Jeju Date

When Your Boyfriend Got Married

 I woke up in the middle of the night. Most of the lights in this hotel room were already turned off. It was a bit scary to walk out of the room I’m in, but I still went out to get my bag which was by the hotel room’s door.


I decided to change my pants into shorts to be more comfortable. I slept while wearing a skinny pants and it kind of numbed my legs. My top is a bit long so it hid most of the shorts I’m wearing. Just as I was on my way back to the room, I stopped and glanced at Taemin who’s sleeping so soundly in the sofa. Without realizing it, I walked to him and sat on the floor while looking at his face.


I stared at his face for a while and realized something. When did he dye his hair black? Hehe I didn’t even notice it.


I his hair away from his face. He looks like an angel.


“I’m sorry, Taemin.” I whispered. I actually don’t know the exact reason why I’m saying sorry. I just felt like I have done something wrong and that I need to apologize to him. I feel like I somewhat caused some of his worries.


“Paboya…” I whispered with a light tap on his forehead. I talked to him on my mind.

 I think I still love you… I thought I was getting over you. But I guess I’m wrong. I just fall for you even more every time I see you.


I sighed. I remembered those times he was drunk and would said that he loves me and wants me to stay by his side. I continued to talk to him in my mind.

 I just hope you’d say those words in broad daylight... or when you’re really thinking straight. I’d love to hear it again from you. But I would really hate it if you said it again while you’re drunk.


“Stupid.” I chuckled softly. I patted his hair and smiled to myself.


“Good night~ I hope all your worries would be gone by the moment you wake up.” I whispered softly before standing up and walking back to the room. I glanced back at him and my eyes landed on his upper body. He was wearing that same white shirt and I suddenly remembered what happened earlier. I suddenly felt hot and I quickly looked away and ran back to the bedroom. Let’s not think about him without his shirt on! >.<






I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. My head still hurts from all of the things that happened last night and it made me lazy to get up.




Aish!!! Go away!


I hid myself under the blanket and waited for the sound to stop. But it continued to ring, so I stood up from bed out of frustration.


But as I was just to open the door, I heard the hotel room door opened and I heard the voices of the SHINee guys. I laughed to myself as I heard them scold Taemin while walking in. I opened the door and the guys were all standing few feet away from me.


“Omona! Anna?!” Key stopped whatever he was saying and looked at me in shock. Then all the guys turned their heads to me and looked at me in shock. I also looked at them with shock. What’s wrong?


Jjong suddenly cleared his throat and looked away nervously. He then hit Taemin’s head.


“Why?” Taemin whined.


They all laughed nervously. Key went to me while the others drag Taemin to the kitchen.


“Why?” I asked as Key pushed me back to the room. He locked the door behind him and glared at me.


“What’s happening here?!” Key scolded me like a mother.

“Why are you two here?!”

“Why are you sharing a room?!”

“What did you do last night, huh?!”

“Did you two sleep here together?! Oh gosh!

“I can’t hear this! I’m going out! Put on some pants!


He continued asking the questions without even hearing my answer. He left the room and I was left speechless. Aigoo! They’re misunderstanding again!


I tucked my blouse in my shorts just to reveal that I’m wearing something and then I ran out to follow him and shouted. “Kibuuuuum! Nothing happened, okay?!!”


I reached the kitchen area and saw Taemin seating in the chair with the rest of the guys surrounding him. It looks like an interrogation. I suddenly felt nervous as I saw Taemin, though he was not looking at me.


The guys stopped whatever they were saying when they saw me by the counter. My eyes wandered, scanning each guy’s expression. Taemin was slowly looking at me from toe to head. I became more nervous. Our eyes met and I quickly looked away as I felt uncomfortable.


I cleared my throat and walked passed them. I grabbed some garbage bag and walked away.


“Finish whatever you guys are talking about. I’ll just clean. Whatever you guys are talking about, please, just please, don’t let me hear it. Okay?” I pleaded to them, though I was just looking at Key when I said it.


I quickly walked away without looking back.


