The Race

Come Back, Don't Go

Yay! EXO won again. ^^ Anyway... xDD


You are about to get in the front seat of the van when Xiumin calls in first. You halt from your steps and just stare at point blank. You just finished buying all the things needed for the party this Saturday and you’re ready to go back home, to Luhan’s mansion. You turn to your right only to find Kris suppressing his laughter. He’s at it again.

You hasten your way up in the van towards the farthest seat beside the window and end up having Kris sitting beside you. Just when you thought you’re free, well… not exactly. He just won’t stop, will he?

“Why are you here?” You ask in an annoyed tone without actually looking at him. You prefer the view outside than his irritating innocent face.

“Why are you here?” He answers back emphasizing the third word.

“Ugh, damn.” You mutter and just hope for the travel to be short since your eyes are getting heavy. You know pretty well it isn’t though.

It’s nearly the end of sundown and you’re close to having a dream even though it’s been just minutes since the engine started. You got really tired from the shopping and walking and eating the whole day. Your head constantly wobbles and bangs either on the window or by Kris’ left shoulder and he’s getting exasperated by it. You seem too engrossed in your sleep that you can’t be woken up even by the pain the glass window causes you.

Kris doesn’t hesitate to finally just place your head on his shoulder for you to have a motionless and peaceful sleep, at least. Everyone in the van are either asleep too, or just watching the sceneries outside. The only noise heard is Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s invariable argument on almost anything they see as you travel back. Worse is when they’re actually seated beside Kris. Chen and Suho are sound asleep along with Lay and Sehun on the first row. Hana is once again in between Luhan and Kai, who’s beside D.O in the middle row. Xiumin is having his headphones on by the shotgun seat while Tao is the one driving now. It still wasn’t him driving when you were just going to the marketplace though.


Kris takes you up bridal style as you arrive at the mansion since you are fast asleep. It’s almost a quarter ‘til 9 so he decides you should just continue sleeping. Besides, you have already eaten dinner in a five star restaurant along the way. Suho and Luhan both shared the expenses then. Rich kids.

Hana goes up your room with Kris and your sleepy self and opens the door for Kris to come in. He slowly places you down on you fluffy best friend and tucks you in the soft blanket. He makes sure you’re comfortable with your position and ruffles your hair a bit when you seem okay with it. As if you can even react under that state. Kris is an idiot sometimes too. You know that too well.

He kisses your temple softly like he always does, whenever he gets the chance to, with his hand caressing the back of your head delicately not to wake you up. He takes slow steps backwards up to your door and closes it a bit without making any sound.  He knows you feel safer with just that gesture.

“Goodnight, Jae Min.” He whispers and finally closes the door. Now you can sleep tight.




Hana wakes up from the fruitful smell of food cooking in the kitchen. The shikshin she is, Hana quickly slides in her bunny slippers and run downstairs. She finds herself staring right back at D.O.’s big eyes. Apparently, he is cooking breakfast, much to her dismay. She did smell flours and eggs from her bed upstairs.

“Yes?” D.O. asks since Hana looks really surprised.

“I thought someone’s cooking pancakes…” She cowers. He’s actually cooking bacons and fried rice.

“Oh. Luhan’s on the other kitchen though. He’s baking cupcakes for tomorrow.” As if on cue, Hana rushes to the other side. She didn’t know Luhan can actually bake.

She stops herself from further running when she sees Luhan concentrating on measuring the flour. He just started bringing out the ingredients. He looks cute doing so too. Hana on the other hand, is busy imagining already eating the cooked cupcakes, even thought there is none yet.

“Hana?” Luhan calls. They’re not that far from each other, but it has been a good five minutes since she daydreamed.

“Oh?” She stops, with eyes big as watermelon.

“You’ve been staring…” Luhan says, almost flushing. Hana wouldn’t see that though.

“Ah… can I help?” She asks meekly. Cute.

“Uhh… of course. You can… break and mix the eggs.” He suggests which Hana gladly obliges.  She loves baking although most of the time the mixtures end up burnt because of you. You always time the oven wrongly. You at cooking, how can you not on baking? -_-

They keep on mixing and sprinkling bits of everything needed for the complete mixture of the cupcake. Kai arrives minutes after since D.O. already finished cooking breakfast. Kai seems envious seeing the two of them cooking together. He thinks of ways to bother the oblivious-on-everything Hana. But really he just wants her to notice him.

