
Sunshine Inn
Fo was listening to her iPod while cleaning the house. She had already been working on the house for three hours and in the time had finished the whole upstairs. After spending the first hour outside everyone got bored and went to go to the park leaving her alone at home. Fo finished the kitchen and made her way to the messiest part of the house; the livingroom. She started picking up all the clothes and garbage from the floor so she could sweep up all the dirt. As she was cleaning she was singing along to Breathless by Shayne Ward. She had her music blasted so she didn't here when everyone else came back. They all stood in the hall so they didn't disrupt her. The boys stood in shock 'cause they had never heard her sing before. When it got to the high part of the song Fo stopped singing and just listened to the amazing high quality of the Shayne's voice. After it was over she began to sing the next song that came on which was Monster by Meg and Dia. By then everyone had moved into the kitchen without her noticing. Mace and Avy were moving about making lunch and the boys were still listening to Fo sing. When Fo was finished with the livingroom she walked to the kitchen and her voice abruptly stopped when she noticed everyone was home. "Why did you stop singing?" Tae pouted. "I'm uncomfortable singing in front of most people" Fo answered while trying to avoid looking at the boys. "What this," Jonghyun says while trying to make Fo look at him, "did we finally find your weakness." Fo hit him in the gut and walked around him as he stood holding his abdomen. "Yes, you found my weakness J-Saurus. Be proud of your intelligence in finding out something that you can't use against me because I never sing around you anyways." She calmly walked out of the kitchen and went back to the livingroom. "Why doesn't  she sing in front of people?" Tae asked thoroughly confused. "She doesn't sing in front of others because she doesn't like people and she thinks her voice is horrible" Mace answers with a frown. Tae looked at Mace in shock and then glanced towards the livingroom. "Its the same with Avy!!!" yells Fo from the livingroom, "she's not as horrible as she thinks she is!!" Everyone turned to look at Avy who was blushing from all the attention. "I can't sing" she yelled back to Fo. "Pff" responded Fo. Everyone grabbed their lunches and went to join Fo in the livingroom. When the got there Fo was sitting in the middle of the couch with her headphones on again. When she saw everyone enter the livingroom she turned up her music so she couldn't hear them. From her headphones the song l'Enfant Trouvé by Garou was blasted and she was sitting there with her eyes closed, swaying to the song with a smile on her face. Minho went over and pulled her headphones off. "Can you even sing or understand this song? It sounds like French." Fo grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down to eye level. "Do not," she said threateningly "interrupt me while I'm listening to Garou." Everyone but Avy looked at her in fear as she put the headphones back on and restarted the song. "She loves Garou's voice, so it's best not to stop the voice when it isn't meant to stop" Avy explains to them. Then all of a sudden Fo started to sing to the song while glaring at Minho. She sang the song perfectly due to the fact she listened to it a lot. When the song was finished she have him a defiant glare and then continued listening to music. Tae clapped ecstatically and Key whistled. Onew popped on the TV in order to distract everyone's attention 'cause he noticed it was making Fo uncomfortable. "Look!! The Toy is on!! This is such an awesome movie." Everyone sat down to watch and Fo gave Onew a grateful look. Fo turned off her iPod and sat back to watch the movie. Key sat next to her and leaned into her side. Minho sat on the floor in front of her and leaned against her legs. Jonghyun was sitting on her other side and Mace was sitting next to her. Everyone began laughing and talking through the movie and soon forgot about Fo's singing abilities although Tae began to wonder what Avy sounded like when she sang. 
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Woooohpeasants342 #1
Woooh booooook to read!!
I love this story!!!!