Please, just don’t talk about last night, Taemin! Or just, don’t let me know you’re talking about that! I don’t want to hear it! It’s embarrassing!




We were on our way to a different hotel. The guys said they are free this weekend. Also, Taemin made his wish from his genie.


We have just finished cleaning up. The guys helped me after a while of taking about whatever that is. And we’re just all seating at the floor. Onew announced that they’ll be staying until tomorrow so they can all rest and spend the day together. The guys cheered, I guess they didn’t know about the leader’s plan. They were just so excited. Suddenly, Taemin called me.


“Genie! I’ve thought of my wish!”


I sighed before saying “Okay. Tell me your wish~”


“Let me spend today as a normal 21 year old guy. Let’s first forget that I’m an idol or someone famous. Let’s just stop caring what others would think or say. Let’s date today as normal, average citizens.” He said, full of conviction and determination. It’s kind of embarrassing!


The guys started to laugh and throw pillows to Taemin.


“aigooooooo” They all said while giggling and crawling their fingers.


I don’t know what’s with Taemin, but he acts as if nothing happened last night. Does he not remember? Or is it a normal thing for him? Am I the only one feeling awkward and uncomfortable?! That’s so unfair!




We’re riding a van and their manager is driving. Onew, Jjong, and Minho seats in the front row while I was seating between Taemin and Key at the row behind. This seat was the most comfortable seat before, but now, it’s the total opposite! I don’t even know if I’m still breathing!


“So, what’s really going on between you two? Are you back together?” Key suddenly asked, all the heads turned to us. My heart started to pound really hard.


“No.” I said sternly. They all looked at me like saying ‘we know you’re hiding something’


“Not yet!” Taemin proudly said with a victorious laugh.


“Yeeeaah! That’s our Taeminie!” Minho excitedly said and high-fived Taemin. I just shook my head.


“Aigoo… Just accept our Taeminie again, Anna. Stop this push-and-pull game.” Jjong said. He looks like a puppy when he placed his head in his hands while leaning on the backseat.


Why does it feel like they see me as the villain here? Do they really think that I’m the one making this situation difficult? …Am I really making this hard for us?


“Aish! Leave them alone you guys!” Key irritably said, crossing his arms and leaning by the window.


“Huh. You started it. You’re the one who asked them.” Onew said and the rest of the guys agreed with a chuckle.




We arrived at this small yet pretty house that their manager had rented for us. Looking outside, you’ll think that it’s just a plain cabin. But when you enter, you’ll be entranced by the clear view of the ocean. As you enter, you’ll go through a small hallway, a wall in front and a left and right corner. Turning to the right corner leads you to the kitchen and dining area, and there’s also a back door. Turning at the left corner leads you to the living room and bedrooms. The moment you walk through the hall from the left corner, you’ll be welcomed by the huge and clear glass window in front of you that overlooks the ocean. You’ll not notice that there are couches and a TV on your way to the window. The two bedrooms are exactly across each other, with the living room in between. The room by the side of the long couch (right side) is the room for the guys. The one on the left (by the TV) is my room. Walking further to the right, there’s a small staircase that leads to the dining area. Walking further to the left leads to the washroom.


We went to our rooms and I decided to unpack my stuff so that I can use my backpack when we go out. I chuckled to myself when I saw my phone inside my bag, remembering how we became so childish over that phone last night. I turned it on and placed it on the bed along with my other stuff. I changed into something more comfortable, white shirt and light blue denim shorts. I didn’t pack a lot of clothes. I was thinking I’d be only staying overnight. This would be my last set of clothes. Maybe I should go buy something later.


I fixed my things and put the necessary stuff in my backpack. I sat on my bed when I was done. I sighed and looked around. There’s a one large bed near the window on the right. And then there’s a dresser, mirror, and a bathroom on the left. It would be better if there’s another girl in this group. I feel lonely. The five of them must be having fun in the other room.


I imagined the scenario in the room across mine.


#1: The four older guys would continue their interrogation to Taemin

Taemin seats in the bed while the rest of the group will be around him, looking at him with intense eyes.


