
What if


The small bunny looking guy sat down at the chair and looked around. He sighed in frustration

This is going to be the saddest year ever

His closest friends Eunhyuk and Donghae were gone. They both decided to live together in Busan, leaving him all alone in Seoul. He was never the friendly type. He was quiet and shy, and kind of a nerd, that’s why he was afraid to make friends, he was too awkward around anyone he doesn’t feel comfortable with. He looked around as he saw the seats being taken by the student and the seat next to his was remained empty.

Just what I thought, I’ll be a loner here.

He was dreading this school year because he was now feeling utterly alone. Earlier a guy named Leeteuk sat beside him, they were acquaintances and Sungmin, for the first time that day felt happy because he doesn’t look like a loner anymore. But he was wrong. After the morning announcements the guy changed seats to sit next to his friends. He sighed again, feeling lonely again, until finally another guy sat next to him.

His name was Ryeowook, he knew him, he was known to be a bright, friendly guy, totally opposite from him and he was just glad that he has someone to sit next with.

Hi!” said the guy next to him, the bunny boy only nodded his head shyly and gave a faint ‘hello’. Ryeowook extended his hand to Sungmin.

I’m Ryeowook by the way, you could call me wookie, cause you know my name’s too long, and it’s kind of hard to pronounce and it’s kind of weird if you decide to call out to me and my name doesn’t really have a good ring to it and—“ The guy suddenly blushed

I’m sorry I’m being a blabber mouth am I” he said while rubbing the back of his head, Sungmin giggled at the latter

It’s alright, I’m Sungmin by the way” He said shaking Ryeowooks hands, they chatted for a while

The teacher entered and everyone stood up


OKAAY CLASS SIT DOWN” everyone sat back down then because it was the first day of school, The teacher decided to just let the students get to know more about everyone else, so she just allowed the students to chat happily.

You’re so quiet Sungmin” Wook said a little sad

Don’t you like my company?” Wookie said concerned

Sungmin immediately shook his head

No! I’m always like this” Sungmin said

Oh! You’re a shy one aren’t you?” Ryeowook said

You don’t have to be shy around me, we could be best friends if you want to, I don’t have a best friend yet” Sungmin suddenly smiled widely and nodded his head


Suddenly a group erupted in laughter and that caught their attention, They were the group of kingka’s and queenka’s , Ryeowook suddenly sighed in admiration, looking at the group

Sungmin-ah, do you know him?” Ryeowook said while looking at a tall guy, with creamy white complexion and gorgeous brown orbs. He nodded his head

Of course he knew him, the kingka of the school, he still remembered 3 years ago when he liked the male



Sungmin was walking down the hallway when he bumped into someone dropping all his things to the floor, he cursed silently and started picking up the scattered things on the floor, it was annoying how the one who bumped him didn’t even help him

‘Such a jerk’

He was still fuming while suddenly he saw from the corner of his eye, a pair of hands picking up some of his stuff, he looked up only to be amazed at the man who helped him.

Cho Kyuhyun. In his first week at their school he was already popular, loved by the girls because of his amazingly good looks. The taller guy gave the papers to him

“Here” He said

Sungmin only nodded then muttered a soft thanks before walking away, that’s when he decided that he likes the other male. It only lasted for a few months before he got over it, it was easy for him to get over his crush when he wasn’t really spending time with him, and then Cho Kyuhyun was just another kingka in their school for him.

-end of flashback-


“well, I like him” Ryeowook said a little flustered, Sungmin only giggled at him

chincha?”  Sungmin said teasingly, the latter puffed his cheeks then nodded

Sungmin patted his friends head then smiled at him

You’re the only one who knows this, I trust you”  Sungmin was delighted that he was already trusted even though they met only 2 hours ago

I’m glad” the bunny boy said then smiled at him

They chatted some more until they figured out that they both love playing instrument, Sungmin, the guitar while Ryeowook, the piano. They both like composing and they both hate noisy surroundings. They chatted merrily like they were childhood friends until the teacher clapped her hand to get everyone’s attention.

 “we’ll change seating arrangements today since all of you are too loud” Everyone groaned and Sungmin felt a little sad that he’ll have to change seats, he already likes his seat, he likes being next to Wookie, it makes him feel comfortable, he pouted and looked at Wookie with the same pout on his face.

