HaeMin / Accidents Happen!

Imagine Your OTP

Based off prompt 'Imagine Person A grabbing Person B’s hand to lead them to the bedroom for some lovemaking. Person A accidentally runs into a wall and hurts their head. Person B instantly aids them with an ice pack and they spend the night cuddling. Person A occasionally teases Person B with the cold ice pack.'





'I'm busy. Go play with someone else Hae.'

'But I wanna play with you.'

'… Don't pout.'


'I said don't pout!'


'You look terrible when you pout, I hate you,' Sungmin threw down his pen and prodded disgruntedly at Donghae's cheek. 'And you pout horribly, I pout better than you do.'

Donghae groaned. 'No come on don't pout, aw come on hyung. That's not fair!'

Sungmin stuck out his bottom lip in a practised move, blinking his large eyes innocently as he stared at his boyfriend. He waited two seconds for maximum effect before he added just the tiniest wobble to his lip. And then, he whimpered, just a little bit.

Donghae snapped. 'I told you not to do that!' He grabbed Sungmin's wrist and stormed off to a bedroom, whichever room, he didn't really care at this point. He just wanted to stake his claim on Sungmin and wipe that smug look off his face. Sungmin laughed delightedly and allowed himself to be pulled along, teasingly a finger just along the inside of Donghae's wrist.

The annoyed look on Donghae's face was almost worth it and the impatience was written all over his face. Sungmin laughed again.

'Ow !'

Sungmin stared. 'How did you run into the door!'

'You distracted me, it's not my fault! Ow,' Donghae dropped Sungmin's hand and pressed it to the left side of his head, just under his eye.

Before he knew it, Sungmin was back with an ice pack, holding it tenderly to Donghae's face as he cradled his chin. Coaxing Donghae to close his eyes, Sungmin opened the door and guided them into the room. Oh it was his room. He sat Donghae down on his bed and looked down at him, carefully pressing the ice against the redness. Donghae winced and his hand came up to squeeze at Sungmin's arm in the pain.

'You're so silly,' Sungmin whispered fondly. 'And clumsy.'

'I was busy looking at you.'

'That's so cheesy, and unbelievably sweet,' and Sungmin bent down just a little to press a soft kiss to Donghae's lips. 'Feel better?'

'A little.'

Sungmin left the room to exchange the ice pack for a colder one before returning and climbing into bed with Donghae. Cushioning his boyfriend's head, he turned Donghae to face him so he could look at him while pressing the ice pack to his face at the same time.

'I did want to make love to you tonight,' Donghae mentioned in a small voice.

Sungmin laughed, and pressed the ice pack to Donghae's nose teasingly as Donghae squealed. 'I know, love. But let's just cuddle okay?'

'Okay,' Donghae hummed contentedly, pecking Sungmin lovingly. 'I can hold the ice pack myself now hyung.'

'Okay,' Sungmin surrendered it worriedly. 'Let me know if you need it changed okay? Wake me up if you have to.'

'Stop worrying Min, you worry too much.'

'It's not my fault I'm dating a big baby.'

'Back at you, Min.'

'I'm going to kill you when you're not injured anymore.'

'No you're not, you're going to be screaming my name.'

'… I hate you.'

'You love me.'

'Not when you drip cold water down my back, oh my god Hae stop!'

This was going to be a long and cold night, Sungmin wrinkled his nose. Maybe he should suffocate Donghae with a pillow. But then he'd be lonely.

He supposed he could let Donghae have his fun just this once.

After all, he did love him.

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Chapter 1: this drabble was so frickin' loving and adorable, funny where appropriate, and so much like the boys that it warms my heart. this drabble is ageless in its own way. I'm so happy I read this before going to bed. thank you so much for sharing this with us! ♡
Chapter 6: I was expecting a lemon hard and ing good, but I'm satisfied with what I read >//u//<
Me and my insane mind xD
Chapter 3: I think that now I love HaeMin, they are so tender together! and not only that, read Donghae as seme I like 7u7
Kyumin_ninja #4
Chapter 7: cho kyuhyun....!!!!you are so sweeeettttt..!!!!
kyussi #6
Chapter 7: Kyu kyu being so adorable and sweet <3
haemin87 #7
Chapter 3: cute haemin please write more haemin
melygolightly #8
Chapter 7: this is too sweet. eep.
Snarky #9
Chapter 7: I love this chapter ❤
Snarky #10
Chapter 1: Oh so cuteeee!