Taemin: Hyuuuuung! Nothing really happened! I slept on the couch!

JJong: I don’t believe you! Seeing the evidences—those empty beer cans—it would be impossible that everything would stay normal!

Minho: I agree! So spill the beans before things get worse!

Key: Be honest you little kid!

Onew: Are you gonna say everything or do you want to be hit by my ttakbam?!


#2: All five of them would act like a kid because it’s been long since they were all in a vacation.

Taemin and Onew are jumping on the bed, Jjong and Minho are having a pillow fight, and Key nags at them because of the mess and noise.


Key: Yah! Yah! Yah! Stop goofing around! I will not be paying an extra if you break anything in this room!

Taemin: Hyung this is fun! Onew hyung, you’re the best! Hahaha!

Onew: Hahaha! We should do this every time we have free time!

Jjong and Minho continues the pillow fight while laughing with no reasons.


Everyone looked at him in shock. And as if their minds are interconnected, they all grabbed a pillow and threw it at Key. The four of them laughed hard while Key struggles with the pillows.


Hahaha! I think it would be like the 2nd one.


I decided to go out of my room to wait for Taemin. I put on my backpack and grabbed my sandals. Just as I opened my door, Taemin also did. And then I realized that none of the scenarios I thought of happened. Taemin quietly closed the door behind him.


“Shh… They’re sleeping.” He said with a smile.


We left the house quietly, like we were teenagers sneaking late at night from our house.




“So, what are we gonna do now? Where would you like to go?” Taemin said as we buckled our seatbelts. He rented a small car, so small that it feels like we’re seating right next to each other, our shoulders are just about 2 inches away.


“I don’t know. This was your idea, you should have plans.” I said with a shrug. He started to drive.


“Heh. But I haven’t been on a date before. You should know what to do.”


“Eh? But I haven’t been to any dates too.”


“Eyyyy~ don’t lie! I know you’ve dated someone before! You’re sister told me!”


“Huh? When? That never happened--”


“She said it was summer of last year, when you were having a vacation at your grandparents’ home. She said she spied on you on the market area near the beach! Hahaha!”


“What?! Ayyy! I knew that wasn’t a coincidence! Haay… Anyway, that wasn’t a date. It just so happen that I saw my classmate there, and since it’s his first time there and I knew the place very well, I just toured him around.”


He just nodded with a smile. Like he did not believe in what I said. I actually can’t figure out if he’s serious, teasing me, or slightly mad.


“So…will you be touring me around Jeju Island?” I asked.


“Hmm..I don’t know. You said touring around is not a date.”


“What?” I asked confusedly. He glanced at me and chuckled.


“You’re weird.” I said with a chuckle and just let him be.


Few minutes later, my eyes were welcomed by a bright yellow field. I was so amazed and excited that I have a smile that could reach up to heaven. As soon as Taemin parked the car, I immediately went out and stared at the magnificent view in front of me.


“Wow~” I can’t believe there’s something this beautiful!


“It’s beautiful, right?” I heard Taemin say. I didn’t realize he was already standing beside me. I looked at him with a wide smile and nodded. I grabbed him by the arm and ran to the field of bright yellow flowers.


“Com’on!” I said as I drag him. He just chuckled and ran with me. We were like little kids who saw a playground for the first time! We walked around and took each other’s pictures. We were just enjoying ourselves and the scenery.


I stared at Taemin who was taking a picture of the scenery, standing a few feet away from me. He looks gorgeous, like he was standing there for a photo shoot even if he’s just dressed casually--a black v-neck shirt, black shorts, and sneakers. Wearing all black, plus his black hair makes him look even whiter that his skin glows like it was reflecting the brightness of the sun. I then realized that he’s not wearing anything that would cover up his face. He doesn’t have a cap or sunglasses. How can people not recognize that face?!


Taemin looked at me and I flinched. I looked away immediately and pretended to take a picture of the flower in front of me. That was a bit embarrassing. I know he caught me staring at him.


I then felt someone grab me by the wrist and started dragging me somewhere.


“Where are we going?” I asked Taemin who’s walking fast with a wide grin on his face.


