
Two Different Twins


Himchan oppa dropped me at my school around fifteen minutes before eight o’clock. He drove me before he went to his office. I went to the Art studio right away. There he was, sitting on a chair with a big canvas on an easel in front of him.

“You’re late.” He said.

“What? This is my normal time arriving at school.”

He sighed. It was a good thing that he didn’t argued with me. If he did, then who the hell is he? He's not my teacher. He couldn’t tell me what time I should be at school.

“Sit there.”


I pointed the chair which located in front of his easel. I sat there, he didn’t said anything. I guess I did the right thing.

“So, what condition do you want to offer me?” I talked.



“Shut up. I’m working here.”

I might sounded a little too confident by saying this, “You paint me??”

He stared at me, again with those cold eyes. “Yes, I am.” He said.

I didn’t know why I just sat still so that he could do his thing. I was wondering why did he chose to paint myself? Then, I heard the school’s bell rang.

“Can I go now? I should enter the class.”

He gave me a sign to wait with his left hand. A minute later, he changed it with just his thumb. I was free to go, then.

“You’re staying here?” I asked.

“I’m not really interested to do the classes.” He replied.


Finally, it was lunch time. I was starving more than I used to be on the other day. Someone grabbed my hand, when I finished cleared the things on my desk and put it all into my bag.

“What is this?” I said.

“We’re going to the cafeteria.”

“But, why?”

“I’ll buy you lunch.”

“For what?”

“For allowing me to paint you.”

Seriously, all the things he did were so random and unexpectable.

All eyes were on us. Maybe on me, for exact. Because I was having lunch with him. The last thing I could imagine that I would do in this school. Youngmin was looking at me and his brother, too. He was sitting on the same table as Minwoo, Sungjae, and Zelo. Let’s call it the Flower Boys table. I kept eating my meal so that I didn’t spent much time to think about this situation.

“My friend from the school’s magazine, had scheduled you to do the shoot and interview two days from now. This Sunday, at the school’s main park, ten o’clock.” I said that to Kwangmin after I finished my Kimchi fried rice. “I hope you’re free, because if you don’t....”

“Will you come to the shoot?”

“Me??” I looked at him. “No.”

“I’ll do it if you come.”

“Why?” Why should I come to your shoot?! I’d love to say it in front of your face, Jo Kwangmin.

“I want you to.”

I tried to understand him for a while. “Give me one good reason.” Because I couldn’t find any reason to come, really.

He drank his water before he said, “I want the only person that I considered as my friend, to accompany me doing the shoot.”

I couldn’t believe what did I just heard from him. I tried to hide my smile.

“So, friend...” I chuckled. That word was kind of funny to said this afternoon. “Why don’t you ask me to do that nicely?” I said that to him.

He exhaled. I hoped he wouldn’t be mad and went just like that, because of what I said.

“Hanna-yah...” He called me without formality. “Please accompany me doing the shoot, would you?”

I almost bursted out my laugh seeing him talked to me like that.

“Okay, Kwangmin-ah. See you on Sunday... And thanks for the lunch.”

I said that to him, before I went to my English class. He replied me with, maybe, one of the most pleasant smile I’ve ever seen.


I wasn’t the type of person that loved to hang out all the time. I’d rather spent my days off at home. Reading books, surfing through the internet, watching movies, even though I’d love to watch some blockbusters at the cinema with some friends, or with my ex-boyfriends.

I grew up in a perfect family. My brother and I, were raised with full of affection by our parents. That was why they did gave us the best education the country had provided. Me and Himchan oppa had been finished our studies in some of the best schools since kindergarten. But, I grew up into a bit different person compared to my brother. He was the most popular student in high school. He did earned an Ulzzang title. I haven’t had many friends in school, maybe because I couldn’t trust people easily. I did had some hard times making friends, that was why I befriended books since a long time ago.

I was so excited because my favourite author just launched his newest book internationally, earlier this week. All alone, I searched it at a bookstore that needed a twenty minutes drive from home. That was a nice very late afternoon on Saturday. I heard something was making a noise from my bag, it was my phone. Youngmin called.


“Please come home, your brother is driving me crazy.”

“Why didn’t you called me first before going to my house?”