The boys are now putting wraps on the molders and Hana’s pouring in the mixture on each. She happens to be in between the two again. They are alternately constant on giving Hana a tray of molders until their pace quickens making them pass over to Hana the trays at the same time.

“Here!/ Done!” They both say making them look at each other. And shoot daggers as hidden as possible. They keep arguing on whose tray Hana should pick and she could just turn from left to right as they blurt out reasons why. She’s just too insensible. It can’t be helped.

“Place your own mixture then. I’ll prepare my own tray. It would be faster.” She finally says making the both of them just sigh. Expectations lead to disappointments anyway.

Fifteen minutes later, after placing the last tray on another oven, they start cleaning up the messy table.  Hana takes out the beaters, big spoons, bowls and knives towards the sink. Luhan throws away plastics and cartons to the trash while Kai plays with the flour. He’s making the table look more untidy. Kid.

“What are you doing?” Hana asks Kai with a tone of irritation. They are cleaning up already after all.

“You can join if you’re jealous.” He smirks and Luhan snickers.

“I’m not, please. You’re just making us waste more time cleaning with what you’re doing.”

“At least I’ll spend those times with you.” He answers back and Hana gives out a breath. Greasy, conceited guy.

“You’re creeping me out, Kai. Stop.” Luhan acts, almost wanting to vomit.

“I wasn’t referring to you! Yah!” Kai finds it awkwardly insulting so they end up chasing each other with Kai continuously throwing palms of flour wherever Luhan gets. Hana gets involved unwontedly. She is in the radius of Kai’s flour-hurls. Just minutes later, the three of them are covered in white flour; even the kitchen is messy, full of flour on the floors. Anyone would slip just running over it.

“Yah! Stop it you two!” Hana shouts which automatically makes them stop. They look at each other and laugh out loud after seeing their faces. Laughter fills the kitchen.

“Wow, you wasted a lot of flour.” D.O. says as he peeps in. Their laughter even reaches the dining room which is far away considering that Luhan’s house is pretty huge. Suddenly, a growling stomach is heard. “Just leave this mess to the maids. Breakfast is ready.” D.O. says completely owning the kitchen. Hana forces herself not to blush. She’s pretty much sure it was her stomach’s noise. They all know that too. They’re just too in love to even blame her. It’s not really that bad anyway.




The sun’s scorching hot yet everyone wants to play. You find yourself begging Kris to stop blackmailing you. You are unfortunate on that. He seems definitely serious on making you join the game too.

“You’re seriously using that against me?” Your pitch comes off higher than usual.

“If it’s to make you play, then yes.” He smoothly answers.

“Ugh, please…” You still beg even after knowing any minute you’d be giving up.

“I’m just using one of your few weak points. It’s not my fault I know them.” He shakes his head from left to right, mocking you.

“And what would I say against you? You’re too perfect.” You spitefully say.

“I know. We’ll be partners anyway.” This egotistical really. Ugh.

“But I don’t want to! I’m tired, Kris.”

“Just admit you’re running away from him.” He smirks.

“I am not!” You shrieking, disrupt his words. Too obvious. Tss. “Fine! I’ll play… but only if you’re my partner.” You act quickly not wanting him to feel achieved. You can’t be too obvious… even if Kris already knows.

“Good. Now let’s go.” He smiles and grabs your wrist. He pulls you towards everyone else, in the field.


Everyone’s with their partners when you arrive under the shade of trees beside the field. There are only a total of six pairs including you. You wonder what game would actually be played. You didn’t even bother asking Kris earlier. Everyone looks scary though, very determined to win. You have no idea why.

“We’re all here now right?” asks Chanyeol without his usually cheerful aura. This must be some serious game then, huh. Apparently he’s with Baekhyun.

“Let’s start now hyung!” beams Sehun ecstatic to start the game. You are in shock he’s partnered with Luhan. You just thought Luhan would actually want to be with Hana. Hmm.

“What about D.O. and Kai?” asks Kris.

“They’re in the kitchen cooking food for tomorrow.” Answers Suho obviously beside his pair, Chen.

“They’ll pass this time.” Xiumin adds with Lay as his partner. He talks more things that you only understood the part where he says Kai and D.O. are the ones who hid all flags. So the game would involve finding flags. You now realize that Hana and Tao are pairs for the day. You don’t want to know how it happened.