We arrived at a bench at the middle of the flower field. He sat me down on the bench before he sat beside me.


“Let’s take a picture here.” He said happily, lifting his phone up.


We smiled and took several pictures. We looked at them together after. Then I realized that there’s a shape forming above our heads. I looked above to confirm it.


“Haha! I didn’t realize we’re sitting on this lovers’ seat! There’s a heart above us.” I said as I point at the heart shape arc above us.


I was startled when I heard a shutter sound. I looked at Taemin quickly and saw that he was reviewing the photo he just took.


“Yah! Stop taking candid shots! I look ugly!” I said as I hit him playfully.


“Hahaha! You’re pretty, don’t worry!” He said as he continued to view the photos. Good thing he wasn’t looking at me. I would be more embarrassed if he looks. I think I was too happy to hear him say I’m pretty that I think I’m blushing right now. I hit his arm for the last time before standing up.


“Let’s go. Don’t you feel hungry? Let’s eat!” I said before starting to walk. But before I could take another step, he grabbed my hand and walked with me.


Walking with our fingers intertwined together feels like we’re really on a date. I feel genuinely happy right now. I just hope this is not a dream.




“You know, that black hair suits you.” I said, leaning on the table in front of me.


We started to talk about random stuff while waiting for our food. We decided to eat our lunch at this seaside restaurant. I saw this on the internet and on a TV show before. Though they only serve instant ramyun, they put fresh seafood on it! The owner’s even the one who dives to catch them! Cool~


He smiled proudly and ran his fingers through his hair. I chuckled. He can be on a shampoo commercial!


“When did you dye your hair black?” I asked. He looked at me curiously.


“Seriously? You didn’t notice it then? I have black hair when we met by the Han River.”


“Ah..I just noticed it last night.”


Last night. Suddenly flashes of what happened last night came rushing in my mind. I suddenly felt nervous and embarrassed. I guess Taemin thought of the same thing, and felt nervous too. He cleared his throat and quickly looked away.


“Where’s our food? I’m kinda hungry.” He said, glancing at the restaurant stall behind him.


I blew some air and looked away as well. Then it became quiet for a while. The sudden beep of my phone made me jump a little. I quickly looked at the message and laughed in my head. Mark sent me the photos for their project, the one Peniel and I modelled for.


“What’s that?” Taemin curiously asked. He grabbed my phone and looked for himself.


“No! Give it back!” I don’t want him to see it. Though it was scripted and fake, I still felt nervous. Like, I was caught having an affair. His smile faded as soon as he saw the pictures.


“Is this you?…and Peniel?!” He said, looking closely at the photos.


“It was just for a project! It’s fake! It’s scripted! We didn’t…kiss” I said. I sound so defensive.


“Really?” Taemin leaned on the table between us. He looked at me intensely. I suddenly felt nervous. He looks mad.


“Really?” he repeated it with much emphasis and leaned in closer. I felt more nervous, though I know he’s just joking right now. I decided to play along and leaned on the table.


“Why? Are you jealous?” I said teasingly with a smirk. Ay…why did I ask that?! I pretended to be calm though I was feeling the exact opposite inside.


He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. He chuckled darkly before turning to my ears and whispered.


“Why would I? You said it was faked and didn’t kiss for real. We kissed…for real.” His whisper and the sound of the word ‘kiss’ gave me chills. He gave me a quick peck on the cheeks before moving away. I was left frozen while he smiled proudly. I breathed in deeply and cleared my throat as I leaned back. Why is he doing this? Now I would not be able to look at him without thinking about those kisses! This is so unfair! Really! Why does it seem that it doesn’t bother him at all?!


It was quiet again for a while. I just looked at the sea and listened to its sound. It calmed my nervous heart.


“Hey…” I heard him call out to me softly.


“What?” I answered without looking at him.


“You okay?” He asked and I can feel the worry in it. I just nodded.


“Look at me...” He asked and I can feel him lean on the table.


“What?” I said as I face him. He smiled and grabbed my hands.