“I was intending to do a surprise visit, but... Oh, come on. Just come home, please.”


“Wait...” He said that, when I was about to hung up the call. "Your brother keep saying, ‘You looked better with your new hair, why did you changed it again to this?’ I haven’t change my hairstyle for a half year...”

“Just let him be.”


I went home right away after I found the book that I’ve been searching for. I arrived almost an hour after the moon already showing itself. Youngmin looked desperately happy when he saw me came into the house. Himchan oppa was sitting on a same couch as him. I greeted both of them. I asked them what were they doing while I was out at the bookstore. For an extra information, mom and dad were currently abroad. So, it was really just my brother and Youngmin.

“Talking about some stuffs, men only.” Said my brother. Youngmin just giving an agreement with his head.

“I’m thirsty, do you guys want something to drink?”

I said that when I was walking to the kitchen. Youngmin shook his head. His eyes had gotten so big, he looked at me as he was sending me a sign; “Please don’t leave me again with him...”

“I have to get ready.” Himchan oppa said, then he got up from the couch. Youngmin looked relieved.

“Where are you going?” I asked my brother.

“Saturday night, baby!” He said that as he went upstairs to his room. Okay, oppa... Enjoy your Saturday night.

Youngmin followed me to the kitchen. I asked him why he did that. Turned out that he bought some ingredients from the grocery store. He already put it on the kitchen counter. When I asked what were those things for, he said he craved for the cake that I made a couple days before.

“Does Minah know you’re here?”

I asked Youngmin after I put the cake into the oven. We just had to wait for thirty minutes, before it was done. He sat on the kitchen table, where my brother and I used it to have our personal meal. We ate in the dining room with mom and dad. Usually when all the four of us were having supper together.

“Screw her.” He said.

“What?” I was confused to heard that.

“We’re done.”

Long paused. Then, I said, “Why?”

“She’s too high-maintenance.”

I didn’t said anything after I heard that. Maybe Minah was really like that... Or Youngmin just get bored with her. I knew this fellow so well. When the cake spread it’s great smell, because it was about to done, my brother came to the kitchen. He already wore a nice denim shirt with a jeans that looked so good on him. The girls out there must had to be careful with this guy.

“Youngmin-ah.” He approached my best friend. “What did I just said about baking cake a few days ago?” Youngmin looked confused, he really didn’t know what did that meant.

“Oppa, back then, it wasn’t him.” That was his twin brother, whom he was talking for.


“That was his brother, Kwangmin. They’re twins.”

My brother looked suspiciously at me, then at Youngmin who just sat on a chair without saying anything. “I know you’re kidding, after all these years we’ve known each other...” He held Youngmin’s back, his facial expression changed. “You had a twin brother?!”

“Yes, hyung.” Youngmin said.

Himchan oppa looked a bit funny, his mouth kept opening for almost a minute. “I gotta go now, don’t do anything silly.” Then, he walked out from there while scratching his head.

“Kwangmin did come here?”

Youngmin asked me that when we waited for the cake to cool down, after it got out from the oven.

“Yes, just a single ride home.”


I was so happy that Youngmin did liked my cake so much. I made it quite big, as a standard round-sized birthday cake. Half of it was gone in less than twenty minutes.

“Do you want to catch a movie with me?” It was around ten minutes to nine, when he said that.

I was about to said yes, when I remembered the promise I made yesterday.

“Maybe not tonight. I got something to do tomorrow.”

He left my house, not so long after I said no to his offer.


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Chapter 11: I still enjoy reading this ^^
valiant_exo #2
Chapter 11: this is one of the best I've read..... great job! /applause/....
Chapter 11: Kwangmin hyung... He leave them too fast... /?
jopikachumon #4
Chapter 11: If i were she,I will choose Kwangmin. You are such a good author that you make me cry.
miko12 #5
Chapter 11: I can't stop crying... Even though I've read many sad fan fiction, this is the very first one that made me cry. Great story, two thumps up!
bookangel2603 #7
Chapter 11: ohh myy gawwdd kwangmin died !!!! im crying like h*ll ! T.T great story
bookangel2603 #8
Chapter 11: ohh myy gawwdd kwangmin died !!!! im crying like h*ll ! T.T great story