“Anyway, we know the rules. First pair to finish the game wins the prize and the last pair would be the host for tomorrow’s party. The pair with the most number of flags, first to come or not, is free from work tomorrow.” Suho explains that helps you a lot on understanding the whole game. Now, you either want to finish first or have the most number of flags. It seems that no one wants to be a host in this condition.

One person from each pair comes to Suho to pick a rolled paper from the bowl he’s holding. After doing so, everyone lines up horizontally that you just follow where Kris is. In order to actually go to the place written from the rolled paper everyone has to run across the football field first, which like said earlier… is very hot in temperature knowing it’s just 1:00 in the afternoon. Damn.

“Ready, set, go!” And everyone runs as fast as they all could. You had no problem with that though; you are a runner after all.

“Wait Kris! Kris!” You run faster to dash with him.

“What?” He asks.

“Where should we go first?”

“Oh right.” He answers forgetting to actually open the paper. You want to hit him with that. He’s stupid at times. He does so now and reads the words written on it. “The place where maknae loves to be at.” Sehun loves butterflies, so you both turn left to go there, to the butterfly garden.


You have been walking and turning corners for a good 5 minutes now. You already found all 10 flags but since you are the fastest group around, you decided to search for the 11th flag for you not to work at all tomorrow. The 11th one is always the hardest to find and now you find yourselves stuck in Luhan’s mansion maze.

“Let’s turn right on the corner.” Kris says.

“Are you sure that’s the right right?” You eye him. You really think you’re just lost now.

“Uhh… of course.” You roll eyes. He just won’t admit he’s wrong.


“Kris we’ve been walking for 10 minutes now. Someone probably got back in the field first already.” You say as you look over the painted pictures hanging on the walls of the corridor. The whiteness of the walls is getting rusty every step you take. You’ve been just following the paintings after all. Kris didn’t even bother arguing with you. That’s weird.

“Kris are you—.” You turn around and come to a halt. No one is behind you. You’re alone. You quickly take your phone from your pocket and try calling Kris. He answers on the first ring.

Where the hell are you?!” He yells over the phone. You had to move away your phone from your ears a little bit for that.

“I took the wrong right?” You slowly answer not to make him shout again.

I know that’s why you’re calling. So where exactly are you?” You can imagine him rolling eyes.

“I don’t know. It’s all just paintings around here.” You say as you take a full turn on your surroundings.

That really helps.” He sighs.

“I’m sorry. Just go on without me. That’s better than us being last.”

No, I’m gonna find you… just… just stay where you are.” But you walk a few steps more.

“Uhh Kris… I’m probably in the basement line now.” You sense so since there’s no more corners. It’s just a blank wall staring back at you and a creepy door on your right.

Got it. Stay there, okay?” You nod even though he won’t see you. He ends the call after.


You’re standing for 2 minutes now when you feel the creepy door attracting you. You just have the feeling to open it and look around inside. You try and stop yourself. But you still open the door anyway. Slowly not to wake anything up, you open the door that creaks due to oldness. You breathily slide yourself in the narrow door as you ask if anyone’s around. It’s silly as if someone would actually answer.

“Wait! Don’t close the door!” You jolt up and hit your head lightly on the wall making yourself stumble down the flight of stairs. You did not expect anyone to actually answer your question. You heard a faint voice calling your name though before you actually closed the door and fell down.

“Ow, damn.” You say as you rub your slightly aching head, with your body in an awkward position. You slowly try and sit straight with your back resting on the wall. Apparently, the stairs is beside the wall. This is really the farthest anyone would go to. It’s the dead end.

“Are you okay?” He asks. You’re still closing your eyes.

“I don’t think so I--” You stop when you realize who’s in front of you. You can only blink at your closeness.

“What is it, Jae Min?” He asks again but only one question sticks out of all questions you wanted to ask him of.

“Where’s Hana?” You ask and he just sighs.

“I don’t know. I’ve been stuck here since 2 o’clock.” You gasp. It’s almost 4pm now.


“Like you probably, I was curious. I never got deep down up to here ever since.” He answers as he still is in a crouching position. You try and take all information in. He’s been stuck for 2 hours now and….

“Wait, you’re stuck… here?” you don’t understand.

