The Kiss

The JongHo Kiss and the response.



One Shot

Idea that came from the JongHo Kiss during the JoJo practice.


Taemin half laughed as he saw his boyfriend Minho lean towards Jonghyun with his lips pluckered out but that soon changed to wide eyes and a open mouth. Jonghyun turned and gave him a smooch kiss before shuffling on his bum and singing. Minho blushed bringing his hands to his lips and let out a small laugh, he looked at Taemin who was attempting to sing, his voice weaker than normal the shock of what happened not settling in yet. Minho looked to Key then looked forward and laughed. He then looked to Onew and sat embarrassed as the others sang.

Jonghyun looked at Taemin then looked down and Minho glanced at Taemin seeing the fury in his eyes and looked down also. (My view of what I saw in the video keke)    


After doing the practice for the performance Taemin paced around in the changing rooms. Onew stood nearby not sure what to do; Key didn’t look all that pleased either.

Once Jonghyun stepped inside of the room Taemin pounded over to him letting his small hand clench into a fist and punched him square in the face knocking the older man over.

‘TAEMIN’ Onew shouted.

Taemin fumed as he glared at Jonghyun. ‘What was that for?’ Jonghyun asked wiping at his bloody nose ‘we go on stage tonight-I don’t need a bruised nose’  

Taemin was held back by Onew and he lunged again ‘HE’S MY BOYFRIEND NO-ONE KISSES HIM BUT ME!’

‘You hit me cause of that’ Jonghyun asked. Pinching his nose to stop the bleed.

The door opened and Minho walked in his eyes widened as he saw Jonghyun on the floor and Taemin fighting to get out of Onew’s clutches.

‘What’s going on here?’

Taemin turned to Minho ‘Don’t ‘’what’s going on here’’ me Choi Minho’ He hissed.

The rapper starred ‘What did I do?’

‘You liked it when he kissed you didn’t you - DIDNT YOU!’

Minho shook his head ‘No –No I didn’t Tae you know –it was just a joke it meant nothing –is this why your angry?’

Taemin relaxed a little, he was known for being insecure about his secret relationship with Minho he loved all skin-ship with him but hated anyone else’s. Minho was his and his only.

Taemin managed to get himself from Onew grip and stormed past Minho and out to room.


Key glared at Jonghyun as he groaned at his painful bloody nose in the mirror ‘I hope the make-up stylists can fix this’ He turned to Key ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’

‘You know Taemin has issues –you had to be a idiot didn’t you and kiss Minho, don’t you remember how he acted when Minho kissed that women in that drama he went crazy and locked himself in his bedroom’.

Jonghyun looked down ‘It was just a joke –spare of the moment thing –it didn’t mean anything –I knew that you knew that’

Key placed his hands on his hips ‘Really –because I’m just as angry as Taemin, only I have a better way to punish you than breaking your face’. Jonghyun gulped.


Minho chased after Taemin banging on the toilet door he had locked himself in ‘Taeminnie let me in?’


‘Please let me in so I can hold you’


‘Taemin you know Jonghyun is stupid at times –It was just a silly joke –He wasn’t even a good kisser’ Minho said leaning against the door.

‘Really –not as good as me-right?’

‘Yup you’re the best kisser Taemin no-one will ever be as good as you’

There was a short silence as Minho herd some sniffling. He sighed.

‘But you turned red and you laughed, you liked it’ Taemin said suddenly angry again.

Minho huffed he walked quietly over to the next cubical and stood on the seat to look over into the locked one. He watched as Taemin was looking for Minho feet and shadow at the door floor bottom ‘Minho?’

‘Yes Tae?’

The younger jumped and looked up to see him smiling at him, he glared and grabbed some of the toilet paper folding and scrunching it then throwing it at Minho face. ‘Go away’

‘I’m not going anywhere until you let me hold you’

Taemin folded his arms and kicked the door ‘Why –you think I will forgive you if you hold me?’


‘Well I won’t, because you liked it when Jonghyun kiss-’

‘Taemin I did not like the kiss I was momentarily shocked’ Minho said cutting the boy off. ‘I repeat I did not like it’.

Taemin frowned his eyebrows.

‘I love you Taemin’

The younger huffed but smiled and blushed. After a moment Taemin slowly unlocked the door and walked out Minho jumped from the toilet and then took the Maknae into his arms. Taemin snuggled closer and sighed ‘Promise’

‘I promise you, I love you and I did not like it’

Taemin smiled and leaned as much into Minho as he could, holding him tight. He looked up to the big brown orbs and pluckered his lips for a kiss. Minho smiled and kissed them plump lips. Taemin smiled before saying ‘you wiped you mouth after he kissed you right?’

Minho laughed and nodded ‘Where did you think i was, before i came to the changing room’ It was a lie Minho had actually found some money and was trying to get a chocolate bar from the vending machine but as long as his Taemin was happy then everything would be fine.

‘Good –i don’t want to have had an indirect kiss from Jonghyun cause that means id have kissed Key too. Minho snorted

‘Oh Taeminnie’

He intertwined their fingers as they exited the bathroom, before getting ready to for their night performance. 



(There you go small one shot kinda story i dunno if Minho did the drama before or aftert that video but meh it just a story :P)

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Chapter 1: jonghyun really addicted to kiss since hello baby
he stated that he love skinship
minho might keep teased jonghyun which at the end he able to get revenge by give him a real peck
missing them so much ><
Chapter 2: Yay! You said kinda kiss! Everyone keeps saying they kissed, but they didn' was the most ually frustrated almost kiss I ever did see though ;)
Chapter 1: omg this was to read the Jongtae response :D
Chapter 2: yes! jongtae kiss please? :)))
Iheartyou5 #5
Chapter 2: YESSSSSS! Link too please? :)
Chapter 2: I would love the internet war performance xD
Chapter 2: I have recently watched the jongho kiss vid! I was dumbfounded and very amused at the same time! I love the oneshot! I love minho's expression when jonghyun kissed him! Kyaaa~~~
Mawyna #8
Chapter 2: No.. My shipper heart says aniya..
Yes.. My evil mind keeps on thinking of Key and Minho sweet revenge..
And the rational me say.. Molla..molla..