


Choi Minho is a boy who can consider himself pretty lucky.

He has both of the parents, a circle of close friends, he has athletic skills and scores goals in every match he plays with his team.

But there is one thing that Minho longs a lot, even if it’s just for the asking – and it’s love.

Choi Minho looks at the slender, tall boy standing in front of the locker, fidgeting with the books in his hands. His blond strands cover his eyes and Minho holds a breath when the boy’s slim fingers fix some locks behind the ear.

Minho’s never told anyone, but yes – he is gay. Even if only for that boy.

“Look, look, it’s Mr. Silent there!” one of his friends snorts obnoxiously, pointing at the slim boy whose books land on the floor with a thump when he realizes a group of students is laughing at him. Minho can’t move, even if he wants – his legs are glued to the floor, as well as his eyes to the younger’s pretty face.

The boy quickly collects all the papers from the floor and closes the locker’s door swiftly, glancing at Minho for a while before turning around and striding away hurriedly.

“Looks the boy falls for you!” one of his friends nudges the elbow in between Minho’s ribs with a whistle. Minho just smiles briefly and follows his friends, peeking back towards the locker in hope to see the boy rushing back for something.

Minho is a type of romantic and his thoughts keep flying around the pretty boy and his big, brown eyes. Their lockers aren’t that much away – on the contrary, Minho, with his long legs, can take just a few steps and be next to the boy in a trice.

Nevertheless, Minho never finds the courage to come closer than the distance between their lockers. The boy is always so quick in repacking things from his bag that before Minho can even open his mouth, a sound of metallic clasp reaches his ears and the boy throws him a quick glance with those big doe eyes before scurrying away, as if he’s scared.

A person like Minho shouldn’t be so nervous of a simple conversation – he’s the head of his football team, he never has problems with public presentations. Yet, all he can do is standing stupidly at his locker, staring at the blond boy hurriedly taking care of his books and stepping away quickly.

But one day Minho is lucky enough to find a little notebook on the floor near the boy’s locker. He picks it up and gazes around, but there is no sign of the blond anymore. Minho looks down at it curiously with round eyes, but doesn’t open it. It would be nasty to read it and it will ruin his chance of getting closer to the boy. Though, he takes a quick glimpse at the first page, only to check the name of the boy.

Lee Taemin.

“Hey, that guy Taemin refused today to speak in class, what a chicken…”

Minho tries his best not to look too interested by those words when turning around to glance at the table, where Taemin sits with a friend of his, Minho assumes. He usually sees them together.

Choi’s curiosity is getting more and more alarming. He’s heard that Taemin never talked and preferred to spend time alone. The only person that gets to him is the boy who Taemin is sitting with at the moment, sipping an orange juice and flashing a bright smile to the other.

Never before has Minho fallen so deeply for a person he only knows the name of.

But he will get to know more about the boy.


Taemin turns around surprised and takes a step back when realizing how close Minho is. He studies him carefully with those big eyes and Minho forgets completely why he’s there and what he wants to say. Taemin’s fingers drum nervously on the locker, painted with green and yellow, covered with cute stickers.

“I found it” the older raises the notebook and waves it a little. Just then, Taemin snatches it quickly and throws into the locker carelessly, a blush tinting his cheeks. Minho wants to touch them so badly, because his skin is so clean and porcelain and the hint of red on them makes Taemin look like a doll. Beautiful one, Minho adds in his head.

“Erm… Your name’s Taemin, right?”

Taemin only nods sheepishly, looking into his locker, but not doing anything.

“I’m Minho, I have a locker near you, see?”

Taemin nods again when Minho points at the place where his locker is.

“You really don’t talk much, do you?”

That is when Taemin closes his locker and picks up his bag, passing Minho and hurrying out of the corridor.

Still, Minho counts it as a successful encounter. At least he talked to the boy and got closer to him. That day, Choi couldn’t sleep at night, because all he could see are those rosy cheeks and round, dark eyes.


Week passes and Minho still can’t get to Taemin.

He tries to talk to him when they meet at their lockers, but Taemin never replies, ignoring him and just unpacking his heavy bag with a slight blush on his cheekbones. Minho finds it incredibly adorable and he wants Taemin to know this, but the latter always disappears before Minho can mutter a word.

You can only imagine how happy Minho is when he enters the pitch and spots Taemin on the bench, observing the other players warming up, his lips bowed in an angelic smile.

Minho doesn’t even think twice before sitting next to the boy in hopes to talk to him properly.

“Hello” is the first thing that leaves Minho’s lips and Taemin smiles at him, smiles for the first time directly at Minho and it melts the older’s heart into a puddle. “You like playing football?”

Taemin shakes his head and presses the bag more to his knees when glancing at Minho a bit sheepishly.

