
My Bitter-sweet Love~

"Waaahh! I already forgot what an arcade looks like!" I awed.

"Really noona??" Sungjong asked from beside me.
"Let's go have some fun guys!" Woohyun said, pumping his fist and skipping away with Sunggyu. That's right, skipping.
"Come on let's go!" Jongie said, dragging me along somewhere.
We arrived at a basketball station. *Hm..let me try this.*
"Come on let's play~" he sang.
I nodded and pressed the start button but it won't start. 
"Aigoo noona, you gotta put coins first!" I bonked my head. *Ah. So forgetful.*
The balls started rushing towards me and I glance at Sungjong who were already shooting. I also started shooting. It was an air ball. *Epic fail Jae Hee...* I tried again and this time shot harder. This time it went flying past the station itself. *Wow Jae Hee. Way to make an impression..Aish. This time I shoot too hard.*
"Noona time is wasting." Sungjong said.
I quickly shoot the balls randomly and guess what? 2 went in. I know, great achievement.
After the game had ended, I was breathless.
"Noonaaaa! Let's go again!" The maknae said, jumping up and down. Suddenly Woohyun was beside me, and an arm around my waist.
I turned to him and he smiled cheekily. "No way! It's my turn to play with Jae Hee now!" *Aw great. The Namu is here.* 
I sighed. Sungjong pouted. "Alright where do you wanna play?" I asked.
"Let's go ride the motorcycles!"
"Ok." I obediently followed.
As I was getting ready for the game, someone pushed me, making me stumble. "Yah!"
"Oops. Sorry Jae Hee but I gotta have this game with hyung. I need to beat him. Keke~" the choding said, flashing a huge smile.
Again I was pulled. This time it was Hoya.
"Where do you want?" I asked with a bored expression.
Hoya took note of it and asked, "What do you wanna play? Anything's fine by me." He beamed.
I smiled at him in return. "We can go to DDR (Dance Dance Revolution)"
"Oh perfect! I'm the dance machine after all." 
*Oh this is gonna be a tough one >.<* I thought.
We made our way to the DDR and spotted Myungsoo and Dongwoo along.
"Sup." Dongwoo said.
"Yo bro. Up for some DDR?" Hoya asked.
"Sure. But I wanna compete with Jae Hee first."
"Ok with you?" They asked. I nodded.
"Alriiiiggghht. Dongwoo versus Jae Hee round 1!" Hoya announced like a referee.
"What song?" I asked.
"How Club Can't Handle Me by Florida?" *Oh I love this song!*
"I'll try." I smiled, trying to act nervous. But really, I'm a very good dancer. I was dancing since I was still 7. 
"It's ok Jae Hee, I'll take it easy."
The game started and I purposely let Dongwoo lead. I skipped a few as well as to not be obvious.
Dongwoo started to really dance, but I just let him.
When our score was finally very far from each other, I started dancing. I gave around some twists and jumps. I even back bended. They started to notice too.
"Woah woah woah hold up. I thought you weren't good at this?" I only smiled and kept going. It came to the point where my score was already far ahead from Dongwoo's and he stopped to catch his breath.
I finished the dance with a handstand.
"Wahh. Jae Hee daebakk! My turn my turn!!" Hoya yelled, getting excited.
He replaced the panting Dongwoo and stretched a bit. "Soo? What song?" I asked.
"How about....... To You by Teen Top?" He suggested. *Not a bad choice.*
"Alright. Let's go." I said and popped my head side to side.
He started the song and both of us started out slow but as time passes, gets faster and faster. (Lol it sounds so wrong XD)
I threw out some of my hip swaying and waves, he gave some tauting and high jumps.
As the rap part of the song came, I bopped my head and started to really give it my all, my movements a lot faster now. Hoya was just there staring at me with his mouth agape. As the song finishes, I finish off with a spin 'n'split.
"How the hell did she beat me?!" Hoya screeched. *Kekeke so funny^^*
"Don't worry bro. It's not just you." Dongwoo patted his back.
I turned to look at Myungsoo and saw that he too was speechless.
"What are gonna do next?" I asked, ignoring their gaping mouths.
"You just battled me and the Dance Machine and you're not even tired?! You've gotta be kidding me." Dongwoo said.
I shrugged and walked away, but not without hearing Hoya say 'What a fiancee you have, L.' I smiled in victory.
I skipped towards Woohyun and the others. 
They looked at me weirdly. "What happened to you?" Woohyun asked, his eyebrow rised up.
I shrugged. "Ask them." I pointed at Dongwoo. *Ahaha their faces are priceless!!* I though, trying not to laugh.
They approached us and I look away, trying to act innocent.
"Yah! What did you do to her??" Woohyun yelled.
"Don't you 'yah' us! That woman isn't as innocent as you think!" Dongwoo said, pointing at me.
They were like this:
"What'd she do?" Sungyeol asked.
"We were at DDR. She beat Hoya and me..." silence... "WHAT??!!" "THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT" "ARE YOU SURE YA AINT DRUNK??" "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME."
"Jae Hee?? This Jae Hee?? Our nerd Jae Hee??" Sungyeol asked. *Heeyy I'm not that bad..*
"Yeah. Ask L here." Hoya said, bobbing his head towards Myungsoo.
We all stared at him while he was just fondling with his finger nails. Hoya nudged him.
"Huh what?"
"Did Jae Hee really beat them in DDR??" Sunggyu asked.
"Yeah. It was hilarious really. Ahaha." he replied, stiffling a laugh.
*Oh gosh. He's so cute when he does that! And those dimples. Kyeopta!! Alright I admit. He is kinda damn hot...*
"Yah!" someone yelled at my ear. "Ow~ Man that hurts ya know?" I said rubbing my sore ear.
"Again. We've been talking to you for 5 minutes and all you do is stare at L. Are you sick??" Sungyeol said, glancing at the others.
*Woah..really? Again?*
"Yeah really." Oops, I think I said that out loud. I blushed.
"Umm... Who's hungry? Let's go eat!" I said, trying to change the subject.
"Oh don't you pull that with us. We'll go eat first then we'll settle this day dream problem of yours." Woohyun said, giving me that look that says 'You've got some explaining to do'
"Fine. Let's go." I said.
We left the arcade and all of them was infront of me and Myungsoo. It was rather awkward... 
Alright! What do ya think?? Please comment, subscribe and upvote! And I'm sorry if I'm so slow in updating, I'm kinda busy with school.. >.<
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Chapter 9: this is so good please update soon~^^
Chapter 8: Niceeee!!! Hahhahah love this atory!
Chapter 8: Oh I made a mistake, it's suppose to be 'Kaiserzzz' ^^
SamGurl #4
Chapter 7: she has me I think both of them does..LOL..anywho I LUV it..
Chapter 7: I love your story :)
Chapter 6: Tia-louise thanks for commenting! I really really appreciate it!:)
tia-louise #7
Chapter 6: aww so sweet of you myungsoo!!!
tia-louise #8
Chapter 3: plz update soon! :)