Painful Secrets


Pairing: WooGyu (main); mystery man and Sungjong (side)

Theme: Angst (purely)

A/N: OTL if this is going to be short because this is my practice fic and I need lovely readers to rate it for me. ^_^v <3 BTW, this is the first thing that popped up from my mind due to watching dramatic K-Pop videos. ; ;


"All people have secrets that are hid from others. The person doesn't want tp have fingers pointed at him/her or the way people look at him/her differently but it is different when it comes to relationships. A couple tell their secrets in order to strengthen their relationship and build up their trust for one another but there are secrets that are meant to remain untold."


Sunggyu and Woohyun were dating for a year already and they we're already engaged to each other. Despite of having a hard time back then when they were in college, they managed to get through because they've helped each other countless times. Weariness might bring them down but the two knows how to bring themselves back up.

It was April 28, Sunggyu's birthday, and they met up in front of Namsan Tower. They planned on having their monthsary there. It was all going so well until an unexpected happening made everything crashing down into nothingness.

"Hey Sunggyu, I need to tell you something.."

"Hmm? What is it?" Sunggyu was expecting to say something greasy or an "I Love You" from the other but he didn't expect these words to come out from his boyfriend's mouth.

"Let's break up.."


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Where's le chappie one? :O Nyahaha XD Reicelle here~ :3 Update please Kuya Renz! ^0^
misajinki93 #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^