The Flower Boy & The Wallflower




 “ The Flower Boy & The Wallflower 




Her name is Go Dok Mi and she was a wallflower all throughout elementary, middle school, and now, high school. No one, not even her teachers, classmates and the school janitor even, would say they knew her when people asked, simply because she was invisible to the crowd. 


She wasn't always mute or an introvert, she only became one because after her mom left her alone, she couldn't find a reason why she should even speak, nor be happy. She was  then left to the care of her Dad, who she just found out was diagnosed with cancer a year before junior high, and her little brothers Dok Jin (15).


But, one faithful and amazing day came and she bumped into this boy Do Kyungsoo, whom she thought has been always cheerful about everything and a real happy-go-lucky boy, and befriended her. He just moved back to town and was living with his cousin, Jong In, who later in the story would also become her friend. The next thing she knows, he was in her class and also apparently her new seatmate. 


His name is Do Kyungsoo,  the total opposite of Dok Mi. He is eccentric, lively, and unconventional. He tends to be too happy though, sometimes, but that's just how people want him to be. He seldomly shows depression because he thinks life is a bliss, or maybe because he came from a broken family and refuses to show his real feelings and tends to feign being happy.


Most people call him as the guy who could cheer up anyone, even animals, with his high spirits and joyful attitude. His latest mission is to cheer up a wallflower he befriended on the streets. He found it a challenge at first but realized that she only needed someone to guide her and help her let go and move on and start a better life. 


Will Kyungsoo be able to open up Dok Mi and completely change her from a wallflower to a social butterfly? 

Will the results be the best kind or will it only turn into a complete disaster? 




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   The Wallflower, Dok Mi has always been the school's ghost student, not literally but because she was invisible to everyone. Although she was an introvert, she was very nice towards everyone, even if people would accidentally bump her and didn't bother saying sorry, she shrugs it off. Dok Mi has never experienced love, jealousy, or real happiness before, until Kyungsoo came and befriended her. 





The Flower Boy, Kyungsoo has been the source of brightnest and happiness among his friends, family, and everyone who surrounds him. His happy aura makes everyone smile, despite him having problems of himself, he still manages to smile, even when things get rough. Now, he has another mission, to make a certain wallflower turn into a beautiful social butterfly. 







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" Some people are scared of speaking, because they're afraid someone might judge the way you speak. Some people are scared of being happy, because they're afraid something bad might happen later. Some people are scared of loving, because they're afraid of getting the hopes up and getting hurt. "  Dok Mi lightly said, shifting her gaze from her cup of Cafe Macchiato, holding on to the sides of the cup and trying to keep her hands warm at the same time, and back to Kyungsoo's face. 

Kyungsoo tried to smile as he tried to understand what Dok Mi meant, " I bet you're one of those people, aren't you? " 

Slowly, Dok Mi nodded and bit her lower lip. Kyungsoo looked at her and waited for her to speak up. " I-I'm sorry if I'm not much of a talker. I bet you're becoming annoyed right now. " 

Kyungsoo managed to chuckle as he took a sip from his coffee. " I don't actually. I find it quite interesting. Say, is it alright if we become friends? I would like to know you better, Dok Mi-ssi. " 




( creadits to R3G1N3 the awesome author-nim who did these two posters <33 go check out her stories too! she's an ugh-mazing writer! <33)


Link to their request shop: click




⊱ Credits 



This story belongs to fanfiction author pandaaabooo. All Right Reserved 2013.

No Printing or Distributing allowed. Do not post anywhere. Do not plagarize. 

Do not download. No form of copying or saving allowed. Do not translate. Please

do not steal any ideas,dialouges, and others that has to do with my story without 

my permisson. Any violations will be reported and immediate action will be taken.


pandaaabooⓜ All Rights Reserved. 2013


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GoDokMiYah #1
Chapter 4: Dawwwwwwwwww
GoDokMiYah #2
Chapter 3: Omigod xD xD
GoDokMiYah #3
Chapter 2: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 흐흐흐 so cute already
GoDokMiYah #4
Chapter 1: Go dok mi!!! Omo xD
Chapter 3: Awww i wish i was her. Kyungsoooo soooo sweet omg T_T
ksantos #6
Chapter 3: kyungsoo's so adorable here heehee
Icedrop #7
Chapter 3: ilovethisomgoddddd!!
Icedrop #8
Chapter 2: done reading as u told me! :))gimme the title ah after i read the lay fic! or else.... :P
Kaismyseoulmate #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^