Casting the Spell Again

Casting the Spell Again

The sun setting over the nearby river paints the sky into a vast orange horizon which makes the colour of the maple trees even redder. It is a warm afternoon and you are sitting on a bench, enjoying this enticing view. You notice that a few people are passing by and you are a little sad for those people who can’t take a second to stop here and appreciate this scenery. You just love how the sight gives you the feeling of warmth, tenderness and love.
You breathe a deep sigh. Suddenly, this made you remember of a situation years ago…

“Hey! Can we stop here for a while?” You asked as you pulled at the backpack of the person ahead of you. Your class just ended and you and your best pal were walking on your way home.
“Yah! Quit doing that!” Your best pal said as he tries to balance himself from tripping up. He then looked at you with awe. “You’re already tired? We are just two blocks away from school.”
You saw a bench nearby and ran towards it. 
“It is almost five and the sun is setting soon. They say it is so beautiful and this is a good place to spot it.”
“Ah…is that a way to tell me you want to rest? Well, let’s see if it is really true,” he said as he sat beside you.
Your best pal is Jongwoon. You’ve been together since kids and even in 10th grade, you are still classmates. Many would wonder if you were actually related by blood because they would mistakenly say you were siblings. Truly, he treats you like his little sister, though you were the same age. But lately, somewhere deep in your heart says the opposite; a feeling that reveals that you don’t want him to treat you as a sibling or a friend. You want more than that.   
There was silence. There was something that forced you to look at him. You couldn’t help it. As you looked into his eyes, he immediately caught you.
“Umm…is there—?"
“There’s definitely something on your face!” You accidentally blurted out, not really knowing what you were saying.
“What? Dirt?” He innocently asked as he wipes the imaginary dirt off his face.
“Errr…yes! You look so funny with it!" You pretended to see it and wiped it off for him, though his face was perfect anyway. He thanked you and gazed at the sky.
“Look, the sun is setting.”
And it was. The scene was just so fascinating because the colour made the surroundings imitate it. The feeling is just so romantic, especially because Jongwoon was beside you watching it too.
“So…how is it going?”
“How was what?” He replied with a questioning look.
“The training at the talent agency.”
“Oh that…” He looked away and stared at the river. “Omma received a call from them last night and they said I can start next week.”
“Well, that’s great! I’m so happy for you!” The words that came out of your mouth contradict what you really feel and you can’t figure it out. Was it sadness?
Even when you where little, you already knew Jongwoon’s dream was to be a singer and you approved since he had awesome vocal skills. When he auditioned to a singing competition, you were positive that he would win it. He did. To both your and Jongwoon’s surprise, his mum secretly signed him up for a talent agency, only telling him a week ago about it She told him a week ago. He passed the audition easily, impressing the judges with his powerful yet sweet voice.
Yes, you were happy for him because at last, he would finally be moving towards his dream but somehow, you knew once he started his training, you wouldn’t be together all the time or maybe not see him for a long time because he would be bus. That thought alone made you miss him already.
“Jongwoon-ah,” you said, breaking the silence between the two of you. “Will you still hang out with me when you’re famous?”
He chuckled. 
“Whoa, hold it! I haven’t started my training yet.” He patted your head. “Of course I will. Why would you think I won’t?”
“I don’t know, just asking.” You were relieved with his answer. “How long is your training?”
“Four years, I think. Too long, right?”
“Heck yes!” you exclaimed. “Who am I supposed to play video games with? Who will accompany me going home from that stupid school? Who will eat with me at the cafeteria during lunch breaks? Honestly, I don’t know what to do when you’re not around.” 
He looked at you, surprised. You avoided his gaze.
“What I mean is that I’m going to miss you,” you said it shyly. A smile appeared in his lips. 
“Remember when we used to play the ‘let’s pretend to be someone else’ game? Can we play it now?”
You raised an eyebrow. What was he thinking? 
“Aren’t we too old for that?”
“You consider yourself old?” He laughed. “Just go with the flow." He stood in front of you. “Let’s pretend I’m the greatest wizard.”
“How about me? Who am I?”
“For now, just be you.”
You didn’t know what it was about those words but you could feel yourself blushing. Your heart beat furiously in your chest.
“Now, close your eyes - I’m going to cast a spell on you.”
You reluctantly closed your eyes. Seriously, what is he trying to do?
“We’ve been like this since kids; we laugh about silly things, do fun stuff together and go places together. Unfortunately, we have to be apart. This is one of the most difficult things I have to do and to tell you the truth, it hurts. I don’t know what to do without you around either. Four years is definitely long but have faith in me. I will be back and yeah, I’ll look different, but I will still be the Jongwoon you always know. I’ll miss you. Now I’m casting…I’m casting my love to you.”
A quick yet sweet kiss landed on your lips. A thousand bolts of electricity ran through your body. You opened your eyes in astonishment and smiled at you.
“I love you. You will wait for me, right?”
"Of course."


Someone hugs you from behind and a kiss lands on your cheek, snapping you back into reality. You turn and your boyfriend Jongwoon smiles at you.
“Surprised?” he says teasingly, smirking at you as he sits next to you on the bench.
“Of course I am! How did you find me here?”
“I wanted to surprise you with a visit so I went to your apartment, but you weren’t there. I tried calling you but you didn’t pick up, so I guessed you would be here."
"You know me so well," you say, resting your head on his shoulder. He presses a kiss to the top of your head and puts his arm around you.
After his training, the two of you started dating and you’ve been going steady ever since. You smile. He never fails to amaze you. He’s really goofy and weird sometimes, but that’s one of the many things you love about him. Even after being an idol, despite the busy schedules he has, he makes time for you.
He stares blankly at the sky, but you can’t help but see sadness in his eyes. Once, he told you that you are connected emotionally. You believed it. That is why you feel the pain in your chest. What makes it hurt more is that fact that his enlistment day was in just two days. Ever since the company gave him time off to say goodbye to his family and friends, the two of you had spent nearly every day together. You wish time would stop just for a little while so that your moments together would last that little bit longer, but time doesn’t stop for lovers.
“Can we play the game again?” he asked. You smile and nod. He then stands up before taking your hand, pulling to your feet and wrapping his arms around you. You could smell his cologne and it makes you cling to him, not wanting to go without that scent for a minute.
“Letting go this time is so much more difficult now that I can’t imagine a day without you. However, just think of it this way; two years won’t be that long because you’ve waited for me for four years in the past. I love you and I know you love me. I will be back soon,” he hugs you tighter and kisses your forehead. “I promise.”
Tears start to run down your cheeks. You look up at him.
“I will wait for you. I love you, Jongwoon-ah.”
He holds you close again. The wonderful feeling of holding him against the beautiful backdrop of the sunset fills your head with happy thoughts, and deep in your heart, you know the spell was cast again.




A/N: thanks for for publishing my work and correcting it :)

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Chapter 1: Oh my, heartbreaking but sweet. A sequel maybe?