Realizations 101

My Dear Deer




“Sulli is so late,” I hissed as Luhan and I waited for her at the bus station this Friday afternoon. We three decided to have a group study at my house for our Math exam on Monday. Since the Lady Gaga concert is on Sunday, we thought we should study and spend the night at my house together. The three of us. Friday night till Saturday afternoon. Much to our delight because each of us needs some tutoring.

Luhan can’t get the Cramer’s Rule which I am good at. While I at graphing inequalities which he can do even with eyes closed. Sulli doesn’t understand anything at all. Because of these, we came to a decision to study together. No one wants to fail Math, anyway.

“Hey, your phone’s ringing.” Luhan nudged my side disrupting my notions.

I fished out my phone from the pocket of my jeans and saw Sulli’s name on the Caller ID.


“Ji Ah!” Sulli wailed nonchalantly.


“I cant come.”

“What?” If she wouldn’t come, it will only be me and Lu--.

“My mom pulled me to shopping! I’m at Myungdeong right now!”

I just sighed.

“What did she say?” Luhan who’s beside me suddenly asked.

“She said she couldn’t come,” I told him.

“Is that Luhan?” Sulli asked from the other line.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Put him on.”

I gave Luhan my phone who looked at me inquisitively.

“She wants to talk to you.”

He then took hold of it. “Hello?”

He nodded.

And nodded.

Then nodded again.

“Okay, take care Sulli-ah. Goodbye,” he finally said then hung up.

It was my turn to look at him inquisitively. He didn’t even let me speak to Sulli one last time.

“What did she say?” I asked anyway.

“She said let’s get through this and she’ll try to come later to your house this evening.”

“Okay,” I just muttered while thinking of scenes that could happen before Sulli could come.

“The bus is coming up!” he gleefully said pointing to a bus approaching the stop.



“I think small still fits you. Why medium?” Luhan asked me making conversations as we made our way to my house. The bus is quite empty. Two guys sat before us and five people are at the back.

“Are you talking about the shirts?”

“Yes,” he nodded.

“I like to use loose shirts for PE. That way I could move around freely,” I said casually.


“Why ask?” I turned to him.

“Just wondering.”

Is he thinking about the idea of couple shirts? Psssh.

He then took his earphones out from his bag and plugged it to his mp3. He offered the other ear piece to me as he corked the other on his ear. I reached for it as I am quite curious to what songs he listens to.

A mellow song then filled my right ear.

I smiled at it as I listen. It’s so soothing. Somehow, it calmed my nerves.

“That’s Angel,” he said. I, on the other hand, did not understand what he just said quite well so when I looked at him curiously he just chuckled.

“Angel’s the title.”

“Ah,” I murmured.

We sat there quietly. Though we bicker most of the time, that moment, the silence made us comfortable. I like the feeling of him beside me. Somehow, at the deepest part of my heart, I am afraid of what is happening. I don’t like to like him at all. I don’t know why. It’s unexplainable. Or maybe, I don’t want to be attached profoundly with someone for now. He’s Chinese too. Whatever, it entails. But.. I like his company. It’s as if I’ll be sad or my day will be incomplete if I don’t see him. Contradicting thoughts, I hate to have one.

Day by day, I start to realize that I like his laughter. I like it when he comments about my quirky actions. I like it when he asks me about Korean things and stuff. I like it because I feel like I’m smarter than what I thought I am. I like it when I could just be myself when I’m around him. Though sometimes I act demurely when he’s near, I still like behaving like a girl somehow when he’s close. I only thought about these changes now. Sitting beside him in a bus made me realize things I don’t want to think about.

“What’s the title of this song?” I asked him as another song played slowly. Rhythmic guitar melody followed by laid-back voice made me love it. The song is in Korean and the words astonished me by some means because of its sincerity. It’s as if I could feel it. It’s as if I want someone to sing it for me.

“I Confess,” Luhan told me making me turn to him. “Do you like it?”

I nodded. “I love it,” I smiled. I looked at the window behind him and saw that it’s almost my stop for our house.

I stood up then pulled him. “Let’s go!”



“Ah! I almost forgot!” Luhan suddenly snapped giddily as we walked side by side to my house. He then went to the bakeshop we almost passed by.

“Hey! My house is not there!” I called out.

“I know!”



“I’m hoooooome!” I hollered as I entered our front door pulling Luhan inside. “OMMAAAAA!!!” We took our shoes off then saw my mom with apron on approaching us.

“Ji Ah!” she said welcomely but was surprised when she saw Luhan.

“Good evening, ahjumma.” Luhan smiled then bowed respectfully.

“Classmate. Luhan,” I told my mom coolly.

“Is this Luhan that you’re talking about?” mom asked while shaking Luhan’s hands. I told her beforehand about the group study and she was quite, not quite but very, very excited to see my Chinese friend.

“Yeah,” I answered.

She beamed.

Like what I imagine.

“Welcome Luhan. Welcome!” she made a way for us to enter the house. Somehow I could feel that my mom is extra hospitable today. I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought of why.

“I brought this,” Luhan gave my mom the cake we brought along the way. He insisted to buy one so as to be respectful, that’s what he said. I consented since he let me choose the flavor.

“Omo! You shouldnt have! But thank you Luhan. You’re such a nice boy. If only Ji Ah could marry someone—“

“Ommaaaaaaa!!!” I cutted him off yelling. No, this is not happening. This is not happening. I hate it when my mom interfere on this kind of issues.

Luhan chuckled. I made a face.

“Okay, chill Ji Ah. I was just telling this young man that may you marry someo—“

“Omma!” I yelled yet again. This time I pulled Luhan to the second floor to my room leaving my mom behind.

“I’ll call you when it’s dinner!” she hollered.

“Your mom’s funny,” Luhan said while chuckling silently as he stood beside me at the front of my room’s door.

I turned the knob and opened the white door and said, “You havent seen it all.”

I realized as I stepped in the room that Luhan’s the first guy to enter it.



All of you are silent readers.. Geez. 

Hey! Since EXO's comeback is near, I am in need of spazzmates :D

Follow me on twitter (@megiimeg) and lets spazz together ^^

Just tell me you're from AFF and I'll follow you back ASAP :)


Thank you for reading guys. I need your commeeeeeeeeents! :)

Thanks guys.

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Chapter 10: update plz
Chapter 10: where u at Authornim ; (
Chapter 10: new reader updaattee :DD nice fic
Chapter 10: Whaaat ?? Update soon pleaseee
Chapter 8: I'll comment here every chappie if you're going to update the Pretty Pretty Please also. Keke XD
Chapter 8: Am I the first who'll comment here? O.O Oh, then, be thankful. LOL XD Dito na nga ko magbabasa, hindi na sa word. XD Tas magcocomment na rin ako. :) Sabi ko sayo, ako No. 1 fan mo sa fics mo eh. ;)