
My Bitter-sweet Love~

Jae Hee's POV


I woke up with a start, feeling something pulling my waist. I look down and took notice of someone's arms. My eyes immediately bulged. I looked behind me and was greeted with a sleeping Myungsoo.


"Mm. B-Bwo yaaahh... Wha-what---" Myungsoo mumbled, rubbing his head.

I kept screaming bloody murder and kicking away from him.


"Ah. Ow..." I rubbed my .

My whole body was sore. My head pounding.

"Jae Hee! Gwenchana?" Myungsoo asked, getting up from the bed.

I pouted and rubbed my head.

"Aigoo." he picked me up bridal style and set me on the bed. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, eyebrow quirked.

He takes my palm and examines it. He gently puts it back and starts to skim my legs with his eyes. I squirm, feeling embarrassed. A quick blush rising upon my cheeks.

He continues to scan. "Yah! What are you doing?!"


"Yaah! Byuntae!!!" I screamed.

"Aish. Would you please shut up?!" he takes my leg and immediately pain shoots up my knee.


"Gwenchana? Where does it hurt?" Myungsoo asked.

"Yah! Pabo! You already know it hurts and yet you still touch it!" I sighed.

He facepalms and ruffles his hair. "Aish! Nevermind."

He turns and heads back on my bed.

"What do you think you're doing??" I proped my elbow for support and faced him. 

He doesn't answer so I took the pillow from under his head. "Ugh..would you please leave me alone?" he said, trying to get back my pillow.

"Excuse me but I remember that you are currently lying on my bed. So if you don't mind, get off and let me sleep! I'm dead tired and you're interfering with my sleep." I retorted.

He sighs. "I still wanna sleep and last time I checked, you're my fiancee."

Anger flares in me. Who does he think he is? "And so? What does it have to do with anything?? Oh that's right. You left me in a store where WE'RE suppose to go and never came back! Well I bet you'll make a wonderful husband huh?!"

He groans and throws his head back. "I just forgot ok?! Why are you being so sensitive so early in the morning?! I've already been told off once by my parents, I don't need to hear it from you either!"

"Oh and that's my fault now? I'm sorry but it wasn't MY FAULT that YOU FORGOT to pick me up! You know what, nevermind. I don't wanna hear your ugly voice." *Ugly or beautiful?......oh shut up're not helping.*

"Fine. I'll leave."

"Good." he gets up from the bed and makes his way to the door.



"Honey! Come on, we have something to talk about!" umma had been banging on the door for a straight 10 minutes. *Uuuggh can't she take a break??*

"Ugh... Ne! I'll be right down!" I cover my face with my pillow and scream.

I quickly showered and dressed. Normal matchstick jeans and green ruffly sleeveless with ballet flats.

As I went down the stairs, I hear faint whispering voices. *This cannot be good...*

I entered the living room and of course, the Kims are there seated.

"Oh Jae Hee dear. We were just talking about some things..." umma gave me a smile. *I know that smile. Oh I bet they're hiding something fishy.*

I smiled and sat down, meeting the cold eyes of L a.k.a Myungsoo a.k.a. my fiance. I groaned inwardly at the thought.

I direct my gaze elsewhere. "So. What were you talking about while I was still upstairs?"

Mrs. Kim cleared . " We were just talking about your wedding." I instantly paled.

I swallowed. "What about it?" I said, my voice hoarse.

"Well... We sort of moved the date of the wedding nearer." she said, appearing nervous. "What" I manage to breath out.

*No no no! I need more time! I didn't wanna get tied up to that jerkface!*

"In the very near future. 5 days from now." I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. *That's right Jae Hee keep breathing.*

"But don't worry! We took care of everything, the church, the invitation, the cake. All you have to do is pick a dress. Same goes for Myungsoo." she rushes on.

Wow. how can they keep doing this? "Fine." 

I remain pokerfaced and stood up to leave. "I need some fresh air." I my heel and went outside.





"Go get her Myungsoo." Mrs. Lee said. For a second I stayed baffled. "Oh right." I stood and left the living room.

I found her outside, arms around herself, the breeze gently blowing.

I went to stand beside her. "You know we could always divorce after the wedding..." I said, keeping my voice low so that no one could hear but her.

"Yeah...but..." she trailed off.

I see her shivering. *It's cold, why would she wear something like that?*

I breath in and out deeply and shrug off my jacket and gently put it around her, my fingers grazing her skin. She stills.

"I don't get you. One minute you're being a jackass and the next minute you're being nice." she says, tugging my jacket closer.

I clear my throat. *Why am I like this?* "You don't really know me. I don't get you either. You keep changing moods. I don't really think it's your period.." she flushes pink.

"I have moodswings. That's why. Only my friends know that." she whispers.

*She has moodswings?* "You mean like always?" I said, getting curious.

"Well yeah."

I stay silent, enjoying the wind.

"Not a lot of people really know me...not even my parents. I guess only Kai and Jisung." she says.

I nod. Not knowing what to say anymore.

Suddenly the door opens. "Myungsoo, Jae Hee, come in for a while." umma said.

"Ne." we both said at the same time. We came in and back to the living room where our parents are still seated.

We sit side by side. Our parents looking at us back and forth. "Have you chosen your rings yet?" Mrs. Lee questioned.

"Well, not yet." I said. Jae Hee and I exchange glances.

"Alright then. Both of you go and choose today. We'll be having dinner later so that we can discuss plans with you."

We both nod and stood up. Jae Hee bowed first before me.



Jae Hee's POV


"Oh not again." I facepalmed.

We were currently at Myungsoo's car, going to the mall to buy rings and our outfits for the wedding.

"Chill. I won't leave you this time." Myungsoo said, not turning to me.

I pouted and turned to the window.

Soon enough we arrived at the mall's parking.

Myungsoo fished out his phone and dialed. "Who are you calling?" 

He puts his index finger infront of his lips. Meaning to keep quiet.

"Yeobosaeyo? We're at the mall right now. Yes yes. Alright. See ya." he hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

He smiled. "You'll see. Come on let's go get some rings." he said and slipped out of the car. He went around and opened the door for me. *Hm. A gentleman I see.*

*Wait hold up. Stop those annoying thoughts Jae Hee!*

"Kaja." I stood still, still in my own world.

When he saw that I haven't moved, he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the entrance.



Ok boring chappie -.- Sorry for not updating:( I was busy. I know, it's a lame excuse... I'll try to update as soon as I can. And thank you for those who are commenting and subscribing:)  Let me know your thoughts about this chap! Annyeong!^^

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Chapter 9: this is so good please update soon~^^
Chapter 8: Niceeee!!! Hahhahah love this atory!
Chapter 8: Oh I made a mistake, it's suppose to be 'Kaiserzzz' ^^
SamGurl #4
Chapter 7: she has me I think both of them does..LOL..anywho I LUV it..
Chapter 7: I love your story :)
Chapter 6: Tia-louise thanks for commenting! I really really appreciate it!:)
tia-louise #7
Chapter 6: aww so sweet of you myungsoo!!!
tia-louise #8
Chapter 3: plz update soon! :)