The Reunion Part 2


Hyomin entered the holding cell that Sunny and Jisook were chained in, slowly and cautiously. 

The two were still holding each others' hands, afraid of their current situation.

"U-uh... excuse me?" Hyomin stuttered. She didn't know why.

"Who are you?" Sunny asked, wide eyed. 

"Why are we here? Where are we?" Jisook proded.

Hyomin needed to think of something quick. "We rescued you, from some bad people."

"What kind of bad people?" Sunny questioned.

"Some of your old friends... or enemies now, I guess."

Sunny looked down. She never had any enemies... she wasn't the type to do make enemies... was she? It was too unclear at that moment. 

"What exactly happened?" She asked

Hyomin sighed. "L-listen..."

Jisook and Sunny's attentions were grabbed.

"I'm sorry."

"For wha-"

The six girls and Max were jumping from tree to tree-it had been a couple hours and they had ventured far outside of Seoul. Unfortunately, there was no sign of Jessica or Taeyeon.

How far have they gone?

Hyoyeon swung around the trunk of a large tree, everyone stopping with her. 

"What's up?" Sooyoung asked.

"Do you see that?" Hyoyeon pointed to the large rock formation a few kilometers away. 

"Kind of... what about it?" Sooyoung replied.

"There's smoke coming from it." Max pointed out. 

"Do you think the two spent the night there and forgot to put the fire out?" Seohyun asked.

"Precisely... ok, full speed. Let's get there as soon as possible." Max commanded. 

They headed out.

Please be ok... please be ok...

Taeyeon was panting already. They were only a few miles away from the cave, and she was exhausted. Maybe it was because she couldn't get much sleep the night prior, or maybe it was the worry on her mind. Nevertheless, she couldn't move any further.

"Jessica..." Taeyeon stopped running.

"Hm?" Jessica stopped quickly and turned to face Taeyeon.

"Can...can we stop... for a bit...?"

"Huh? It's only been an hour," Jessica pointed out.

"I know, I just... I'm just not feeling that good..." 

Jessica made a face. "Sure, sure. We can take a break."

It wasn't a feeling of fatigue, which was strange. It was almost if Taeyeon could feel something was wrong.

The six girls and Max were now scouting the cave, looking for signs of where Taeyeon and Jessica could have gone. 

"Hey guys! I think I have an idea on where they went!" Seohyun called out.

The rest of the team gathered around.

"Uh, well, judging by the indents in the sand here," she said, pointing to the slight unatural markings in the ground, "and the way the sand is turned to the right here..." Seohyun checked the sun's position, "they are probably headed northwest right now." 

Max's eyes widened. Interesting... 

"Wow... well, that's our lead. Let's head there immediately. Pack up your things and lets move out in a couple minutes," Max said firmly. He turned to Seohyun, ruffling her hair.

"Well done, kid. You're one smart girl, aren't you?"

Seohyun blushed at the compliment, "Well, I wouldn't call myself smart..."

Max stared at the way she smiled. Is this the girl Yongwha mentioned? Max smiled as well. "C'mon, let's hurry."

Taeyeon sat on a fallen tree, clenching her stomach. Something was really wrong.

She's fine, Taeyeon... she's fine... n-nothing's wrong... they aren't hurting her, she's probably resting in a room... safe....

Jessica entered the clearing Taeyeon was in and handed her a canteen.

"I just grabbed some water. Have a drink," she said, taking a swig from her own canteen.

Taeyeon just shook her head.

"Wha-hey, I'm trying to do a nice thing here. Take a drink!" she made a motion to the water.

"Ah! I-I don't want it..." Taeyeon said, putting her head between her knees.

"Aish... fine," Jessica resumed drinking and threw the other canteen to Taeyeon's feet.

There was a sudden rustling of leaves. Jessica quickly stood up, taking the knife from her belt. "Yah! Who's there?"

Taeyeon sweatdropped.

"I'm going to throw my knife into your direction. Don't think I didn't hear you. Reveal yourself now. You have five seconds."

Still, no response.






