

Title: Polyalias
Pairing: TaoRis, broken!KaiRis, other minors. 
Rating: R (Will be rated M in later chapters)
Genre: Romance, Tragedy, Angst, 
Length: Unsure as of yet.
SummaryHis voice was void, tinged with a hint of purely adrenaline-fuelled anger, no traces of love or compassion whatsoever—however, JiaHeng heard what he wanted to hear. And what he heard were those words, those same three words that ZiTao would always whisper lovingly to him before he slipped into the world of dreams. Those three words he would let caress the veins leading up his neck, the words he would press into his skin before gently giving his hand a reassuring squeeze or his cheek a gentle kiss before bidding him a good night.



Hi, guys. I already have fics started that I've not even updated or added to or posted a note about but honestly I'm so stuck right now I just want to write a huge story but I'm unsure how and I have a few weeks spare without work so here you are I guess. Apologies for any minor mistakes or huge mistakes even, I don't get my stuff beta'd. I just...write. Yes. I hope you enjoy, though.



"Son, is something wrong?"
"Jiaheng, answer me this instant!"
He wanted to say something, he truly did. He wanted to assure them that all was fine. The thrumming of his head would dissipate soon enough, his lips would solve and quench the dryness covering the inside of his throat and he could continue smiling accordingly and forcing out the answers he knew they would all want to hear, knew they would be pleased with. He wanted to do it all. He wanted to do it perfectly, but the steady dizziness that was gradually creeping in at the corners of his vision was doing what it could to prevent that.
It almost felt as though someone had pressed their hand over his mouth, fingertips pulsing against the skin as they were pushed too harshly, nails embedding themselves into the sensitive flesh of his lips. He couldn't reply, he couldn't do anything spare to look blankly at the floor. 
He couldn't answer them.
Daddy was going to be so mad with him. 


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