The end

Goodbye love
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Taemin opened his eyes slowly to the early rays of the morning sun greeting him with its warmth. A smile was etched on his face as he stretched like a contented cat, tangled in the voluminous comforter. His hand bumped into the other person sharing the bed and that made him smile even wider. Memories of last night came flooding one by one. It has been a long time since Minho and he shared such passionate lovemaking. For the past year, he had thought the spark they have for each other was slowly petering out but once in awhile there were moments like last night that rekindled the ambers of love that he had for his lover.

He studied Minho's carefully, slowly letting his eyes follow the long lashes that graced his eyelids, the lines of his elegant nose, the smooth but sharp jaw line and the love mark he made on his neck, very visible purplish red in color. Taemin wanted to mark him because his lover adamantly refused to be marked and to see it now in the light of day, made him feel triumphant. He was sure his lover will protest and sulk to see such blatant mark of possession and undeniable time stamp of their last night's union. He made sure when he made the mark, Minho was in deep throes of passion, and he didn't realize the deed was done. Taemin congratulated himself again.

His eyes then were drawn to the shiny sleek new smart phone Minho bought just a month ago. An idea crossed his mind and he thought it would be a cute surprise for his lover. He reached for the phone and started exploring the functions. Firstly, he went to the phone directory and searched for his own name. It was odd that Minho only saved his number under his full name; Lee Taemin, instead of Taeminnie liked the one in his old phone. Taemin felt like it was somebody else’s name instead of his. He felt he was regaled to the level of an acquaintance instead of his life partner for almost six years. But he will remedy that, he thought positively and confidently typed his pet name in and saved it.

When that was done, he wanted to pick a special ringtone that was uniquely his, so he opened the directory for attaching ringtones. The application promptly opened to the audio gallery and Taemin started to browse for their song ... and it wasn't there. He looked at the list again and started noticing songs that were not Minho's usual taste were in the list. There were many love songs but none were theirs. Again, Taemin felt like he was a nobody in his lover's life. Where was the connection that they have built all these while? Taemin's own was full of their favorite songs and when Minho did call nowadays, his name will still pop up as "Minho baby". Wasn't he proud to have me as his boyfriend?  Taemin shook his head trying to clear the upsetting thought from his mind. So he chose an oldies song that was familiar to him. He will make sure to upload their song later. That made him smile again.

Next would be to insert his picture avatar. Taemin noticed that again, Minho again did not assign any picture on his profile. This was very upsetting for him. Not even a picture! Ridiculous! So, he pressed the avatar box and he was directed to the picture gallery. There were so many folders already in the memory card. So he clicked one by one to see which picture would be the best. He smiled when he saw folders with old pictures of Minho and him but he wanted to find a new one for his profile, so he changed the setting of the preview to most recent taken. Then he felt he had just died.

Rows upon rows of Minho's picture with another woman. She was beautiful and Minho never looked happier. At least, he looked happier than he was with him lately. Pictures of them at work, pictures of them dining and random pictures of intimacy which Taemin knew could not be mistaken with something else besides mutual desire. His heart broke into a million pieces, scattered at his feet. Jagged sharp edges of leftovers were pushing inside his innards, shredding what was left of his being. It was so painful.

All those late

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#1's 2min alright. sadly the fic is a full out angst so nope happy ending darling.
kurniawatinia #2
is ti 2min or not, i hope for happy ending, can i?
CloudieSky27 #3
Chapter 1: Poor Taeminnie. Minho you jackass.

Beautifully written :)
Chapter 1: damn Minho, how can you leave the precious Taeminnie :/
great story, authornim~
Mawyna #5
Chapter 1: It's ok Tae baby.. Life should move on with or without Minho... Ahhhh..this is too sad.. I shouldn't have read this.. Aigoo...
Chapter 1: Aww this ripped my heart but it's really good!
Chapter 1: Gosh i swear the people on the train probably thought i was going through the worst phase in my life, in reality i was just reading this and trying my best not be a sobbing mess ! Too good ! :')
pikasquad #8
Chapter 1: Excuse me while I drown in the river that is my tears
Chapter 1: *shakes head* Minho Minho Minho. If ur going to cheat be smart about it...but u would of still been caught
Poor Taemin, I know it's hurts to leave but sometimes it's the right think
(My heart hurts...wahh...I love it)