A sudden rustling.


Even more rustling.

"1!!!" Jessica's hand was about to leave the knife, when Yuri stepped out of the shrubs, her hands up.

"Hey, hey! Don't shoot-er... I mean throw, hehe..."

Jessica threw the knife anyway, missing Yuri by about an inch.

"Yah! That could have hit me-" she cleared , "I mean, hi, Jessica..." there was a pinkness in her cheeks.

Jessica brushed it off. "You scared us. Is it just you that's here?"

Yuri shook her head. "No, the rest of the girls are here. So is-"

Max entered through the shrubs next, along with Tiffany. They were both swatting away the bugs that clenched onto them in a frantic manner. 

"Bug! Bug! Bug!" Tiffany screamed.

Jessica plugged her ears, annoyed by the screaching. She then spotted Max, and quickly drew another dagger.

"Who's he?" she asked.

"Max. He has some history with BoA sunbaenim." Yuri explained as the rest of the girls filed in.

Jessica shook her head in understanding.

Hyoyeon approached Jessica.

"Yah! What did you think you were doing, running off like that?!" she smacked both Jessica and Taeyeon.

"Eh-we were trying to rescue our friend, instead of lounging around. The longer she's gone, the greater the chance something will happen to her. We can't risk it!"

Taeyeon was meanwhile still clenching her stomach, head down between her knees.

Hyoyeon noticed this and pointed at her, "What's wrong with this one?"

"I don't know. She just asked if we could take a break about an hour ago. We were supposed to move on already, but she wouldn't budge."

Hyomin strapped the unconcious girls to the tables in another room. The lab was bigger here, and this gave her more access and space to experiment. She took a vile, pouring blue and pink chemicals into it. The mixture turned purple.

She gave it a few shakes, letting the bubbles rise to the top of the glass. She placed a cork to plug the solution, and weighed it.

"6.32 grams..." she mumbled under her breath. 

She poured half of the liquid into separate containers. She screwed the needles in place, flicking them after they were secure.

She approached the two girls, needles on a rolling table.

She then took hold of Sunny's face, making her closed eyes face her. Hyomin smiled.

Hopefully this doesn't hurt you... or distort that pretty face of yours. You'll be alright, as long as you're under my care. I'll take better care than that stupid kid did for you. She turned to face Jisook. If only I didn't have to take care of her. She reminds me of the kid too much... but no matter. She'll be under my control too, as soon as the liquid turns green. 

Hyomin picked up one of the injectors, rolling it between her palms. It became lighter, the dark hues of the purple turning to red, then orange, to yellow and then neon green. Again, she flicked the needle, letting some of the fluid drip down. She grabbed a cottonball and rubbing alcohol, cleaning a spot in Sunny's neck-right above the jugular. Let's hope you stay asleep for this...

Another short chapter, I'm sorry! I'm still so caught up with school...  I apologize. But once Thanksgiving and Winter breaks come, I'll be back on track with this story (: don't give up on it! Thanks to all the new subs and commenters. You guys make my day! Please continue to show your support by leaving a note down below ^_^ if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. So, until next time, guys~!

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I have changed the title of the story, because it's been bothering me :P don't be confused if you see this title instead of "Thick Skin" on your subscribed feed


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DanDyuDream #1
Chapter 22: hai there.. I hope u can continue on this story. please.....
Chapter 22: I hope you will update this story
DanDyuDream #3
Chapter 22: I hope u can update this awesome story..
DanDyuDream #4
Chapter 22: oho..bring Sunny back please
Chapter 22: I want Sunny back and I am craving for Dandyu moments. Dang I thought reading this will take more time. Now u have no choice but update it lol
Kid leader as Naruto? Seem sright ^^ I also recognized other characters. It ks going t8 be fun to read:)
soshi_bond #7
Chapter 22: wait for your update
mioaio #8
Chapter 22: OTL Sunny...a year and a month
Poor Jessica but I'm glad that she has Tiffany with her
jasminelep #9
Chapter 22: well you could always change it to ami_dd hahaha i dunno lol XD