Han River Hangout

My Dear Deer


“Seriously? You don’t know how to ride a bike?” I asked Luhan as we went to the rental place for bikes at Han River.

“Seriously,” he nodded.


“Just because I dont know how to ride a bike doesn’t mean I’m weak you know,” he babbled then continued. “Lets use rollerblades instead, huh?” he pleaded me with those big eyes of his.

Oh no. I dont know how to use skates.

“No,” I muttered. “I’ll teach you how to ride a bike instead.”

“But..” Before he could say something, I cut him off. “We’re not going to leave this place until you learn how to ride a bike.” I smirked.

At least I dont have to skate, I’ll just teach him. I hope he’s a fast learner though. “Ahjussi, one bike please.” I told the man who’s in charge with the bikes before Luhan could squabble more.


“AHHH JI AH!! I’M GONG TO FALL! I’M GOING TO FAAAAAALL!!!” Luhan screamed as I let go off my hand that’s holding the front handle of the bike. “Dont let go! Dont let go of meeeeeeee!!!”

It’s been 30 minutes since I’m teaching him how to ride the two-wheels. And it has been 30 minutes of undeniable pain in the ears. This guy’s screaming is just so loud he beats me.

“Don’t worry. I’m holding your back, see?” I told him patiently. He looked around and calmed down when he saw my hand holding the bike’s rear part.

“Thanks,” he swallowed.

“Now, focus on the road.” I dont know how I mustered all this patience I have now. Maybe, it’s because I dont want people looking at us too much if I answered him screamingly too. He already gained too much attention with all his shrieks. Pretty boy shrieking like a baby. I could imagine it as tomorrow’s headlines.

“Ok, just dont let go.” He suddenly said bringing me back to reality.

Just as when he told me that, I let go off my hand at the rear part without him knowing. This was what my dad did when he was teaching me how to ride a bike too.

I still stayed close beside Luhan. I grinned when I saw him not falling down. “Good, good job. Keep it up.”

He turned to look and smile at me then panicked when he saw I’m not holding him.

“AHHHHH JI AHHHHHHH!!!!!” His big eyes grew bigger even more.

“What?” I looked at him smirking.

“YOU’RE NOT HOLDING ME!!” he yelled.

“Look!” I pointed at him. “You’re biking!”

He then looked at the bike then to the road in front of him and laughed. “I’m biking? This is biking? I’m biking!” he squealed. “I’m biking!”

Just then, he fell.

I ran up to him and laughed. “Babo deer. You shouldn’t be too excited.”

He then hugged me when he managed to get on his feet.

“Thanks Ji Ah!” He pulled away then smiled at me sincerely. “Xiexie.”


“That’s thank you in Chinese.”

“Ah,” I said in understanding. He ruffled my hair as a sign of his fondness to me then he got back to the bike.

“Help me. I have hard time turning this thing to left or right,” he called out.

“Strawberry slush then.”

“Araso,” he laughed.

Another excuse for a milktea bonding moment.


“Okay, pedal some more. Just pedal. And dont lose grip with the handle!” I instructed him. After two hours, his biking was quite wiggly but is becoming better. After a couple of more falls, he’s doing well. He’s just scared when it comes to turning directions.

I held the handle to assist him to turn right to avoid a little kid running towards us.

“You dont want knocking that kid over,” I told him.

“Yes,” Luhan answered still focused on what he’s doing.

I let go of him. He tried to turn to the right again but a dog was running towards him so he shifted to the left.

“Luhan! Look out!” I screamed then ran over to his left side immediately.

Before he could fall yet again, I manage to catch him and the bike.

“Ah ah,” he exclaimed.

“Hey move back! You’re heavy you know!” Our faces are few inches away from each other and our body are stuck together. I’m on his left side and he’s body is leaning on me for balance.

“Hey!” I shouted at him again. He has trouble gaining balance on the bike so he’s still leaning on me. If we’re lovers, I might say our position is sweet. There were teeneagers cooing at us already. I grew irritated because of his weight and of the bike’s so I pushed him away. Unfortunately, he fell back.

“Ouch! Yah!” he shouted. He furrowed his brows and rubbed his when he stood up.

“That hurts,” he told me.

“Sorry,” I simply muttered. “You were leaning on me for such a long time and I must tell you, with that skinny body of yours, you’re actually heavy.” I shook my head as if I’m really disappointed.

It was his turn to say sorry. “Sorry, I have trouble gaining balance.”

“I know.”

“What time is it?” he suddenly asked me.

“Why?” I asked back but looked at my wristwatch anyway. “Five-thirty.”

“Let’s go to the bridge already. Let’s eat first before watching the fireworks, huh?”

I shrugged.

“Stop shrugging. You’re a girl,” he told me.


“Shrugging doesn’t fit girls.”

“I’m Korean,” I defended without any connection on whatever he’s saying.


I shrugged again.

“Do Korean girls love shrugging?”


He shrugged cutely. With his shoulders going up and down alternately.

“Why are you shrugging?” I asked laughing.

He just smiled.

“You’re weird you know,” I told him.

“I know. Now come on. Lets go!” he said then went back to ride his bike.

“Hey wait for me!” I called out.


“I didnt know biking was that easy. I learned for only two hours!” he exclaimed happily.

“I didnt know you lack humility,” I told him.

He made a face. I poked his nose then laughed.

It’s already 6:55. Five more minutes and the fireworks by the bridge will already start. It was quite a long walk from where we were biking. We rested for a bit then decided to eat some snacks and buy more that we would eat as we watch the fireworks. It’s like a date I must say. But Luhan’s not my boyfriend so I’ll just call it a hang out.

With an icecream on his right hand, Luhan suddenly clapped while looking up. “It’s starting! Woah! Ji Ah did you see that? A heart-shaped fireworks!” he squealed like a little girl in delight.

Some people looked at him, he felt embarassed and quietly whisphered a sorry. But when he saw a fireworks figured like a flower, he squealed again.

I just laughed at his actions. He’s like a little kid. Innocent, pure and child-like.

“Did you see that? It’s like falling stars!” I exclaimed looking at the fireworks figured and shaped like different things with various hues. Red, blue, violet and green. I didnt realize I’m smiling widely.

Luhan looked at me then smiled before chuckling. He ruffled my hair before looking up again.

“You’re always ruining my hair. I hate you.”

“Sshh,” he shushed me then he put his arm around my shoulders. I jerked at his actions. I shoved his arm away. Without hinting my discomfort because of what he did, he just clapped when he saw a heart-shaped fireworks again.

“Babo deer,” I muttered under my breath.

“It’s Luhan oppa,” he suddenly said correcting me. I looked up at him then saw him still looking at the fireworks and smiling.

I smiled shyly after looking at him then I focused on the fireworks again.

I hope for another hangout again.

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Chapter 10: update plz
Chapter 10: where u at Authornim ; (
Chapter 10: new reader updaattee :DD nice fic
Chapter 10: Whaaat ?? Update soon pleaseee
Chapter 8: I'll comment here every chappie if you're going to update the Pretty Pretty Please also. Keke XD
Chapter 8: Am I the first who'll comment here? O.O Oh, then, be thankful. LOL XD Dito na nga ko magbabasa, hindi na sa word. XD Tas magcocomment na rin ako. :) Sabi ko sayo, ako No. 1 fan mo sa fics mo eh. ;)