Wookie~ I don’t want to change seats” he said a hint of sadness on his voice

Me too” Wookie said with the same tone on his voice

Both sighed sadly and stood up just like everyone to stand at the back so that their teacher could arrange their seats

In the end Sungmin was seated at the middle row and he was waiting for the one who’s going to sit beside him, he looked at his new bestfriend and prayed that he was the one he sits right next to, but he was disappointed as he found out that the person who’s going to sit right next to him is Cho Kyuhyun.

He looked at his bestfriend with a knowing smile, and the latter only sent a longing stare at his seat, clearly wishing that he had sat next to his crush.

He shifted uncomfortably on his seat, he felt intimidated by Kyuhyun-ssi, he decided to just ignore the latter, but he knows that he couldn’t survive the school year without talking to his seatmate he sighed and just started paying attention to the teacher’s orientation about school rules and violations and blah blah blah.

It went on for three days, Sungmin ignoring his seatmate and the latter not talking to him, until finally Kyuhyun couldn’t take it anymore and summoned all his strength and courage to talk to Sungmin, he wasn’t actually like this, he would have actually talked with his seatmate the minute he sits down his seat but he felt kind of shy towards the latter.

 He tapped Sungmin’s shoulder, the latter turned around to face him.

Hey, I don’t think we have actually met, I’m Kyuhyun by the way”

Sungmin nodded shyly and almost squeaked his reply

HI, I’m Sungmin” then after that silence

Awkward silence

Then more silence

Until finally someone came over them, Kyuhyuns bestfriend Henry, he punched his arm and looked at Sungmin

“Hey! You’re Sungmin right, I’m henry!” the cheerful boy said, Sungmin smiled widely and nodded

Nice to meet you!” Sungmin said cheerfully, he doesn’t feel awkward against Henry, Henry was like sunshine, he was bright and happy all the time

Kyuhyun suddenly felt kind of sad, how come he wasn’t greeted like that by Sungmin, all he got was hi and that’s it, he decided that if he wants to be friends with Sungmin, he has to start now

that’s the bunny boy” Kyuhyun said to Henry

huh? Bunny boy?” henry eyed the latter and smiled widely

he does look like a bunny!” He said as he pinched Sungmins’ cheeks

Sungmin puffed his cheeks out then looked at Kyuhyun then pouted

I don’t look like a bunny” he said, Kyuhyun only playfully stuck his tongue out, Sungmin gaped at the sudden playful act but decided that he was just going to go with it he crossed his arms and looked at Kyuhyun playfully.

If I’m a bunny the you’re a bear!” he said

Kyuhyun only pointed at his self

me? A bear? Why?” Sungmin only shrugged his shoulders

don’t know I just wanted to say that” Kyuhyun looked at him unbelievably and Sungmin only looked at him blankly like saying ‘got anymore to say?’

Kyuhyun raised his hands up

Fine I’m a bear, but you’ll always be a bunny” The two laughed at their childishness and that was the start of their friendship

Sungmin found out that Kyuhyun was seriously talkative, but he didn’t mind it, he actually liked the fact that he’s knowing a lot more about the latter, Wookie is always trying to get closer to Kyuhyun, and because Wookie is nice and friendly and Kyuhyun was also friendly they became friends, Sungmin was happy for his bestfriend but he was so tired about Wookie talking about Kyu all the time, it was enough that he was sitting next to Kyu now he has to listen about him all the time, he just smiles and realizes that at least his bestfriend was happy.

One time they had a group activity, Wookie and Kyu was in one group and he was separated in a different group, he saw Wookie laughing with Kyuhyun, he was happy for him so he decided to give their time alone until the end of the period, it was the longest time he hasn’t been talking to Kyu so when he came back in his seat Kyuhyun immediately poked his cheek, Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun weirdly

Minnie, I miss you” Sungmin raised his eyebrows, he never thought that Kyuhyun was so open to his feelings, he was actually surprised

Kyuhyun, the last time I talked to you was like 50 min. ago, how could you miss me?” he said with a What-the-hell look

But I haven’t talked to you since Algebra, you were listening to the teacher so intently that you ignored me the whole time, and when our History teacher came in, he grouped us immediately” he said with a whiny tone

Sungmin giggled, and that was then that he found out that Kyuhyun was actually serious about missing him, he smiled at thought.

