Super Junior One-shot Collection


The life of Super Junior members in the mind of an ELF's fantasy. 


Kyumin, Yewook, Hanchul, Sichul, Kangteuk, Eunhae, Kyuwook, Minwook.



Requests are available for now (though I'm not sure how many I can get through or if I will even get to them.)

Just tell me:


Title (optional): 

Pairing (preferably of the above):

Rough Story Line (please do not leave this blank):

Rated/Non-rated: (rated may take some time, I write according to mood.)

Side pairings: (if applicable.)

And then subscribe for an update :)


Table of Contents:

1. [Kyumin] Personal Curse (non-rated)


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Hehehe...cute :)
i actually like this. You write well, and it shows in the way they speak to each other, the banter between them isn't boring or forced. Kyumin is overly adorable in this <3 I hope to read more from you, update soon please!