chapter 2

Fun love

Sehun: we should all go to an amusement park
Jay:*kisses Sehun one the cheek* yayyy
Sehun: let's goo
Ari: don't let Channie drive we'll get lost
Chan: heeey that only happened once
Ari: psshh yeah right
Chan: aigooo~
*all get into car*
Sehun: I guess I'm gonna drive
Jay: shot gun!!!
Ari : whateves I like the back
Chan: yay going to da park da amusement park
Ari : hehehehe do u own the amusement park huh
Chan: shuttt uppp don't make fun of my name
Jay: hehe were going to play on a park heheh
Ari: hey only I get to make fun of my derpy
Sehun : u guys are so retarded
Chan: thanks ur very loving
Sehun: ik ik I just love eveyone don't I (sarcasm)

Jay: r weeeee theeereee yet
Chan: why r u whining Jay gosh ur soo annoying
Jay:well I have to peeeeee~

Chan: TMI
Ari: OMG Sehun how far away are we
Sehun: almost there
Jay: YAAYYYYY then I can pee
Sehun: umm ...okay
.....3mins later
Sehun: kids were here
Chan: real funny
Jay: *pulls on door* argh let me out hunni I got to peeEEEeee
Sehun: geez just wait a minute
Jay: OMG IMMA explode
Sehun: there its unlocked
Jay: gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee *runs to bathroom*

Chan :ok she's back, let's go on the big ride
Ari: yahhh the green one that's the fastest and longest
*holds hands and runs to the line to wait*
Jay: yay come on hunni
Sehun: ehh I'm not sure
Chan: aww are u afraid of heights*pats Sehuns head*
Sehun: no....well...maybe.... OKAY I AM
Chan: haha..knew it
Jay: come on let's just try it
Sehun: okay finee~

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shineemadune #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^