There was also one time when Sungmin found a broken piece of rubber and he was so bored so he grabbed one of Kyuhyuns’ hands and tried to tie the piece of rubber on one of Kyuhyuns’ fingers. Kyuhyun chuckled at Sungmin, and finally Sungmin succeeded in tying the piece of rubber,

There you go Kyu! Wear that all the time okay?” Sungmin said as he giggled, Kyuhyun only raised one eyebrow then pinched Sungmins’ cheeks

Aigoo! You bunny! you’re so cute!” He slapped Kyuhyuns’ hands away

Yah! Leave the cheeks alone!” Sungmin said while rubbing his cheeks

Wookie was a little jealous but he didn’t think of anything bad about his bestfriend, after all, Sungmin doesn’t look like he likes Kyu anyway so he didn’t mind, what he didn’t see was how Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, full of admiration and care, how Kyuhyun loves being with Sungmin, how Kyuhyun is slowly falling for Sungmin.

At first it was innocent I miss you’s and brushing of the shoulders, hugging, holding hands, at first it was innocent for Sungmin, he wasn’t falling for Kyuhyun, thank god! Or else Wookie would kill him, but when their teacher said that they’ll have a different seating arrangement, the two looked at each other with sad eyes, they’ll miss each other so much.

Sungmin was placed at the front and Kyuhyun was placed at the back, only then Sungmin realized that he misses Kyu, he miss him but he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, he was afraid, he doesn’t like this, he’ll stop the feelings’ he’ll stop it and kill it for Wookie, but it wasn’t exactly easy when Kyuhyun is in the same room always bugging him during breaks and dismissals, it wasn’t easy when Kyuhyun occasionally says I miss you to him. He just thinks of Wookie, thinking that he’d rather choose his friend than a small crush.

Wookie has been noticing this, the occasional staring of Kyuhyun at Sungmin, the occasional I miss you’s from Kyuhyun, he was about o get angry with Sungmin but then he realized, Sungmin has been keeping his distance from Kyuhyun for him, so he decided to ignore it, until one time he heard another I miss you from Kyuhyun and what annoyed him was Sungmins’ reply

I miss you too Kyu,I’m not used to not seating next to you” It sounded innocent but the look on both eyes were too obvious to ignore, both eyes were with glint and wookie wasn’t stupid to not notice that his best friend has fallen for Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun has been in love with Sungmin. He knows he doesn’t have the right to get angry, But Sungmin knows! He thought he could trust him with his secret but he was wrong.

Ryeowook started ignoring Sungmin, and the bunny boy noticed this, he knew the reason, he was spending a lot of time with Kyuhyun, and he knows his best friend doesn’t like this.

Sungmin finally admitted to himself that he really is falling for Kyuhyun, he didn’t know what to do about wookie, he knows the latter would get angry at him, but he felt really happy with Kyu that he doesn’t know what’s right and what’s wrong when he’s with the man.

The two spent more time together. Sungmin was careful about all of it, he would spend as much time with Kyuhyun but when he sees Ryeowook he would try to get as far away as possible from Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun had no idea what’s happening to Sungmin, one second he’s lovey-dovey then next he was shunning him. He was so confused but he noticed that Sungmin would get away from him whenever Wook is around.

What’s happening here?

He asked his self as he raised one of his eyebrows and looked at Sungmin who was busily chatting with Wookie.

He just shrugged his shoulders then went back to what he was doing.

Wookie decided to ignore the fact that the two were totally in-love with each other since he knew that his best friend wouldn’t hurt him like that, besides he sees that Sungmin is still keeping his distance, or that’s what he thought.


Sungmin-ah! Meet me at the rooftop later okay?” Kyuhyun said as he walked next to Sungmin, the latter only looked at him confused but just nodded

okay, but why?”  Sungmin asked curiously

just meet me okay?” Kyuhyun said with a grin on his face, Sungmin nodded again


Kyuhyun-ah? I’m here where are you?” Sungmin shouted as he reached the top, he pouted seeing no one was here yet

I must’ve came first

He went to the edge and held the railings as he closed his eyes to feel the breeze when suddenly a pair of arms s their way to his waist, he jumped surprised.

relax” A deep voice said, as Sungmin heard the voice he relaxed he knew it was Kyuhyun, but almost instantly his cheeks got hotter as he realized the position they were in, Kyuhyun is hugging him from behind, something he has always dreamed of.