“Door’s broken.” And suddenly you are like oh. Then your eyes widen. You immediately take your phone out again and call Kris. He answers on the 3rd ring. You signal Tao to move away a little bit. He does so anyway.

“Kris!” You squeak.

Where are you? I though--

“Hurry up! I don’t want to be stuck with him here!” You shout in a whisper. You don’t want to other one to hear that.

Him… Tao?

“Yes! I’m in the basement. The one with the creepy door--”

I can’t--- please--- where--- Jae --- are you---” His voice starts to become choppy.

“Hey Kris! Can you hear me?” No please not now!

I--- understand--- I’m--- toot.toot.toot.” And the call ends.

“!” You shout.

“What’s wrong?” He asks as he seems to be playing with a tennis ball bouncing it over the table. He’s sitting on a chair beside a table that’s really dusty.

“He couldn’t understand me. And my phone died.” You say hopelessness written all over your words. He doesn’t react on it though. He seems to be already expecting that answer from you.


Kris though made it all up. He’s standing in front of the creepy door you walked in to. He was the one who called for your name right when you stumbled over. He was about to open the door when you called but stopped when he knew that Tao is down there with you. He knows you will hate him for doing this, but he knows you need it right now too. Now is the only time you can clear things out with him because you obviously don’t have a choice. You have nowhere to go since you can’t go out. He knows how persistent Tao can be. He is sure both of you will be walking out from the basement with no hard feelings towards each other, or less if not.

He slowly walks away holding the 10 flags you gathered and runs fast when he’s far enough from where you are. He is still determined not to get the last place on this game. He doesn’t imagine himself talking to people tomorrow, ever.


“So we wait… for no one knows how long.” You mumble over. You can’t accept the fact that you’re stuck in this basement with him. Of all people, why him?!

“Can you stand?” He asks so randomly.

“What?” You sound mean, but you can’t care.

“You fell down really hard.” He says. And now he cares.

You didn’t hesitate to stand back up since you’re pretty confident that you’re okay. It shocks you a lot when your knees wobble and your ankle hurt. You fall down quick as lightning. It even amazes you how he comes running towards you quicker this time. So I actually did get hurt. Tss.

“I told you!” He scolds you off. You just roll eyes.

“Yeah, you did.” You come off really cold saying those words. The basement gets more silent than it already is. You just let him inspect your swelling ankle since you think it’s for the best. He sighs and sits beside you.

“We should get out here fast. Your ankle is dislocated pretty badly.” He says with a concerned tone.

“We don’t have a choice.” You snicker. You just can’t go out even if you really want to.

“I’m sorry.” He says.

“It’s not your fault. I was the reckless one--”

“No. It’s not that… I know you don’t want to be stuck here with me. I know you want me far away. I know you want me gone, if possible. I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I can’t do that. I’m sorry if I can’t just stay away from you. I’m sorry for hurting you…” You want him to stop. He can’t just go around saying these things. He just can’t! It’s hurting you even more because you know there’ll never come a time where he would actually say he’s sorry for loving you, because you know he doesn’t. Because everyone knows that he still loves her.

“You aren’t as dumb as I thought you were, after all.” You mutter.

“Yeah well, you should know me better then.” He playfully smiles. I’m okay with just this. The less I know, the easier it’d be to get over.

“I don’t need to.” I shouldn’t.

“If this is because of the dinner last time--”

“Let’s not talk about that.”

“But I really am sorry. I mean, I kinda just broke the trust you were slowly giving me. I was just not in a good mood that night.”

“It’s because you love her, of course it’s hard for you. It’s hard for everybody. It’s even hard for me too. You just weren’t able to control yourself that you blurted it out. But I don’t need your explanation because I don’t care so just please shut up and forget about it. End of story.”

“But I’m--”

“Please, you’re not making this any easy for me. I want to forget whatever happened that night but I can’t because you’re always saying sorry for it. It’s usual for you to be mad. And I was just the unfortunate victim. Do me a favor and act like it didn’t happen. It’s much easier to continue living that way.” You break off each word without even knowing so. He’s as shock as you.

“I’m sorry. I understand. Just calm down.” He says not knowing what to do from your sudden breaking. You are still in your normal state of mind. You can’t let him know what you feel. Not now. “Friends again?” He asks.

“Sure.” Like I even have a choice right? You’re my fiancé, you dumdum.


