Our Encounter

My Bitter-sweet Love~

I was walking down the hall, my head hung low. I keep on thinking about the marriage. *How can they just arrange marriage?! Uuuuggghhh ottokhe?! I don't wanna get married! I'm only 18 for god's sake!*

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice someone infront of me. "Ouch!" I fell on the hard floor and started to rub my head. I looked up and saw... "Myungsoo??"

He snorted and said, "Don't call me that. Only my friends can call me Myungsoo."

"Then what should I call you? Jerkface?"

He glared at and pointed a finger at me. "You don't get to call me anything, nerd. Now get out of my way before I do something you won't like."

I smirked. "Yah. I can do anything I want. I have my rights as a person. What can you possibly do that I won't like, hm?" i hate people like him. Looking down at people as if they're trash. Well as for Hara, I just feel sorry for her... That's why I just ignore her. But this bastard deserves what he's about to get.

"Oh really?" he taunted, stepping towards me.

I get up and glare at him. "That's right, jerkface." as i said that, I heard snickers and gasps.

He glared at me before saying, "I may be a jerkface but at least I'm not a know-it-all like you."

Upon hearing this, my blood started to boil. No one, and I mean no one, have ever called me a .

I stepped closer to him, giving him a full-on glare. I saw his adam's apple bob and I mentally smirked.

"Call me one more time." I said in a low voice.

He gulped but quickly gave me a cocky smirk. By now lots of students are already watching, anticipating of what's gonna happen next.

"A. . Like. You." he said word for word.

I stepped back a bit, his smirk growing bigger and bigger. Still glaring, I raised my fists, my other foot stepped back and yelled. "YAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" "What-what are you do---" I fly kicked him square on the face. He fell on the floor face first. Then he looked at me as if I had two heads. 

"What the ?!!" he yelled at me.

"You better not mess with me, you jerkface. Or you'll surely get it from me." I said then turned and walked away. I heard applaus and whoops from the crowd.

"Yah!!! You---" he yelled out but I cut him off, I spun around and pointed at him, glaring. "DO YOU WANT YOUR EYEBALLS RIPPED FROM THEIR SOCKETS??!!" 

He shook his head fast and gulped with fear.

"That's what I thought." I said and turned back around.






"Dude! You got hit by a girl! A nerd at that! Ahahahahahaha!!!!" Sungyeol said, can't stop laughing.

"Yah! Do you wanna die?!" I said.

"Aww, I should've took a video of it! Oh my gosh, hyung! You should have seen the look on his face when that nerd kicked him!" Woohyun said, talking to Sunggyu.

"I know right?! Ahahahahaha!!!!" he held up a hand and hi-fived Woohyun.

"Oh god. Just forget it will ya?! She was scary as hell okay?!!...and I think I almost peed my pants..." I whispered the last part but I think the guys still heard it as they started laughing twice as hard. Hoya is even rolling on the ground, clutching his stomach.

I blushed and covered my face with my jacket. "Ahahahaha!!! Ar-are you blushing, Myungsoo ah?! Oh this is classic---ahahahaahaha!!" Hoya said, pointing and laughing at me. 

"Aww come on guys, hasn't he had enough?" Sunggyu asked, using his baby voice while pouting. The other guys just stayed silent. "Yeah, I didn't think so too!" Sunggyu said then bursted out laughing. 

"Yah!! You guys are mean..." I said and pouted, getting the jacket away from my face.

"Lo-lo-ok at Myungsoo! Ahaha, he's looking like some retarded kid!" with that they burst out laughing again.

"Uuugghh whatever, I'm going out." I said, frustrated, and stormed out.




Jae Hee's POV


"Oh my gosh Jae Hee that was so cool!!!" Jisung said, jumping up and down. "Yah yah yah, Kai, did you see what she did?!" she said, approaching Kai.

"Yeah, that was daebakk Jae Hee ah!" he said, slapping me on the back.

"Ouch you buffoon! That hurts!" i said rubbing the spot he hit.

"Tch. You say that as if you didn't just kicked a guy in the face and humiliating him probably in front of the whole school..."

"Hey, he deserves it anyway. He just goes and calls me a . Well news flash! I aint just gonna let him off easy."

"You go sister!" Jisung whooped.

"Oh you bet I do!" I chuckled and hi-fived her.

"Girls..." Kai muttered but I still heard it. "Are what?"

"Are awesome!" he said, grinning. "Good answer."

"Hey, anyone up for ice cream later?" Jisung asked.

"Me." I raised my hand.

"Ooh me too me too." Kai joined in.

"Ara~ Let's go to the ice cream parlor later down the block." 

"Ok." with that, the bell rang, indicating our next subject.




Later after school...


We were walking side by side past the gates. I sighed and pouted. "I still don't know what to get."

"Well, what's your favorite flavor?" Kai asked.

"There are too many! Chocolate,strawberry,bubblegum,mint,lychee,coconut and vanilla!" I replied.

"Woah. You're right. Too many...hmm...I'd go for bubblegum." Jisung said, nudging me.

"What about you, Kai?"

"I think...um..mint!"

"I'll go with Jisung on this."

"Yah, that's so unfair. You ask me and you listen to Jisung." he pouted at me.

"Aw fine. I'll have both. Sheesh..."

We walked in the parlor, but as I stepped in, I noticed the jerkface sitting there with his friends, a.k.a. Infinite.

"Of all the places in Korea...really?" I whispered.

I saw that he whispered something to what's his name and pointed at me. *Wow. Rude much?*

I rolled my eyes and went to order.





"Yah. Over there." I whispered to Sungyeol and pointed at her.

He chuckled as she rolls her eyes. *What a .*

"Guys, let's get out of here. I don't wanna eat anymore." Sungyeol said, like he knew what I was thinking.

*Thanks Sungyeol. I owe you one.*

"Your welcome." he whispered.

We all stood up and walked out of the store.

"What was that about?" I asked, playing dumb.

"What? You wanna be there? Let's go back then." Sungyeol said, grabbing me arm.

"Ani. Come on." I said, ripping my arm from his grip.



Jae Hee's POV


"Was that L?" Jisung asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

I sighed and ran a hand through my long hair.


"Chill Jae Hee. He didn't do anything this time." Kai said, rubbing my back.

I sighed. After we got our orders, we sat down and started talking again.

"Hey, I'm having problems with my math, anyone kind enough to tutor me?" Jisung said, giving us puppy eyes.

"Both of us can, Jisung ah." I said, ruffling her hair.

"Yah! Hands off the hair!"

We laughed and just ate our ice creams.



Hey guys! That was chaapter 2! Hope you enjoyed it! That was my co-author PinkPeach that updated chapter 1! 

Don't forget to Subscribe, comment and upvote! Annyeong!^^



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Chapter 9: this is so good please update soon~^^
Chapter 8: Niceeee!!! Hahhahah love this atory!
Chapter 8: Oh I made a mistake, it's suppose to be 'Kaiserzzz' ^^
SamGurl #4
Chapter 7: Oo..so she has moodswing..wow..to me I think both of them does..LOL..anywho I LUV it..
Chapter 7: I love your story :)
Chapter 6: Tia-louise thanks for commenting! I really really appreciate it!:)
tia-louise #7
Chapter 6: aww so sweet of you myungsoo!!!
tia-louise #8
Chapter 3: plz update soon! :)