Kyuhyun placed his head on Sungmins’ shoulders making the latter look at Kyuhyun with a flustered face, Kyuhyun smiled seeing the latter’s reaction.

Um, Kyuhyun?” Sungmin asked still flustered, kyuhyun hummed in response

What are we doing here?”

The latter looked at Sungmin who was just inches away from him, he turned him around so he could face him; Sungmin looked down feeling a little shy and embarrassed, Kyuhyun held the latter’s chin and raised his face to meet his eyes. Sungmin looked everywhere trying to avoid Kyuhyun’s eyes.

Hey, look at me” Kyu said softly

Sungmin, with uncertainty, lifted his gaze to meet Kyuhyun’s eyes.

Kyuhyun smiled seeing the other finally looking at him, he stared into Sungmin’s eyes as he got closer and closer, their faces centimeters apart, he looked at Sungmin’s perfect M-shaped lips and without hesitation, he closed the gap between them to meet the others lips, into a sweet, innocent kiss.

Sungmin froze as he felt Kyuhyun’s soft and warm lips against his, brushing slowly and softly, making him melt under the latter, It was more than he could imagine, He finally moved his lips like Kyuhyun and he felt kyuhyun smiling against the kiss, after several minutes they finally broke the kiss to catch their breaths. Kyuhyun stared into Sungmins’ doe eyes

I love you Sungmin” He said with utmost sincerity

Sungmin melted into Kyuhyuns’ words, he wanted to say ‘I love you’ back but…..

 he thought of Wookie, how his bestfriend would be so sad and lonely, he can’t be selfish like that. He shook his head then turned to Kyuhyun

S-Sungmin?” Kyuhyun said voice shaking, seeing the other with no reaction at all, he thought the other felt the same, he stared into Sungmin’s eyes but saw nothing, only cold piercing eyes, he shivered as if feeling the coldness in Sungmin’s eyes.

Don’t ever talk to me again” Sungmin said with the coldest voice he could muster, he looked cold and strong outside, but inside he was trembling, he was breaking into pieces

No, Sungmin, don’t cry, you could do this, for Wookie

Wha-What are you saying Minnie-ah?” Kyuhyun said tears flowing

Don’t ever call me that again, don’t ever come near me, don’t even look at me okay? I don’t want to see your face again, I’m sorry Kyuhyun but I don’t feel the same with you, and if we continue to be friends I’d be too awkward with me” with that said Sungmin left finally freeing the tears he has been holding

I’m sorry kyuhyun, but things aren’t exactly in our favor, maybe in another life we could be together, but right now I don’t think I could hurt someone just to be with you, that’s too selfish for me

He ran and ran until he was in the schools garden and there he cried his heart out

Kyuhyun was left standing and speechless, he thought that the latter loved him to, but he was wrong, he fell on his knees and started sobbing to himself.

Wookie saw all of this, well at least to the part where they kissed then Kyuhyun said I love you to Sungmin, he couldn’t take to see anymore he ran out of the school fuming and angry, he was crying out of anger and hurt. He didn’t think his bestfriend would betray him like that, he couldn’t believe he trusted someone like that.


The next day Sungmin went to school with puffy eyes and dark bags under his eyes, he went to school early, the only one in class was him and Wookie, he sat to his seat

Morning wookie” He said trying to be cheerful but what surprised him was how Ryeowook looked at him with disgust

“How could you do that to me?!” Wook said accusingly with a hint of hurt in his voice

Sungmin looked at him confused

I saw everything Lee Sungmin! The kiss! The I love You!” Sungmin widened his eyes at the realization

Woo-Wookie it’s not what you think!” Sungmin said hastily

Not what I thought? NOT WHAT I THOUGHT?! You lied to me! You betrayed me! I can’t believe I trusted you like that! You’re so sneaky Sungmin! I didn’t see that coming! You’re a snake Sungmin-ah! A snake! I HATE YOU!!” Ryeowook said raising his voice and looking down at Sungmin. Sungmin was surprised at his friend’s reaction, he didn’t expect this, he broke his heart so that his bestfriend won’t get hurt but now he’s getting angry at Sungmin?! Sungmin got up from his seat and stared coldly at Ryeowook, not believing how his bestfriend called him a snake.