“Are you mad?” He asked, looking straight in my eyes. I looked down and answered no. I felt my heart beating fast again.


“Sorry…”He said and I looked at him. “…if it makes you mad, I will not talk about it anymore.”


“I’m not mad. Just…uncomfortable.”


We suddenly heard someone cleared . We quickly let go of our hands and looked at the old lady serving our food. She has this smile, like saying ‘i-know-what-you-two-have-been-doing’


“Thank you.” We said as she finished serving our food.


“You look familiar.” The old lady said to Taemin.


Taemin and I looked at each other with shock. We smiled at each other, like saying ‘we’re-busted’


“You look like someone I saw on TV. Are you part of a group? Or are you an actor?” The old lady asked excitedly.


“No. Hehe. I don’t appear on TV. I’m just a normal citizen.” Taemin said kindly.


“Ah…Then, you look too good to be just a normal citizen. You should try being an actor or model!” The old lady said excitedly as he pats Taemin’s back. We all chuckled.


 “Are you on a date?” She asked.


“No.” I said.

“Yes! Do we look good together?” Taemin said at the same time. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his cheek.


The old lady laughed and pats me on the back.


“You two look good together! But why did you take her here? You should have brought her to somewhere expensive! Aigoo!” She said to Taemin and we all chuckled.


“It’s beautiful here! The food’s good too!” Taemin said.


“Aigoo! You’re just too cheap!” We all laughed at what she said.


“Ok. Ok. Eat up and enjoy your meal! It’s getting cold! Enjoy your date!” She said as she pats our back before walking away.


“Aigoo~ let’s eat!” Taemin said. Then he noticed that I was still laughing.


“Yah! Stop laughing!” He said, a bit embarrassed.


“She said your cheap! Hahaha!”  Taemin also laughed from embarrassment.


“Yah! I’m rich! I can take you to anywhere expensive!” We laughed again.


“Eat up!” He said.


We ate and laughed and talked about random stuff.


My feelings are weird…really. One moment I’m nervous and uncomfortable, but then suddenly became calm and cheerful again when we talk. Then suddenly some thoughts rush in and I became nervous again. Aigoo~




“So where are we now?” I asked as we were walking through the forest park.


“I actually forgot the name of this park. Haha! Haven’t you read the sign earlier?” We both laughed at our silliness. Or is stupidity a better term? xD


We looked around and above us. It’s really relaxing and refreshing to walk in this forest park. The air is clean and fresh. The temperature is just right with the relaxing feeling of the wind blowing. Your eyes won’t get tired of the greens surrounding you. You’ll feel relaxed hearing the chirps of birds and the sound of leaves and branches. You’ll have light footsteps as you walk in the loamy yet stable ground. The sound of the soil and rocks beneath your shoes would also give you a relaxing feeling. Lots of couples and families were also here.


“I heard of this from a friend. He said there’s a tree in the middle of this forest that is unique.” He suddenly said as we stepped into a wooden pathway.


“Why? What makes it unique?” I asked.


“They said that they were two different species of trees. But through time, the two trees merged and now it looks like they’re one tree.” He said happily, looking ahead as if searching for that said tree.


“Really? Wow… that’s amazing.” I said with a smile on my face. I, too, am now excited to see that tree.


“Ah! There it is!” He said excitedly, pointing at the tree a few feet away from us. He grabbed my hand and we started to run to it excitedly.


There were a lot of people crowding around the tree. I guess there’re some myths about the tree. The tree is in the middle of wooden pathway with fences surrounding it. We haven’t got near the tree because of the crowd, but from our spot, I can already see the tree. It really looks as if it is one tree. I can only see its upper part. It’s like one tree with different leaves. It looks magical~


“I guess we can’t go near the tree right now. There are a lot of people.” Taemin said disappointedly. I squished his hand in assurance and smiled at him.


“The tree looks pretty from here. Let’s just wait until the crowd lessens.” I said. He just smiled and looked at the tree.


I let go of our hands just to get my phone from my backpack. I took a photo of the tree from our spot and it looks amazing as it also captured the rays of light that passed through its branches and leaves. I smiled to myself while looking at the picture and the tree.