“Watching?” Minho guesses again and Taemin nods excitedly, his smile broadening. “I’m playing football too” the other adds almost proudly, to which Taemin looks away, covering his mouth and probably giggling. Minho feels as he could stay on that bench forever, eyeing the boy with a loving smile, watching his slender fingers when he fixes his too-long fringe behind his ears.

“So… Are you into sports?” the first thing that appeared in Minho’s head is rather stupid but he almost desperately tries to keep the ‘conversation’ going. It’s hard to even call it one, more like a monologue of Minho, but the boy enjoys it too much to care.

Taemin opens his bag and searches silently for something. Having pulled out a notebook and pen, he scribbles down something with a tiny smile, then passes it to Minho, shifting on the bench a bit nervously.

“Ah, so you’re dancing?” Minho looks up at the boy with wide, eager eyes. The blond one takes the notebook again and writes down a simple ‘used to’ in bold. Minho wants to ask the boy why he’s not dancing anymore, but his words get stuck in his throat. Taemin had to move closer to him to write in the notebook still held in Minho’s hands and now their faces are so close that all Minho focuses on is a sweet scent of Taemin’s perfumes. Or maybe it’s the scent of Taemin himself.

“You’re really pretty…” Minho mumbles and the other boy whips the notebook from him, writes something down madly, only to tear out the page and squish into a ball later. Minho looks at him in surprise when Taemin throws the paper ball at his face and walks away, squeezing the bag close to his chest.

Minho sits like that, frozen for minutes, trying to proceed what has just happened. And when he finally does, he picks up the ball and unfolds it, chuckling at the hurried, girlish handwriting of ‘moron’.



‘Have a nice day Taemin-ah’ says a note Taemin finds stuck to his locker. He looks around when tearing it off, but doesn’t spot anyone who would stare at him or look suspicious. Having looked down at the post-it again and narrowed his eyes, the boy notices a tiny ‘moron’ in the corner, blushing.

Taemin turns around again but the hallway is slowly emptying itself from the students and Minho is nowhere to be seen.

“Yah, Minnie, that’s ridiculous!” Kibum talks loudly, waving the note Taemin has told him about a few minutes ago. They are walking back home together, like always, when Kibum is pointing at the small letters in the corner of the post-it “Why did he call you a moron?”

Taemin shrugs simply, smile never leaving his lips. He’s not going to lie – his day has been great and his head was focused on the simple note all the time.

“I don’t even know how he looks like, seriously” Kibum scoffs with his face all wrinkled. They walk pass the pitch and Taemin can’t help but look that way while Kibum keeps blabbering about how stupid Minho must be to do something like that.


Kibum turns his head to the source of the voice, getting suspicious when hearing the name of his best friend. Running to them and waving eagerly is an athlete guy, tall and frog-like in Kibum’s opinion.

“You know him?” he peeks at Taemin, who waves rather shyly at Minho, but with a smile plastered to his face. Minho gets closer to the fence and jumps over it, ignoring the shouts from his impatient fellows for him to get back this moment.

Minho has never been smiling this wide in his life.

“Come on, I’m playing now, wanna watch?”

The blond glances at Kibum as if asking for permission.

“Go on, go on” he waves his hand and walks away when Taemin forgets about his existence the next second Minho walks him to the fence. A dancer he was, Taemin doesn’t find it difficult to get pass the fence, then takes a place on the bench where Minho leaves him.

“Watch carefully”

Taemin’s eyes are focused on Minho for the whole game and even if it’s hard for the other to keep his mind on the ball with the boy around, he does his best to play as well as he can. When he gets back to Taemin, panting, but smiling, the younger already has a post-it ready to be placed on Minho’s chest. The player takes it in between his fingers and smiles a toothy smile when looking up, but not seeing Taemin on the bench anymore – he is already jumping above the fence.

Nevertheless, he can catch him later, now having his phone number.



They are sitting on the windowsill of an old, ruining building, their legs dangling outside the window and sounds of pen scratching the paper now echoing around the deserted area. Minho finds the place perfect, because there’s no one who can interrupt (like Kibum, who has kept his eye on Minho since they met) or make comments about Taemin’s silence.

Frankly, Minho loves the silence, because it only assures him that he really fell for the boy – he doesn’t feel uncomfortable when they are silent.

“So… Tell me something I don’t know about you” Minho flashes a bright smile at Taemin, who nods gently with a cute dimples showing in his cheeks. He writes down in his notebook again and passes it to Minho, moving his legs forward to stare at his shoes instead of Minho.

The other boy reads the note, his brow furrowed.

“What mutism is?” his voice is silent because the name looks like some medical term. Taemin sighs and swings his legs, trying to concentrate on them.

After a while spent in silence he takes the notebook once more and writes the answer down, showing it to Minho but not giving him the notebook.