A snake? A SNAKE?! How could I be a snake, let me just remind you that he was never yours! And I didn’t betray you! You should’ve stayed a while longer Ryeowook-ssi, You should have seen everything, how hard it was to tell Kyuhyun-ah that I didn’t want to see his face again! That I didn’t want to talk to him again when all I wanted is to tell him I love him back! I told him to go away from me for you!! Do you know that?! AND NOW YOU’RE TELLING ME YOU HATE ME?! Did you know how hard it was to hold back the tears that I wanted to shed for him?!  To feel like your entire body is lying?! To hurt the man you loved the most?!  And I AM SO SORRY I didn’t intended to fall for him, SORRY I couldn’t control my feelings, If I could, trust me Ryeowook-ssi, I would’ve told my stupid heart to not fall for Kyuhyun-ah, but don’t worry, cause he’s never going to be mine okay? You could have him all to yourself! Are you happy?! You know what? I kept asking myself what if?! What if Sungmin?! What if I didn’t meet you? What if you never told me that secret of yours? What if I never sat next to Kyuhyun? What if you never became my friend? Would I be with Kyuhyun, and then I’ll think, no! A life without knowing you wookie is--- is SAD

Sungmin said as he stormed out the room leaving a dazed ryeowook, Ryeowook’s tears flowed freely on his eyes

Sungmin ran out from campus, he dialed his phone

Umma? I’m ready to go back” He said as he sobbed under the huge tree, when suddenly someone sat next to him

go away! I want to be left alone” He said not looking who it was

The person suddenly chuckled

I don’t want to leave you alone Sungmin-ah”

That voice, but why is he here?!

He raised his head up to see Kyuhyun’s smiling figure

K-Kyuhyun? Why are you here? I told you to get away from me!” Sungmin said weakly, Kyuhyun didn’t say anything but instead hugged Sungmin tightly never wanting to let the other go

Ryeowook has told him everything, and as soon as he heard he bolted out the room to find Sungmin.

Sungmin-ah, please don’t hurt yourself” He said softly at the latter ears

I love you and I’ll never let you go again” Sungmin freed a sob as he heard this


“shhh, can you feel me Sungmin-ah? Can you feel my heart beating? Cause I could feel yours, and I know you love me to, so please stop hurting yourself” Kyuhyun said, sweetness in his voice

Sungmin melted under Kyuhyun’s arms

I-I’m sorry Kyuhyun-ah, I’m sorry I lied to you, I love you Kyuhyun-ah, I just---  we can’t be together, we just can’t” He said as he tried to pull away, but the latter only held him tighter

Kyuhyun-ah let me go” Sungmin said

No! I will never let you go again, arasso? I don’t care if there’s someone who doesn’t want us to be together, I will be with you, cause I know that’s what we both want, please think of yourself to Min” Kyuhyun said and kissed the crown of Sungmin’s head, he felt Sungmin quiver under him

okay” Sungmin said almost whispering as he clutched Kyuhyun’s chest and hugged him back, he knew he can’t fight away the feelings, he will be with this man, he doesn’t care anymore about Ryeowook since the latter decided to hate him.

Sungmin-ah, don’t ever let go okay?” Kyuhyun said

Sungmin smiled




There you go! Done! So how was it? 

tell me your thoughts okay? This is my first one-shot I hope I did okay, although I know it's kind of a little rough



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ehem ehem can you um... please check my kyumin story? here's the link



Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed !! ^-^

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CassieELFInspiShaw #1
Chapter 1: Sequel please. I want to know what happened to Wookie. ;-;
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 1: Wow, this is beautifully sad when wookie said he hates minnie but it was all a misunderstanding and now kyumin can be together freely, right? Wookie has given up on his feelings for kyu cuz he knows kyu will only have eyes for minnie...
Chapter 1: this is good! how do you do the link? i really wanna know please... -Admin Minnie
dickz1324 #4
Chapter 1: 대박!!! 정말 대박!!!





Chapter 1: I was on the verge of tears until Kyuhyun came and Ryeowook understood... ,__, this is beautiful!! I agree with a sequel
elmokyu #6
Chapter 1: Love it! Nice ending, though i would love it if you do a sequel... maybe introduce Kim JongWoon to Ryeowook so that he's not so heartbroken.. kkkk
chiemirz #7
Chapter 1: I like it. It was really good.
Chapter 1: Waaa~ It's so cute~~~~~~`
Chapter 1: Aww~ it's beautiful :)
eeh? Wookie huh?