Chasing After Byunghee

Byunghee tripped right in the direction of Seungho. Looks like his plan was going to come to a fail since right when he had tripped Seungho had got distracted by a beagle puppy and its owner walking down the street and moved out the way to ask the lady can he pet it. Byunghee falls flat on the ground. “Are you ok?” Seungho gasped. “Yes I’m fine my legs just hurt, can you help me up to my room?” Seungho picks him off the ground, inside the building to the elevator. As Seungho is holding him Byunghee lets out a chuckle. Looks like he just came up with another plan.


                                        Not to make it look to obvious he ended his chuckle to make it sound like a cough. They made it up to the room. “Woo thank god a women didn’t get in the elevator or I probably would of have to have gone through the same thing that happened at the network. His legs are in pain though he probably couldn’t have done that much anyway.” Seungho said in his head and looked towards Byunghee. Not knowing that Byunghee was thinking the same thing but just a little different. “I’m happy a woman didn’t come in there because I wanted to mess around with Seungho and have him all to myself. To bad my legs are in pain or it would of have happened.


                                               Seungho sat Byunghee down against the wall so he can unlock and open the door. “Ok wears your key.” Byunghee checks his pockets and there was nothing but a wallet his keys an ID and a that he quickly put back into his pocket. “I most of left them at the restaurant when I had took all my stuff out my pocket to find my wallet so I could pay for my delicious meal. There is an extra one under the welcoming mat just incase I ever did something like this.” Seungho bends down to get the key from under the rug, right in front of Byunghee. In Byunghee’s head that view was better than an ocean view in a lovely hotel in the Caribbean’s. 


                                                  He shaped it out with his hand trying to get a better look of it. He also wanted a better feeling of that beautiful view. He reached out to grab it but right when he was an inch away Seungho found the key got up and turned around. ‘What are you trying do?” Seungho said. Not to make it look suspicious he yawned to make it seem as if he was stretching. “Just stretching, I’m tired you know it’s pretty late.” They look to the hallway clock. “Huh huh Its only 6:30?” Seungho chuckled. “Well I didn’t get much sleep last night and I worked really hard all day so I’m tired.” Byunghee picked himself up and trying to look mad and tough but, he failed and hands slipped of the wall since he didn’t want to put to much pressure in his legs and he fell flat on his but. “You probably are tired after that session you had in the elevator with the bosses assistant.” Seungho said under his breath as he opened the door.


                                               “Grab my hand.” Seungho reached out to help Byunghee up. Byunghee went to grab but, he had grabbed the wrong hand. “Ouch!” He grabbed the hand that Ailee had slammed in the door. Byunghee dropped to his knees from the pain in his hand and he slipped on the floor and his head landing an inch away from Byunghee’s area! He didn’t notice what happened he got and grabbed Byunghee’s hand and lifted him up with him. Byunghee had noticed what had happened and his whole face had turned red as apple. “Thankyou for helping me get inside my legs are starting to feel better. Does your hand still hurt?” Byunghee walked in. “No its fine… Ouch!” He tried to act tough but the pain was just to much for him to hold it on.


                                                 “Come. Sit on the couch ill go get a plastic bag and fill with ice you can put on your hand.” Byunghee walked into the kitchen. “No im fiiii.” Right before he could finish that word Byunghee had scream out “Sit Down Ill Get Some Ice!” Seungho sat down quickly and quietly afraid that if he said anything Byunghee would yell again and this time force him to sit down. Byunghee sat down on the couch next to him and handed him the ice pack. “Where’s the bathroom?” Seungho stood up. “ Down the hall and to the left.” He pointed. By the time Seungho got out the bathroom all the lights were dimed down and slow music was playing and there stood Byunghee in a red robe. His legs wobbling from all the pressure he had on them.

                                              Seungho was acting stupid like he didn’t know what was going on but, in my head I think he knew and was ready for it to happen. “G.O you haft to sit down look at you.” They both walked to sit down on the couch. “Why did you just call me by my stage name?” They both had looked confused. “You know something, I really don’t know why I did either?” He scratched his chin. You know its kind of dark out there, why don’t you stay the night and you can wear some of my cloths we were the same size?” Seungho stood up. “Sorry I cant, I would of but I haft to go feed my dog.” “Since when have you had a dog?” I got it the other day, my family pet had puppies and they were finally old enough to take home so I got one.” “What kind of dog is it?” Seungho walked out the door.


                                                Byunghee watched him walk all the way down the street to his house by the window. Seungho had made it inside his apartment, didn’t even change his clothes. From a stress full day he fell right asleep.

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