injured hand.

“Yah... Half of her hand was covered by blood back then.” Said Naeun.

Sungjae placed his ice tea on the table before he said, “How did you know? I was the one who’s there to help her.”

I let them debated about my hand while I was continuing to eat my baked potato.

“I’ll drive you home later. Also tomorrow and on, until your wound healed.” Said Youngmin.


“No excuses. You can’t go by yourself with that.”

“I drove by myself this morning.”

Youngmin drank his cola. “Minwoo could drive it to your house.”

“Me??” Said Minwoo.

Youngmin looked at him. “You’ll bring her car to her house, and she’ll be with me. I’ll take you to your house later, after we took her home.”

“Okay. But, Youngmin-ah... I guess I need a pack of choco pie before I do that.” Minwoo said, Youngmin scoffed.

God... Thank you for giving me these great people.


“What happened?!” My brother was already at my house when I went home that day. I couldn’t forget his comical expression when he saw my hand.

“What did you guys do to my only sister??” He asked my friends. I felt bad to Youngmin and Minwoo, they had nothing to do with this.

“I hear your phone’s ringing, oppa.” I tried to distracted him.

“Really? Where is it?”

“Maybe you left it on the coffee table.” And he fell into my trap, he went into the house. “You guys should go now, he’s kind of crazy. Thanks for the ride.” I said that to Youngmin and Minwoo.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.” Youngmin said, before they left.

I sat on my bed. I opened the bandage that covered my hand, it had to be changed into the new one. Then, Himchan oppa came in.

“No one called.” He said. Of course, I just made it up.

“Can you help me cover this with a new one?” I handed my left hand to him.

He immediately ran to the bathroom. I forgot that my brother had some rare weakness towards blood. He even would throw up sometimes when he saw it. I couldn’t wait for the time that mom and dad would be home tomorrow. For today, I should tried to medicate the wound by myself.


Later that night, I was already in my bedroom after having dinner as usual with my brother. We ordered some Chinese food, I made an excuse to not cooking tonight because of my hand. Oppa was volunteering to washed the dishes, after we finished eating all of it. My brother even asked me if I need his help to bring food and drinks to my bedroom. I must’ve admit that I was enjoying this moment.

It was almost half hour past eight, when I heard someone was pressing the front gate’s bell. Because the bell kept causing noise, I chose to go downstairs and opened the gate. Maybe oppa was occupying the bathroom, that was why he didn’t opened it. I saw a little Pikachu in front of my feet when I opened my house’s gate. Who did put it here? It’s not like what I was thinking about, right? Some questions kept floating on my mind.

The little object initiated me of something. I saw several yellow direction marks after it. I followed the marks until I stopped in front of someone. That someone wore a Pikachu’s costume. Well, not his entire body was Pikachu, he just wore a customized head of it.

“What are you doing?” I said.

He held some sheets of paper in his hand. The first paper contained my name.

Then, he flipped into the second one. It read; “I’m so sorry...”

After that, he showed the third paper, which said; “Forgive me, please?”

The fourth one was; “If you don’t, then I’ll be like this...”

Paper number five; *A drawing of Pikachu with sad face.*

The last paper, must be related with the fourth and fifth; “In every day for the rest my life.”

I tried to conclude the last three papers. “If you’re not forgiven, then you’ll be sad everyday for the rest of your life? I’m so curious to see your sad face. What does it like?”

He opened the Pikachu’s head, and showed me his sad face with an awkward pouting mouth. I couldn’t help but laugh at it.

“What was that??”

“So, did you forgive me?”

I was humming for a while, then I nodded my head. He smiled. I really loved to see he did that more often. I guess, I became addicted to that pleasant smile. I didn’t asked him what was the early morning kiss for. I didn’t want to ruined this pleasurable moment. He walked me to my gate. I took the little Pikachu

“I don’t know where did you get this, but it’s so cute.” I handed that little thing to him. That must be one of his collections.

“You like it?” He asked, I nodded.

“Then, it’s yours.” He said.

“Really? Thanks!” I didn’t know why but I was so happy to received the little Pikachu.

“Do you want to come in? I can grab you something to drink.” I said.

I should’ve offer him at least a drink. Because he had done something quite entertaining for me tonight. Maybe, I couldn’t forget this cute little thing he did for a long time.

“Who’s coming, Hanna-yah? It’s almost nine o’clock, what are you doing in...” My brother approached me at the gate. He stopped talking when he saw who was there.


Oppa... Calm down... He wasn’t the one who made me like this.

“Who are you? No... I mean, which one are you?”

Said my brother. Although it was kind of awkward, I relieved to heard that.

“My name’s Kwangmin, hyung.”

My brother observed him for a moment.

“Youngminnie’s twin?”



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Chapter 11: I still enjoy reading this ^^
valiant_exo #2
Chapter 11: this is one of the best I've read..... great job! /applause/....
Chapter 11: Kwangmin hyung... He leave them too fast... /?
jopikachumon #4
Chapter 11: If i were she,I will choose Kwangmin. You are such a good author that you make me cry.
miko12 #5
Chapter 11: I can't stop crying... Even though I've read many sad fan fiction, this is the very first one that made me cry. Great story, two thumps up!
bookangel2603 #7
Chapter 11: ohh myy gawwdd kwangmin died !!!! im crying like h*ll ! T.T great story
bookangel2603 #8
Chapter 11: ohh myy gawwdd kwangmin died !!!! im crying like h*ll ! T.T great story