"Maybe 7:00pm"

If This Ain't Love
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Break time…


All the girls went into a corner to get their bags and wipe out their sweats. I did the same and drank some water. I checked my phone to see if Yuri-unnie’s having a dilemma again. There was 1 new message. I tapped it. It was from Jonghyun.


From: Jonggie :)

What time will you go home?


I replied:

Maybe 7:00pm.


Then Ms. Oh called us out again. Whoo. Tiring.




L’s P.O.V

Done buying chicken and done eating dinner.


All the members let out a satisfying burp. Meanwhile, the managers started to clean up our mess.

“Hyung, need help?” Dongwoo-hyung offered.

“No thanks. You’d only make things messier.” Our manager answered straight-forwardly.

Dongwoo-hyung laughed sheepishly while scratching his head.

“Hyung…” Sungyeol suddenly approached our managers.


“Can we have free time while you’re cleaning up?” He requested.

“Wae? Do you want to go somewhere?”

He nodded. “I want to go buy Iced Americano.”

“That’s all? Not meeting anyone in particular?” Our managers started to tease Sungyeol.

“Aish… come on.” Sungyeol laughed awkwardly. “Not really… I’m just meeting my Iced Americano, that’s all.”

Our managers looked at Sungyeol suspiciously.

“Hyung, you know how in love he is with his Iced Americano. Let him go.” Woohyun-hyung defended Sungyeol.

“Fine. Fine.” Our manager shooed Sungyeol away.

“Yes!” Sungyeol high-fived Woohyun-hyung. “Myungsoo!”

“Oh?” I looked at him.

“Come with me.” He ordered.

“Ya, I want to go with you.” Sungjong blurted out.

“Yeah sure.” Sungyeol answered.

“Me too.” Dongwoo-hyung raised his hand.

“Me three?” Hoya raised his hand too.

“Let’s all go to the Coffee Shop, then.” Sunggyu-hyung suggested.

We all agreed so we started to move and make our way outside of the room.

“Ya!” Our manager called us in the last minute. “Come back after 30 minutes. Maybe 7:00pm.”

“Deh.” We all answered.

“I’m serious, okay?” Our manager warned us. He made an ‘I am watching you’ gesture.

We all nodded then totally made our way to the coffee shop. The weather’s cold again outside. Glad I brought that girl’s scarf with me. I inhaled then exhaled the fresh scent of freedom. Finally, we had our own private happy time. The members seemed to also enjoy the atmosphere. Sungyeol and Woohyun-hyung shared funny jokes which made us laugh.

When we finally entered the Coffee Shop, the familiar and comfy aroma of the coffee welcomed us. We all ordered something hot except for Sungyeol who ordered his favorite. After ordering, we sat on a seat for 7 in the corner. There weren’t much people in the Coffee Shop which made us consider ourselves lucky. After a few minutes of waiting, our order finally arrived.

“Enjoy.” A cute waitress smiled at us then disappeared.

“She’s cute.” Sunggyu-hyung commented when the waitress was gone.

“Cuter than Taeyeon?” Woohyun-hyung teased.

“Uh…” He shook his head then blew his coffee.

We laughed. Sunggyu-hyung has been very fond about Taeyeon-noona lately. He said he likes her voice.

“By the way…” The maknae butted in. “Sunny-noona said that there’s a new trainee.”

“They casted her a week ago, right?” Woohyun-hyung asked for a confirmation.

“Aniyo.” Sungjong shook his head. “She said they just casted her yesterday. I bet the new trainee’s still in the building right now.” He took his coffee and took a careful sip of it.

“Wow.” Hoya amused. “Is she pretty?”

“Beautiful.” Sungjong corrected.

All their mouths flung open.

“The company’s not even planning to give her plastic surgery.” Sungjong added.

“Wow. I wonder where Mr. Lee discovered her.” Sungyeol shared his thought.

“Sunny-noona said it was on a fan sign event.” Sungjong said.

“Really?” Sunggyu-hyung looked at the maknae.

Sungjong nodded.

“Myungsoo recently had a fan sign event, right?” Sungyeol said and all heads turned to me.

I simply nodded. “But Mr. Lee wasn’t there that time.”

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Authornim hope you'll comeback and finish the story :'( miss you so badly! Update please T.T
lyoonl #2
Chapter 23: Me want more myungyoon moment ^o^/ i'm still figuring out what will happen in the next chapter. I hope the next chapter will be a lil bit longer and lil conflict seems more interesting but still myungyoon jjang !! kkk~
Chapter 23: Merry Christmas Authornim!!^^ ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: ^o^ Finally Yoona meet her family again~
ㅡ.ㅡ" I wonder who is it.. Give a hint Authornim ya..
Chapter 21: OMFG MyungYoon so sweet!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Authornim update more!!^^
Cant wait to know who is the new couple.. Fighting!!
Chapter 20: You must be having a hard time.. so I wish you the best in school and I hope you don't get to pressured and stressed out from everything :))
As for a co-author it would depend on who was writing for you. It would be kind of difficult too because us readers are used to your writing style and plot~ It's all up to you I guess ^^
Thank you for updating so much despite your schedule and I'm looking forward to what may come :D <3
yoonxx05 #7
Chapter 20: I don't mind either way :) Frequent updates will be nice but I really like the way you write~
Really appreciate your efforts! :)
yoonda #8
Chapter 19: kyaaa T.T love myungyoon moment 'remember wgm khuntoria' xoxo
wae jessi and taeng ?? :'(
Chapter 19: I personally think it wasn't fast paced because I really want to see the girls as stars sooner than later. Also being a trainee it's realistic that besides training you get to do much else. Anyway to my thoughts on this chapter....
:O The end of this chapter.. I mean what's going to happen to the other girls then ono.. I was hoping that they'd debut as a group but nothing ever happens as it seems in the entertainment industry does it.. And Myungsoo gone for a year? Am I sensing entrance to some JongYoon now that he'll be leaving? Great chapter and 16 was really cute and funny. I loved the twists you put in this chapter and I'm looking forward to how everything resolves :D Good Luck <3<3
Snowyhappy #10
Chapter 19: Kyaa! Myungyoon is so cute. What is gg to happen next? Looking forward to the next chapter.