After a while, a huge crowd—that seems to be on a tour—started to rush on our direction. They were half of the huge crowd surrounding the tree before. They’re all talking to themselves that they didn’t notice the people around them. Some people in front of us were bumped by the people in the crowd. I tried to stick to the side, trying to make way. But I guess the crowd’s too big for the pathway. Some people still bumped me by the shoulder and stepped on my foot. I heard lots of apologies as they go. Suddenly, Taemin went in front of me, trying to shield me from the wave of crowd. He was so close to me that we might look like we were hugging. It actually feels like we were hugging. He placed one hand on the fence, while the other hand’s behind my back. I looked up to him and saw him looking at me with a comforting smile. We started to chuckle quietly. Suddenly, someone bumped him hard and he got a little bit off balanced. I steady him by holding by his arm and abdomen. I kind of felt awkward and quickly removed my hands from him. We chuckled again when the crowd passed by and he let me go from his hold.


“Let’s go!” He said excitedly and walked first to the tree.


I breathed in deeply before following after him. We stood by the fence and stared at the tree. It was quiet for a while.


“Oh look!” I heard him say and so I looked at his direction. He was pointing at the tower of stones placed by the fence.


“Oooh…what are those for?” I asked curiously. I was about to touch the stone on top when he held my hand to stop me. I looked at him in confusion.


“Don’t! They are wishes…I think. Hehe. We did something like that in a river before. Maybe it’s the same here.” He said with a smile.


“Oh. Good thing you stopped me. I could have ruined someone else’s wish.” I said worriedly with a soft chuckled.


He smiled and started to look at the ground. He then picked two small stones.


“Here. Let’s make a wish!” He said, handling one of the stones to me. I get it from him and stared at it.


He started to make a wish. He put his hands together with the stone in between. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply before smiling. He looks angelic. I took a picture of him before I make my own wish.


I wish happiness for all the people I love and care for.


Just as I opened my eyes, I saw Taemin placing his stone on top of the tower of stones carefully. I did the same to a different tower of stones. We smiled at each other after placing the stones.


“Let’s go!” He said and walked away first happily.


I wonder what he wished for. :)


I followed after, holding him by the arm. I would want to hold his hand but his hands were in his pockets, so…


I guess he was shocked by my touch, he jumped a bit. And when he saw me by his side, he smiled widely. I suddenly felt uncomfortable so I tried to let go of his arm. But he stopped me and pulled my hand more so that I could cling into his arm tighter. We smiled at each other but I looked away immediately. My heart begins to beat faster again and I like the feeling.

Hello lovely readers!

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Chapter 49: OMG! Thank you! It's ok, this isn't even late! I'm so happy reading this epilogue! Thank you so much! Have a nice 2015 year! And jonghyun's solo! I hope you enjoy that too! Fighting~ :D
Chapter 49: omg i so hope you do a sequel of this...

belated merry christmas and a happy new year authornim! :)
Chapter 48: NNOOOO! This fic ended! :'( it was so good author-nim. Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this story. This is actually one of my favorite fics of Taemin ( I don't read much Taemin fics for some reason even though I know it's good) so thank you for making such a beautiful and memorable experience for me. Thank you!~ :D
Chapter 47: Yay new update! This fic is so good but so sad ㅠ ㅠ. Thank you and please update soon. I shall be waiting hehe :D fighting!
Chapter 46: Thanks for this chapter! I love it so much even if you take long to finish it I'll still wait for you~ :)
Chapter 45: I love this fic! I'm sad that it's gonna end :'( thank you for writing! :D
Chapter 43: Thank you for updating again..update again soon eonni~ The story is really amazing..can't wait to see the following chapters. I hope they'll be back to each other again. :))
Chapter 42: Pls pls pls upload the next chapter. The Story is amazing and it becomes better and better. Cant stop reading it. Cant wait to see what happend next. Pls let them get back together
Chapter 41: woaaaah! this chapter! i can't even! omg! i wanna screaaaaam! oh my god! thank you for updating!