The basement is so quiet that you can already hear the sound of your wristwatch ticking. He’s back on sitting on the chair beside the table, and you’re still sitting by the wall. Your ankle hurts a lot still, but you only endure. It’s best to act like this right now. You still can’t bear being so close to him. The good thing is you’re okay… for now. It’s past 5 o’clock now but no one’s still coming. All you’re doing is exchanging breaths.

“I’m thirsty.” You say since it was still lunch time when you last drank something.

“No food, no water. At least there’s even a hanging lamp here.” He says pointing at the lamp above the table. It’s your only source of light actually. It’s amazing how its rays can cover more than half of the basement. It looks more like the kind of lamps investigators use among their suspects. It’s the kind that swings left to right when slightly touched. It’s weird for something of such variety to be here.

“Endure a little longer, Jae Min. Please…” You mutter to yourself. Your ankle gets more painful every second. You’re even getting cold and pale.


More than an hour has passed and you’re getting weaker. You see to it that he doesn’t suspect though. You just act tired but really, you’re already taking deep breaths by now. Just a little more… I’m sure Kris will be here. He should be.

You’ve been blinking your eyes now and then, sometimes even taking short naps. Tao is just bored that he’s roaming around the room now. The basement isn’t that big at all. It’s almost like a 4 by 4 meter room. He’s standing on one particular corner now though.

“I can’t believe they’d actually place it here.” He murmurs that you get curious.

“What is?” You ask, sounding not as interested as you really are.

“The 11th flag.” He turns back at you holding the striped black and white flag with the number 11 on it.

“That’s good.” You whisper as you can feel drops of sweat coming out from your forehead. Deeper breaths are being taken in now.

He comes closer to you with a smile on his face. You can’t help but smile at that view too. It’s been a while since you last saw him smile… a sincere smile. You wish you could just stop time and stay like this forever. But you can’t, you never can. Your vision becomes blurry as you see two Tao coming at you, bending in front of you.

“Let’s just have this as pairs… I’m sure you don’t want to work tomorrow.”

“Damn yes.” You whisper, closing your eyes longer this time.

“Are you okay? You look really pale mayb—!” He says as he tries to get your temperature by your forehead. You slide down before he could do so. It’s a good thing he has good reflexes and catches you first before you kiss the ground. You fall unconscious by his arms. His eyes are just wide open. He wants to get out of here and fast.


Please… stop time like this. Please…


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44th chapter is up! I apologize for taking so long. But yeah. ^^


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Chapter 44: Dane!! La ko gaexpect nga twin sister gid ni Jaemin si Jaebin.. Sa first palang gaexpect nako nga si Tao ang sa Maple Tree. Wahahaahhaha. :)
Chapter 44: All along that boy is Tao omfg somehow i alr know that the boy is tao when tao asked her about the lil girl's photo lol but nice story
Suhosmelanie #3
Chapter 44: I actually predicted the story AHAHAHAHA :3 I always seem to predict the endings :/
Chapter 44: the ending... *sniffs* i kennot *sniffs* I'm having these feels for Tao on this chapter ///sorry/// those kisses really..... Whyyyyyyyyy. OTL ///i should be commenting a bit normal rn but gaaaaahhh/// I've expected it would be Tao. Lol. Great work, squishy. XD Finallyyyy... We were just brainstorming ideas about an EXO fanfic on a milktea shop and now it's done~ chukahaaaaeee. XD

Don't forget Hana~ *throws hot pink colored heart-shaped confettis to annoy you* XD
Chapter 44: Honestly didn't expect tao but it's so cute >< JJANG
Chapter 43: The last parts are really sad... TT Tao just need more time... And the SJM Performance, it must be so cool to actually see your brother (and idols) there on the stage performing just for you...
Chapter 43: I thought Kris gave her a piggy-back ride.... Haha. Tao has a point though, Jaemin. But Jaemin just misses you, Tao. Aaaaaa the drama~ *creyys*
Chapter 42: And here I go again, wondering who that little boy in Jaemin's childhood years... Ooooh SWING! :D update soon~
HoneyBF_HanZy #9
Chapter 42: Jaemin starts to open up to her twins now, I don't know, but maybe it was wrong to hate Jaebin. She gives positive changes to Jaemin, it just that I feel she still loves Tao