‘I’m afraid to talk’

Minho raises his gaze from the paper to Taemin, who squirms on his place uneasily.

He has never heard of something like that. Does it mean that Taemin will never say a thing? Does that mean that there’s something wrong with his psychical health? Or maybe mental?

The older boy wants to know the answer to all the questions, but Taemin looks so uncomfortable at the moment that Minho doesn’t dare to ask.

“It’s alright, we’re talking by the way, aren’t we?” Minho’s voice is soothing and Taemin’s face brightens a bit when hearing those words.

They are quiet again, but it’s that nice and calm silence, when they just share that strange, beautiful feeling that is between them. Minho seems to be more sure about what it might be, while Taemin is still confused. But he enjoys time spent with Minho, because he is different than everyone – at first, he misconceived him, because he thought he was joking like others. But with time passing by, Taemin has opened for Minho.

Day by day, they are spending more time together, Minho visiting Taemin in his classroom during lunch breaks and they share their food, much to Taemin’s approval, because Minho always brings tasty lunch with himself.

They decide to take advantage of the fact that they are alone in the classroom during the break for lunch and doodle on the blackboard, Taemin drawing some flowers and butterflies rather cutely, while Minho tries to show his strong side, sketching a skull, which resembles-

‘Doll’ Taemin writes under the ‘skull’ and Minho glances at him with his mouth agape.

“What do you mean ‘doll’? It’s a skull!”

Taemin only shakes his head with an innocent smile and colors the butterfly’s wings with yellow chalk. Minho takes the sponge and wipes off the flowers under the said butterfly, making the boy gasp.

And they would spend all the next days this way, lunch breaks in the classroom and evenings in the window of abandoned house, watching the sunset and writing down questions and answers to get to know each other better.



Minho can consider himself a lucky guy.

He is now on cloud nine, with a perfect boy next to him, walking quietly and looking around because Minho decides it’s the right time to take Taemin on a date.

Yet, the younger boy doesn’t know.

And Choi finds himself nervous when Taemin peeks at him at times, smiling shyly as if he feels what’s going to happen. Minho takes his secret love to the park and it’s getting darker (and Minho had to really be patient when Kibum was nagging about Taemin possibly catching a cold if he went out that late) and, romantic he is, Minho realizes how perfect it is this way.

They take a place on swings and Minho can’t take his eyes off Taemin.

He looks incredible with his medium-long hair tied back in a loose ponytail, some strands still falling into his eyes and it’s the most adorable thing in Taemin in Minho’s opinion.

Taemin feels uncomfortable under Minho’s stare and pushes an elbow against his ribcage, smiling shyly.

“It’s nice here, yeah?”

Taemin nods gently when looking around the place excitedly, because they haven’t spent time like that before with Minho. His cheeks go hotter when he thinks of possible reasons. No matter how inexperienced Taemin is, he’s not stupid and also, Kibum has made him to watch enough dramas together to come to realization now that it may be a date.

The first date in Taemin’s life.

Minho runs his hand through his hair and places it back on the knee. Then it lands on his hair again. And back on the thigh.

“I really like you Taemin-ah” he blurts out finally and looks at Taemin a bit afraid because the other avoids eyecontact.

Minho thinks for a brief second that all that he has been working on for those months is now ruined by those simple words, but he doesn’t want to give up. His hand sneaks sheepishly towards Taemin’s, waiting for him to either take it or run away.

And Minho lets out a deep sigh when Taemin takes his hand with shaky fingers and hits Minho on the shoulder with his own.

“I-I like you too…” Taemin mumbles very silently and Minho thinks it must be a beautiful dream because Taemin’s just spoken to him. And it means he trusts him (according to what Kibum said).

Taemin bites on his lower lip deep, playing with Minho’s fingers thoughtfully because he’s still not so comfortable with talking. Minho stands up and wraps his arms around him, to bring him to a loose, yet loving hug.

Now, it is the older’s turn to fall speechless instead of Taemin.



I can't write endings at all :c

Anyway, I hope you like that fluffy oneshot~ ♥

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Chapter 1: Sweetest!
Chapter 1: Sweetest!
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 1: Sooooo cute and sweet!!
Chapter 1: Omg I love it. So simple yet magical;;;; ahhh my sweet 2min <3
Leetaemin2233 #6
Chapter 1: I almost forgot how lovely and cute this one is...
I keep smiling while reading it ^^
Chapter 1: This is so lovely and cute...
I really love it
I'm glad i find this.. :)
mayajay #9
Chapter 1: Awww OMG this is so incredibly cute :) I'm glad to have found this fic :)
Chapter 1: This was so adorable and taemin saying that he likes minho too that was so sweet ^^
Good job with this one shot lovely 2min fluff.<3